346 research outputs found

    Key strategies to achieve deep decarbonisation of the industry sector : insights from a meta-analysis of recent climate neutrality scenarios for Germany

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    The EU aims to become the first climate neutral continent. To achieve this goal, the industry sector needs to reduce its GHG emissions to net zero or at least close to net zero. This is a particularly challenging task due to the high energy demand especially of primary materials production and the little potential to reduce this energy intensity when switching to other production processes based on electricity or hydrogen. In order to identify robust strategies for achieving a net-zero-compatible industry sector, the paper at hand analyses the transformation of the industry sector as described by a number of recent climate neutrality scenarios for Germany. Apart from overall industry, a focus is set on the sectors of steel, chemicals and cement. The analysed scenarios show very deep GHG emission reductions in industry and they appear to be techno-economically feasible by the mid of the century, without relying on offsets or on shifts from domestic production to imports. The scenarios agree on a suite of core strategies to achieve this, such as direct and indirect electrification, energy efficiency and recycling as well as new technological routes in steel making and cement. The scenarios differ, however, regarding the future mix of electricity, hydrogen and biomass and regarding the future relevance of domestic production of basic chemicals

    Sustainable energy strategy for Iran

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    The book shows that the implementation of a sustainable energy strategy in Iran provides the opportunity for further economic and social development. In this context, the aim of the book is to provide some of the analyses needed to rethink the country’s energy strategy and to grasp the chances. The authors hope to make a contribution to the emerging and rapidly growing discussion on better energy alternatives and the respective opportunities for investment, innovation and modernization. The work presented in the book should provide ideas for such opportunities and create a vision of how this could contribute towards developing a more sustainable, efficient and prosperous future energy system for Iran. The book is based on long-term academic cooperation between Iranian researchers from several universities and the Iranian Energy Association and German researchers from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Büro Ö-quadrat and the University of Osnabrück. The book in hand is an important result of the collaboration. So its publication lends itself to taking stock of these twelve years of continued cooperation.Das Buch "Sustainable Energy Strategy for Iran" zeigt auf, dass die Umsetzung einer nachhaltigen Energiestrategie in Iran die Chance auf wirtschaftliche und soziale Weiterentwicklung bietet. Auf Basis der im Buch durchgeführten Analysen soll es möglich sein, die landesspezifische Energiestrategie zu hinterfragen und mit Blick auf die dargestellten Lösungsvorschläge zu überdenken. Das Buch kann einen Beitrag zur zunehmenden Diskussion über alternative Energien und damit verbundene Möglichkeiten in den Bereichen Investition, Innovation und Modernisierung leisten. Es versucht eine Vision zu entwerfen, wie eine veränderte energiepolitische Strategie zur Entwicklung eines nachhaltigeren, effizienteren und erfolgreichen zukünftigen iranischen Energysystems beitragen kann. Das Buch basiert auf einer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit zwischen iranischen Wissenschaf­tler(inne)n verschiedener Universitäten und der Iranian Energy Association sowie deutschen Wissenschaftler(inne)n vom Wuppertal Institut, dem Büro Ö-quadrat und der Universität Osnabrück. Dieses Buch stellt ein wichtiges Ergebnis und eine Zusammenfassung der Arbeiten der zwölfjährigen Kooperation dar

    Realising long-term transitions towards low carbon societies : impulses from the 8th annual meeting of the International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies

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    In spite of current multiple political crises, global warming will remain a prime issue on the global agenda. The adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 and its quick ratification in 2016 have created a strong momentum for worldwide action against climate change. As global greenhouse gas emissions must decline towards levels close to zero by the middle of the century, the rapid decarbonisation of energy systems is high on the agenda of most countries around the globe. This publication delivers insights into cutting edge research on the necessary transitions towards low carbon societies and by this aims to contribute to international as well as national policymaking. The topics covered in more than 20 concise original articles are among the most important issues for progressing solutions for climate change and sustainable development. The papers discuss recent findings and case studies in the following subject areas: Governance of the necessary long-term transitions in the context of potential known and unknown adverse developments; Policy instruments and strategies that allow for financing the transition to low carbon economies and, at the same time, respond to today's economic and social challenges; Integrated strategies for three of the most important arenas of global decarbonisation: Cities, as much of the change and necessary investment for low carbon societies must take place, be planned, be financed and be built in cities; industry, particularly the energy-intensive processing industries, which are at the core of society's metabolism and are responsible for a large and growing share of global emissions and science as a whole, which must become more solutions-oriented because the transitions needed will rely heavily on research providing solutions for technological as well as societal problems. As a contribution to these great challenges and at the request of the G7 Environment Ministers, the Low Carbon Society Research Network (LCS-RNet) acts as a forum aimed at fostering research and policymaking to jointly achieve decarbonised energy systems in countries around the world. It convenes leading scientists, practitioners and policymakers and aims at supporting governments in proceeding jointly towards the design and implementation of climate-friendly low carbon societies

    Energy efficiency quo vadis? : The role of energy efficiency in a 100 % renewable future

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    Following the decisions of the Paris climate conference at the end of 2015 as well as similar announcements e.g. from the G7 in Elmau (Germany) in the summer of 2015, long-term strategies aiming at (almost) full decarbonisation of the energy systems increasingly move into the focus of climate and energy policy. Deep decarbonisation obviously requires a complete switch of energy supply towards zero GHG emission sources, such as renewable energy. A large number of both global as well as national climate change mitigation scenarios emphasize that energy efficiency will likewise play a key role in achieving deep decarbonization. However, the interdependencies between a transformation of energy supply on the one hand and the role of and prospects for energy efficiency on the other hand are rarely explored in detail. This article explores these interdependencies based on a scenario for Germany that describes a future energy system relying entirely on renewable energy sources. Our analysis emphasizes that generally, considerable energy efficiency improvements on the demand side are required in order to have a realistic chance of transforming the German energy system towards 100 % renewables. Efficiency improvements are especially important if energy demand sectors will continue to require large amounts of liquid and gaseous fuels, as the production of these fuels are associated with considerable energy losses in a 100 % renewables future. Energy efficiency on the supply side will therefore differ considerably depending on how strongly the use of liquid and gaseous fuels in the various demand sectors can be substituted through the direct use of electricity. Apart from a general discussion of the role of energy efficiency in a 100 % renewable future, we also look at the role of and prospects for energy efficiency in each individual demand sector

    Kein Grund zur Panik : Preiseffekte eines beschleunigten Kernenergieausstiegs

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    Mit dem Kernenergieunfall im japanischen Fukushima im März 2011 ist die Diskussion über das Für und Wider der Nutzung der Kernenergie für die Stromerzeugung in Deutschland neu entbrannt. Die Frage nach den Auswirkungen eines beschleunigten Ausstiegs aus der Kernenergienutzung auf die Entwicklung der Strompreise in Deutschland bildete in den vergangenen Monaten einen Schwerpunkt der öffentlichen Diskussion. Allerdings halten nicht alle Aussagen, die hierzu veröffentlicht wurden, einer kritischen Analyse stand, was zum Teil auch an zugrunde liegenden politischen Motiven gelegen haben mag. Eine Untersuchung fundierter Studien und ausgewählter Stellungnahmen zeigt, dass sich die befürchteten kurzfristigen Preiseffekte in ü̈berschaubaren Grenzen halten werden

    Deep decarbonisation pathways for the industrial cluster of the Port of Rotterdam

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    The Port of Rotterdam is an important industrial cluster mainly comprising of oil refining, chemical manufacturing and power and steam generation. In 2015, the area accounted for 18 % of the Netherlands' total CO2 emissions. The Port of Rotterdam Authority is aware that the port's economy is heavily exposed to future global and EU decarbonization policies, as the bulk of its activities focuses on trading, handling, converting and using fossil fuels. Based on a study for the Port Authority, our paper explores possible pathways of how the industrial cluster can keep its strong market position in Europe and still reduce its CO2 emissions by 98 % by 2050. The "Biomass and CCS" scenario assumes that large amounts of biomass can be supplied sustainably and will be used in the port for power generation as well as for feedstock for refineries and the chemical industry. Fischer-Tropsch fuel generation plays an important role in this scenario, allowing the port to become a key cluster for the production of synthetic fuels and feedstocks in Western Europe. The "Closed Carbon Cycle" scenario assumes that renewables-based electricity will be used at the port to supply heat and hydrogen for the synthetic generation of feedstock for the chemical industry. The carbon required for the chemicals will stem from recycled waste. Technologies particularly needed in this scenario are water electrolysis and gasification or pyrolysis to capture carbon from waste, as well as technologies for the production of base chemicals from syngas. The paper compares both scenarios with regard to their respective technological choices and infrastructural changes. The scenarios’ particular opportunities and challenges are also discussed. Using possible future pathways of a major European petrochemical cluster as an example, the paper illustrates options for deep decarbonisation of energy intensive industries in the EU and beyond

    Conceptualisation of the potential renewables pull effect : a result of topic area 3 "scenarios and transformation pathways" of the research project SCI4climate.NRW

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    This report was prepared by the Wuppertal Institute in cooperation with the German Economic Institute as part of the SCI4climate.NRW project. The report aims to shed light on the possible phenomenon that the availability and costs of "green" energy sources may become a relevant location factor for basic materials produced in a climate-neutral manner in the future. For this purpose, we introduce the term "Renewables Pull". We define Renewables Pull as the initially hypothetical phenomenon of a shift of industrial production from one region to another as a result of different marginal costs of renewable energies (or of secondary energy sources or feedstocks based on renewable energies). Shifts in industrial production in the sense of Renewables Pull can in principle be caused by differences in the stringency of climate policies in different countries, as in the case of Carbon Leakage. Unlike Carbon Leakage, however, Renewables Pull can also occur if similarly ambitious climate policies are implemented in different countries. This is because Renewables Pull is primarily determined by differences in the costs and availability of renewable energies. In addition, Renewables Pull can also be triggered by cost reductions of renewable energies and by changing preferences on the demand side towards climate-friendly products. Another important difference to Carbon Leakage is that the Renewables Pull effect does not necessarily counteract climate policy. Similar to Carbon Leakage, it is to be expected that Renewables Pull could become relevant primarily for very energy-intensive products in basic materials industries. In these sectors (e.g. in the steel or chemical industry), there is also the possibility that relocations of specific energy-intensive parts of the production process could trigger domino effects. As a result, large parts of the value chains previously existing in a country or region could also be subjected to an (indirect) Renewables Pull effect. For the federal state of NRW, in which the basic materials industry plays an important role, the possible emergence of Renewables Pull is associated with significant challenges as climate policy in Germany, the EU and also worldwide is expected to become more ambitious in the future. This report aims to enable and initiate a deeper analysis of the potential future developments and challenges associated with the Renewables Pull effect. Thus, in the final chapter of the report, several research questions are formulated that can be answered in the further course of the SCI4climate.NRW project as well as in other research projects

    Decarbonising the energy intensive basic materials industry through electrification : implications for future EU electricity demand

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    The need for deep decarbonisation in the energy intensive basic materials industry is increasingly recognised. In light of the vast future potential for renewable electricity the implications of electrifying the production of basic materials in the European Union is explored in a what-if thought-experiment. Production of steel, cement, glass, lime, petrochemicals, chlorine and ammonia required 125 TW-hours of electricity and 851 TW-hours of fossil fuels for energetic purposes and 671 TW-hours of fossil fuels as feedstock in 2010. The resulting carbon dioxide emissions were equivalent to 9% of total greenhouse gas emissions in EU28. A complete shift of the energy demand as well as the resource base of feedstocks to electricity would result in an electricity demand of 1713 TW-hours about 1200 TW-hours of which would be for producing hydrogen and hydrocarbons for feedstock and energy purposes. With increased material efficiency and some share of bio-based materials and biofuels the electricity demand can be much lower. Our analysis suggest that electrification of basic materials production is technically possible but could have major implications on how the industry and the electric systems interact. It also entails substantial changes in relative prices for electricity and hydrocarbon fuels

    Zur Lage des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Katholischen Theologie

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    ZusammenfassungDas Nell-Breuning-Institut hat im Sommer 2011 die derzeit 20 Fakultäten und 35 nichtfakultären Einrichtungen für Katholische Theologie auf Haushaltsstellen, Qualifikationsarbeiten und voraussichtliche Emeritierungen hin befragt. Gegenüber der vor fünf Jahren durchgeführten Vorgängererhebung sind die Promotionen und Habilitationen um knapp 20% auf durchschnittlich 96 bzw. 18,4 Abschlüsse pro Jahr zurückgegangen. Besonders ausgeprägt ist der Einbruch bei den Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen, deren Anteil an diesen stark rückläufigen Abschlüssen zusätzlich sank. An den staatlichen Fakultäten wurden die Professuren (– 19%) und die haushaltsfinanzierten Mittelbaustellen (– 13%) erheblich reduziert, während sich die Zahl der Professuren an den nicht-fakultären Einrichtungen kaum änderte. Mit massiven Engpässen bei Berufungsverfahren ist in den nächsten Jahren vor allem im Fach Moraltheologie zu rechnen. In der Alten Kirchengeschichte / Patrologie wurden besonders wenige Qualifikationsarbeiten geschrieben.AbstractIn 2011 the German Bishops’ Conference entrusted the Nell-Breuning-Institute (Frankfurt / Main) with a survey of the staff and young academics of the 55 departments teaching Catholic Theology in Germany. In comparison with the results of the last enquiry five years ago there is a decrease in the number of doctoral (»Promotionen«) and postdoctoral lecture qualifications (»Habilitationen«) by almost 20%. Additionally, the faculty staff in public universities has been reduced significantly, whereas it remained almost stable in the other departments. Due to the sharp decline of the numbers of postgraduate students in Patrology and of young academics with postdoctoral qualifications (»Habilitation«) in Moral Theology, these subjects will face massive staff shortages. The decline of the number of young female academics in Theology is disproportionately high.In 2011 the German Bishops’ Conference entrusted the Nell-Breuning-Institute (Frankfurt/Main) with a survey of the staff and young academics of the 55 departments teaching Catholic Theology in Germany. In comparison with the results of the last enquiry five years ago there is a reduction of the number of doctoral (“Promotionen”) and postdoctoral lecture qualifications (“Habilitationen”) of nearly 20%. The faculty staff in public universities was also reduced extensively, whereas it remained almost stable in the other departments. There will be massive problems in Patrology concerning the number of postgraduate students and in Moral Theology concerning the number of young academics with a postdoctoral lecture qualification (“Habilitation”) .The decline of the number of young female academics in Theology is disproportionately high

    Wege zu einer klimaneutralen Industrie

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    Das Ziel der Klimaneutralität bis zum Jahr 2045 stellt nicht zuletzt den Industriesektor vor erhebliche Herausforderungen. Für diesen Sektor werden teilweise sehr unterschiedliche Entwicklungspfade in Richtung Klimaneutralität beschrieben, wie ein Blick in verschiedene aktuelle Szenariostudien zeigt. Dennoch gibt es auch im Industriesektor bestimmte Emissionsminderungsstrategien, die in allen vorliegenden Szenarien als unverzichtbar angesehen werden