819 research outputs found

    Analyse numérique de la topographie et mesure des pentes

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    Cesser de s’alimenter pour contraindre une autoritĂ© : la grĂšve de la faim comme pratique protestataire

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    Cet article est une contribution Ă  l’étude de la grĂšve de la faim comme forme de protestation et pose la question de la dynamique Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans cette forme d’action qui permet Ă  un individu en situation de faiblesse stratĂ©gique d’exercer une force morale en cessant de s’alimenter. AprĂšs avoir rappelĂ© les origines et le dĂ©veloppement de cette pratique protestataire Ă  travers le monde, l’article prĂ©sente la grĂšve de la faim comme une action combinant Ă  la fois la dĂ©nonciation d’une injustice et un appel Ă  la considĂ©ration d’une situation ou d’une parole lĂ©gitime jusque-lĂ  niĂ©e ou ignorĂ©e. Cette seconde dimension est importante Ă  prendre en compte non seulement pour dĂ©crypter les situations qui amĂšnent les individus Ă  recourir Ă  cette forme d’action, mais aussi pour saisir ce qui en fait la force. Par sa demande de rĂ©insertion dans un espace commun d’écoute et de dialogue et en prĂ©sentant l’autoritĂ© incriminĂ©e comme maĂźtre de l’issue de l’action, le grĂ©viste parvient Ă  impliquer cette autoritĂ© dans une Ă©preuve morale que l’opinion publique est amenĂ©e Ă  juger. À partir du cas de la grĂšve des prisonniers rĂ©publicains irlandais de 1981, l’article Ă©tudie les procĂ©dĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©ralement utilisĂ©s par les autoritĂ©s pour contourner cette Ă©preuve et affaiblir la puissance de la grĂšve de la faim.hunger strike, fasting, protest, Irish republicans, consideration, contempt

    RĂšgle monĂ©taire et cible de prĂ©visions d’inflation : Application au cas de la France

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    Par rapport aux autres dispositifs de politique monĂ©taire, la mise en place d’une rĂšgle de cible directe d’inflation prĂ©sente en thĂ©orie de nombreux avantages, essentiellement en termes de crĂ©dibilitĂ©. Mais les multiples problĂšmes opĂ©rationnels soulevĂ©s conduisent Ă  s’interroger en particulier sur le choix des prĂ©visions d’inflation. Une Ă©tude empirique menĂ©e sur donnĂ©es françaises, et sur la pĂ©riode 1978-1997 est rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir de simulations historiques et stochastiques. Elle milite en faveur d’une telle rĂšgle avec des coefficients de rĂ©action modĂ©rĂ©s (compatibles avec une politique monĂ©taire efficace). Elle permet Ă©galement de montrer le degrĂ© de sensibilitĂ© de la performance de cette rĂšgle au choix du mode d’élaboration des prĂ©visions d’inflation.Compared to other strategies of monetary policy, implementing a rule for direct targeting inflation presents many advantages in theory, essentially in terms of credibility. But many operational problems related to such rules lead to question about the choice of inflation forecasts. We realized an empirical study based on historical and stochastic simulations, using french data over the period 1978-1997. We find evidence on such a rule with reaction coefficients that are consistent with efficient monetary policy. We show that the performance of this rule is highly sensitive to the way the inflation forecasts are generated

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Role of the Canonical Wnt/Beta- Catenin Pathway and PPAR Gamma

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is one of the most common adult-onset debilitating neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) which is characterized by a chronic progressive degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons, resulting in muscular atrophy, paralysis and ultimately death. It has been established that in ALS, the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is upregulated. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) generally varies in opposite way compared with the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Several studies carried out on ALS transgenic mice have shown the beneficial effects induced after treatment by PPAR agonists partly due to anti-inflammatory effects induced by PPAR gamma. The coupling between the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and PPAR gamma has led to divide NDs into two classes: NDs in which the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is upregulated whereas PPAR gamma is downregulated (ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and Friedreich’s ataxia); and NDs in which the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway is downregulated while PPAR gamma is upregulated (Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia)

    RĂšgle monĂ©taire et cible de prĂ©visions d’inflation

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    Compared to other strategies of monetary policy, implementing a rule for direct targeting inflation presents many advantages in theory, essentially in terms of credibility. But many operational problems related to such rules lead to question about the choice of inflation forecasts. We realized an empirical study based on historical and stochastic simulations, using french data over the period 1978-1997. We find evidence on such a rule with reaction coefficients that are consistent with efficient monetary policy. We show that the performance of this rule is highly sensitive to the way the inflation forecasts are generated. Par rapport aux autres dispositifs de politique monĂ©taire, la mise en place d’une rĂšgle de cible directe d’inflation prĂ©sente en thĂ©orie de nombreux avantages, essentiellement en termes de crĂ©dibilitĂ©. Mais les multiples problĂšmes opĂ©rationnels soulevĂ©s conduisent Ă  s’interroger en particulier sur le choix des prĂ©visions d’inflation. Une Ă©tude empirique menĂ©e sur donnĂ©es françaises, et sur la pĂ©riode 1978-1997 est rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir de simulations historiques et stochastiques. Elle milite en faveur d’une telle rĂšgle avec des coefficients de rĂ©action modĂ©rĂ©s (compatibles avec une politique monĂ©taire efficace). Elle permet Ă©galement de montrer le degrĂ© de sensibilitĂ© de la performance de cette rĂšgle au choix du mode d’élaboration des prĂ©visions d’inflation.

    PPARs, Cardiovascular Metabolism, and Function: Near- or Far-from-Equilibrium Pathways

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR α, ÎČ/ÎŽ and Îł) play a key role in metabolic regulatory processes and gene regulation of cellular metabolism, particularly in the cardiovascular system. Moreover, PPARs have various extra metabolic roles, in circadian rhythms, inflammation and oxidative stress. In this review, we focus mainly on the effects of PPARs on some thermodynamic processes, which can behave either near equilibrium, or far-from-equilibrium. New functions of PPARs are reported in the arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, a human genetic heart disease. It is now possible to link the genetic desmosomal abnormalitiy to the presence of fat in the right ventricle, partly due to an overexpression of PPARÎł. Moreover, PPARs are directly or indirectly involved in cellular oscillatory processes such as the Wnt-b-catenin pathway, circadian rhythms of arterial blood pressure and cardiac frequency and glycolysis metabolic pathway. Dysfunction of clock genes and PPARÎł may lead to hyperphagia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death, In pathological conditions, regulatory processes of the cardiovascular system may bifurcate towards new states, such as those encountered in hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and heart failure. Numerous of these oscillatory mechanisms, organized in time and space, behave far from equilibrium and are “dissipative structures”

    Dominique Mehl, La bonne parole. Quand les psys plaident dans les médias

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    Aujourd’hui, la parole des psys est devenue incontournable dans les dĂ©bats de sociĂ©tĂ©. Elle a quittĂ© l’espace du cabinet privĂ© pour s’imposer dans l’ensemble des mĂ©dias (radio, presse magazine, tĂ©lĂ©vision...). Ce passage du cabinet privĂ© au champ mĂ©diatique ou, pour reprendre l’expression de Dominique Mehl, « du divan Ă  l’écran », ne se limite pas Ă  l’investissement d’une nouvelle arĂšne mais s’accompagne Ă©galement d’une transformation de cette parole. Longtemps confinĂ©e Ă  la sphĂšre individuel..

    Empirical evaluation of a Q-Learning Algorithm for Model-free Autonomous Soaring

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    Autonomous unpowered flight is a challenge for control and guidance systems: all the energy the aircraft might use during flight has to be harvested directly from the atmosphere. We investigate the design of an algorithm that optimizes the closed-loop control of a glider's bank and sideslip angles, while flying in the lower convective layer of the atmosphere in order to increase its mission endurance. Using a Reinforcement Learning approach, we demonstrate the possibility for real-time adaptation of the glider's behaviour to the time-varying and noisy conditions associated with thermal soaring flight. Our approach is online, data-based and model-free, hence avoids the pitfalls of aerological and aircraft modelling and allow us to deal with uncertainties and non-stationarity. Additionally, we put a particular emphasis on keeping low computational requirements in order to make on-board execution feasible. This article presents the stochastic, time-dependent aerological model used for simulation, together with a standard aircraft model. Then we introduce an adaptation of a Q-learning algorithm and demonstrate its ability to control the aircraft and improve its endurance by exploiting updrafts in non-stationary scenarios
