3 research outputs found

    Development of ranking system for higher education of Ukraine

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    A system of determination of university ranking in Ukraine was developed based on the creation of the corresponding methods adequate to the structure, peculiarities and conditions of the Ukrainian universities functioning. A complex of organizational and program-technical means was proposed for collection of the necessary data and determination of university rankings. For specialists in the field of higher education management, those seeking for higher education and employers.Разработана система определения рейтингов университетов Украины, которая основывается на создании определенной методики, адекватной структуре, особенностям и условиям функционирования отечественной высшей школы. Предложен комплекс организационных и программно-технических средств, который применяется при сборе данных и определении оценок рейтингов университетов для специалистов в области управления высшим образованием, а также желающих получить образование и работодателей.Розроблено систему визначення рейтингів університетів України, яка ґрунтується на створенні відповідної методики, адекватної до структури, особливостей та умов функціонування вітчизняної вищої школи. Запропоновано комплекс організаційних і програмно-технічних засобів, що застосовується при збиранні даних та визначенні оцінок рейтингів університетів для фахівців у галузі управління вищою освітою, а також бажаючих отримати освіту та роботодавців

    Quality of Life Is More Impaired in Patients Seeking Medical Care for Food Allergy

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    <p>Background: Food allergy (FA) affects 2-4% of adults, but only a small percentage visit an outpatient clinic for a thorough evaluation. Methods: A matched case-control study was used to compare health-related quality of life (HRQL) of the Dutch general population that did not seek medical care for their FA with outpatients who did seek medical care. All participants were diagnosed as food allergic (i.e. with a suggestive history and corresponding positive IgE). HRQL was measured using the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire Adult Form (FAQLQ-AF). A food allergy independent measure (FAIM) was used to evaluate the adult's perception of the severity of his/her disease. Results: Total FAQLQ-AF score in individuals who never visited a doctor for their FA was significantly lower than that of patients who sought medical care (2.4 vs. 3.9, p = 0.03), indicating that the former had a better quality of life than patients who did seek medical care. Regarding the different domains of FAQLQ, the score for allergen avoidance and dietary restrictions and the score for emotional impact (El) was significantly higher in the group that sought medical care (p = 0.02 and 0.03, respectively), indicating the importance of these domains. The FAIM score was significantly higher in the group that sought medical care, indicating that they perceived their FA as more severe. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: Patients who seek medical care for their FA have a more impaired HRQL and perceive their FA as more severe. Food avoidance and issues related to the El of FA are key areas of intervention aimed at improving HRQL in patients with FA. (C) 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel</p>