103 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the problem of readiness of future teachers to form environmental picture of preschoolers. The authors define the notions «environmental culture», «environmental education»; draw conclusions about forming of notion «environmental culture» at the stage of preschool childhood and necessity of preparation of future teachers to forming of environmental picture of preschoolers.The analysis of empirical investigation of students' readiness to form environmental picture of preschoolers showed that the students understand the essence of environmental categories, navigate the content and forms of environmental work with the children, mark the necessity of practice in environmental education of preschoolers.The article is intended for public reading and for those who are interested in pedagogical research. 


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    The article deals with the problem of professional development of a psychologist's career in education. The authors of the article clarify the concept of «professional career»; identify the necessary and sufficient organizational and managerial conditions for supporting the professional career of a teacher-psychologist; conclude that the development of auto psychological competence in teachers-psychologists at the stage of professional adaptation is relevant.Analysis of the results of the study showed that young educational psychologists are focused on professional self-development, but they need competent support for their professional career. The authors describe the experience of practical implementation of organizational and managerial conditions for supporting the professional career of a teacher-psychologist, and note the positive dynamics of the participants ' readiness to build a professional career.The article is intended for public reading, as well as for those who are interested in psychological and pedagogical research.


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    With the development of civilization, the environment takes an increasing place in our lives. Analysis of the current state of environmental education of students in the University allows to make a conclusion about the need for a comprehensive approach to the problems of formation of ecological culture of future teachers. One of the directions is the integration of mathematics and ecology. Environmental knowledge can be generated when the study of mathematics through the solution of tasks with environmental content. This article presents mathematical tasks with environmental contents of the different sections of mathematics. Jobs can be used in the process of teaching mathematics students of a direction "Pedagogical education"


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    This article presents the interim results of the monitoring researches in the territory of the state natural reserve Khakassky, conducted in highland cedar forest, in the place of localization of breeding outbreak of secondary stem pest Ips sexdentatus. The changes in the understories of pine plant communities with varying degrees of stand damage by Ips sexdentatus are examined. Changing the level of illumination, reducing the closeness of the crowns of the forest-forming species affects the floristic composition and structure of the herb tier. On the control areas are represented by small grass-pleurocarpous moss and forb-small grass forest without damaged trees. During outbreaks and damage of cedar forests by Ips sexdentatus, a number of changes in the lower tiers of plant communities occur. In low-degraded communities with increasing light increases the number of species of undergrowth and their abundance. In turn, at these sites, we do not notice the rapid development of grasses and representatives of the Poaceae family. In areas with fallen tree parent species increased projective cover of the grass tier. There is a change of dominants. Decreases the abundance of low-growing, shade-loving species. The proportion of light-loving species (high grass) is increasing, in particular, significantly increased projective cover Poaceae, which reaches 10–15% (compared with the control 2–5%).В статье приводятся промежуточные результаты мониторинговых исследований на территории государственного природного заповедника «Хакасский», проводимых в высокогорной кедровой тайге, в месте локализации вспышки размножения вторичного стволового вредителя короеда шестизубчатого. Изучены изменения флористического состава нижних ярусов кедровых лесов на разных стадиях повреждения древостоя короедом шестизубчатым. Изменение уровня освещенности, снижение сомкнутости крон лесообразующей породы влияет на флористический состав и структуру травяно-кустарничкового яруса. На контрольных участках представлены кедровые таежные леса до вспышки размножения короеда шестизубчатого, которые представлены мелкотравными и мелкотравно-зеленомошными сообществами. Во время вспышек и повреждения кедровых лесов короедом шестизубчатым происходит целый ряд изменений нижних ярусов растительных сообществ. В слабодеградированных сообществах при увеличении освещенности увеличивается количество видов подлеска и их обилие. В свою очередь, на этих площадках, мы еще не замечаем бурного развития крупнотравья и представителей семейства Poaceae. На участках с почти полностью выпавшей материнской породой по сравнению с контрольными участками увеличивается проективное покрытие травяного яруса. Происходит смена доминантов. Уменьшается обилие низкорослых, тенелюбивых видов, а доля светолюбивых видов (крупнотравья) увеличивается, особенно сильно увеличивается проективное покрытие злаков, достигающее 10–15% (по сравнению с контролем 2–5%)


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    An important result of the preparation of the future teacher of mathematics is the formed professional competences. The process of formation should be carried out systematically, starting from the first year. While studying at the university, the foundations of modern mathematical knowledge should be laid, the need for professional self-development and self-education should be formed. The purpose of the study: the development of tools that contribute to the formation and development of professional competencies of students, future teachers of mathematics, in the study of mathematical disciplines. The study analyzed the professional competencies of a mathematics teacher, the components of mathematical culture and established their relationship. The competencies that can be formed during the first year of study are defined. Identified the need to convert standard mathematical problems. Based on the research, a technology for creating special complex problems based on standard mathematical problems has been developed. Tasks consist of two parts: subject (mathematical) and professionally-oriented. Tasks can be used to form subject and professional competencies, diagnose their formation. The article presents the requirements for them, types and examples of tasks. The result of the assignments from the point of view of the formation of subject and professional competences is described.


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    The article deals with the problem of value orientations of modern preschoolers. The authors clarify the concepts of «value», «value orientations», define the place of value orientations in the structure of the personality of a preschooler, the role of the teacher in the development of the value system of children.The article describes the empirical study of the value orientations of children of senior preschool age: diagnostic tools are characterized, the procedure of diagnosing is described, and the results are analyzed. The authors indicate the trends in the change of value orientations of children, infer which value orientations are dominate and typical for modern elder preschoolers.The article is intended for public reading and for those who are interested in pedagogical research.

    Wound-healing activity of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel and extract of Bergenia crassifolia on thermal burn simulation

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    The results of a study of the wound healing activity of a composition based on the hydrogel of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride and Bergenia crassifolia extract, under conditions of modeling thermal burns in laboratory animals (rats), are presented. It was found that the composition affects the change in the summary antioxidant and leukocyte activity towards the normalization of these indicators. Morphological analysis of the slices showed that, under the influence of a polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrogel composition and B.crassifolia extract, healing proceeds more intensively than in the control group and is manifested by a smaller thickness of the leukocyte-necrotic scab, accelerated epithelization, and complete closure of the skin defect

    Lyceum coworking as a motivator for students to work together

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    The widespread adoption of the psychology of sustainable development shows that it encourages people to take sustainable actions in their daily lives, as well as how these actions affect their well-being and connection with the environment. This study dedicated to on the importance of a sustainable lifestyle, as well as the thought process underlying our decisions, and how this affects the quality training of future teachers who can be able be responsible not only for their work, but also for the amount of work performed by the whole team. All this is possible only if there are innovative laboratories to stimulate cognitive activity and support the development of the innovative potential of the educational organization itself. Despite the growing attention to the role of coworking in business, there are currently no publications about its organization and functioning within an educational organization. There is no comprehensive understanding of its importance as innovative spaces for the development and maintenance of the innovative space of organizations with the possibility of developing the younger generation. For this reason, the innovative laboratory on the basis of the lyceum (lyceum coworking) is a tool for the formation of motivation for teaching physics, which allows solving problems together in project activities. In particular, the study actualizes the concept of "joint activity" as a necessary component of the functioning of innovation laboratories