233 research outputs found

    Interference Commensurate Oscillations in Q1D Conductors

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    We suggest an analytical theory to describe angular magnetic oscillations recently discovered in quasi-one-dimensional conductor (TMTSF)2PF6 [see Phys. Rev. B, 57, 7423 (1998)] and define the positions of the oscillation minima. The origin of these oscillations is related to interference effects resulting from an interplay of quasi-periodic and periodic ("commensurate") electron trajectories in an inclined magnetic field. We reproduce via calculations existing experimental data and predict some novel effects.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Soliton Wall Superlattice in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor (Per)2Pt(mnt)2

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    We suggest a model to explain the appearance of a high resistance high magnetic field charge-density-wave (CDW) phase, discovered by D. Graf et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 93, 076406 (2004)] in (Per)2Pt(mnt)2. In particular, we show that the Pauli spin-splitting effects improve the nesting properties of a realistic quasi-one-dimensional electron spectrum and, therefore, a high resistance Peierls CDW phase is stabilized in high magnetic fields. In low and very high magnetic fields, a periodic soliton wall superlattice (SWS) phase is found to be a ground state. We suggest experimental studies of the predicted phase transitions between the Peierls and SWS CDW phases in (Per)2Pt(mnt)2 to discover a unique SWS phase.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letters (February 19, 2007

    Interference Effects Due to Commensurate Electron Trajectories and Topological Crossovers in (TMTSF)2ClO4

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    We report angle-dependent magnetoresistance measurements on (TMTSF)2ClO4 that provide strong support for a new macroscopic quantum phenomenon, the interference commensurate (IC) effect, in quasi-one dimensional metals. In addition to observing rich magnetoresistance oscillations, and fitting them with one-electron calculations, we observe a clear demarcation of field-dependent behavior at local resistance minima and maxima (versus field angle). Anticipated by a theoretical treatment of the IC effect in terms of Bragg reflections in the extended Brillouin zone, this behavior results from 1D-2D topological crossovers of electron wave functions as a function of field orientation.Comment: 14 page

    Quantum Limit in a Parallel Magnetic Field in Layered Conductors

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    We show that electron wave functions in a quasi-two-dimensional conductor in a parallel magnetic field are always localized on conducting layers. Wave functions and electron spectrum in a quantum limit, where the "sizes" of quasi-classical electron orbits are of the order of nano-scale distances between the layers, are determined. AC infrared measurements to investigate Fermi surfaces and to test Fermi liquid theory in Q2D organic and high-Tc materials in high magnetic fields, H = 10-45 T, are suggested.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Strong parity mixing in the FFLO superconductivity in systems with coexisting spin and charge fluctuations

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    We study the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state of spin fluctuation mediated pairing, and focus on the effect of coexisting charge fluctuations. We find that (i) consecutive transitions from singlet pairing to FFLO and further to Sz=1S_z=1 triplet pairing can generally take place upon increasing the magnetic field when strong charge fluctuations coexist with spin fluctuations, and (ii) the enhancement of the charge fluctuations lead to a significant increase of the parity mixing in the FFLO state, where the triplet/singlet component ratio in the gap function can be close to unity. We propose that such consecutive pairing state transition and strong parity mixing in the FFLO state may take place in a quasi-one-dimensional organic superconductor (TMTSF)2X_2X.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Magnetic Determination of Hc2H_{c2} under Accurate Alignment in (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4

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    Cantilever magnetometry has been used to measure the upper critical magnetic field Hc2H_{c2} of the quasi-one dimensional molecular organic superconductor (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4. From simultaneous resistivity and torque magnetization experiments conducted under precise field alignment, Hc2H_{c2} at low temperature is shown to reach 5T, nearly twice the Pauli paramagnetic limit imposed on spin singlet superconductors. These results constitute the first thermodynamic evidence for a large Hc2H_{c2} in this system and provide support for spin triplet pairing in this unconventional superconductorComment: Submitted July 1, 2003, Accepted December 9, 2003, Physical Review Letter

    Upper critical field in layered superconductors

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    The theoretical statements about a restoration of a superconductivity at magnetic fields higher than the quasiclassical upper critical field and a reentrance of superconductivity at temperatures Tc(H)Tc(0)T_c(H)\approx T_c(0) in the superconductors with open Fermi surfaces are reinvestigated taking into account a scattering of quasiparticles on the impurities. The system of integral equations for determination of the upper critical field parallel to the conducting planes in a layered conventional and unconventional superconductors with impurities are derived. The Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) values for the "clean" case in the Ginzburg-Landau regime and at any temperature in the "dirty" case are found analytically. The upper limit of the superconductor purity when the upper critical field definately has a finite value is established.Comment: 10 page

    Copper and zinc extraction from underspoil waters using sulfur solution in sodium hydroxide

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    During the passage of atmospheric precipitates through the porous dump body, the products of oxidation of sulfide minerals are dissolved. As a result, underspoil waters with low pH values and a significant amount of dissolved metals are formed. For the most part, all types of the sewage produced by mining and processing enterprises (underspoil, colliery, pit, drainage) are combined before treatment, which leads to the formation of a common water yield with com-plex chemical composition. According to the existing practice, the combined flow is neutralized with lime milk, which leads to irretrievable losses of non-ferrous metals with mud after neutralization. The use of the sulfiding method as part of the tactics of locally autonomous processing makes it possible to obtain the copper and zinc commercial products suitable for further metallurgical processing. Previously, sulphides of biogenic or chemical nature, as well as hydrogen sulphide, have been used in extraction of metals in the form of sulphides. In this study, we have used sulfur solution in sodium hydroxide with a mass ratio of NaOH:S = 1:1 as an alternative to the old reagents. During the study, the sulfur consumption for copper and zinc extraction were determined. The impact of water pH on zinc extraction is shown. The pilot-scale tests have confirmed the results of laboratory studies. Proposed is a flow chart with the following main operations: copper extraction, zinc extraction and the zinc product conditioning. Copper concentrate with a copper content of 32.9% and zinc concentrate with a zinc content of 48% were obtained. In the resulting deposits, copper is in the form of covellite (CuS), and zinc is in the form of sphalerite (ZnS). Through metal extraction was 99.9% for copper and 99.5% for zinc. © 2022, Ore and Metals Publishing house. All rights reserved

    Possible Triplet Electron Pairing and an Anisotropic Spin Susceptibility in Organic Superconductors (TMTSF)_2 X

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    We argue that (TMTSF)_2 PF_6 compound under pressure is likely a triplet superconductor with a vector order parameter d(k) \equiv (d_a(k) \neq 0, d_c(k) = ?, d_{b'}(k) = 0); |d_a(k)| > |d_c(k)|. It corresponds to an anisotropic spin susceptibility at T=0: \chi_{b'} = \chi_0, \chi_a \ll \chi_0, where \chi_0 is its value in a metallic phase. [The spin quantization axis, z, is parallel to a so-called b'-axis]. We show that the suggested order parameter explains why the upper critical field along the b'-axis exceeds all paramagnetic limiting fields, including that for a nonuniform superconducting state, whereas the upper critical field along the a-axis (a \perp b') is limited by the Pauli paramagnetic effects [I. J. Lee, M. J. Naughton, G. M. Danner and P. M. Chaikin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3555 (1997)]. The triplet order parameter is in agreement with the recent Knight shift measurements by I. J. Lee et al. as well as with the early results on a destruction of superconductivity by nonmagnetic impurities and on the absence of the Hebel-Slichter peak in the NMR relaxation rate.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figur

    Physicochemical investigation of anodic processes involved in silver electrowinning in refining technology

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    During silver electrowinning in refining technology, irrespectively of the nature of electrolyte and anode material, an anode deposit is formed due to oxidation of singly charged silver ions to higher degrees of oxidation (+2 and +3) under polarization. Absorption spectra of Ag(II) have been obtained in solutions with various concentrations of silver ions and nitric acid using anodic polarization in combination with electronic absorption spectroscopy; silver ions of high oxidation degrees were found to be unstable in solutions. At anode potentials φa ≥ 1.15-1.22 V, Ag(I) ions in liquid phase are oxidized to Ag(II), which paint the anolyte; their content depends on silver and nitric acid concentrations in the electrolyte. The deposit crystallizes on anode at potential φa ≈ 1.5 V. Chemical analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, and a thermogravimetric study of the anode deposit have made it possible to identify its initial composition as Ag 7O8NO3. The deposit composition varies in time as a result of reduction of highly oxidized silver. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd