49 research outputs found

    Prevalence, Prevention and Treatment of Saddle Sores among Female Competitive Cyclists: A Scoping Review Protocol.

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    Female cyclists are prone to a variety of injuries and illnesses that occur as a result of prolonged contact with a bicycle saddle. Saddle sores are a range of skin ailments on the buttocks, genitals and inner thigh that result from a combination of friction, heat, pressure, moisture and bacteria in the saddle area. Whilst saddle sores are reportedly common, for some cyclists, the condition may cause only mild discomfort. However, for female competitive cyclists, the condition can be an ongoing source of pain and illness affecting participation and performance in the sport. Despite many online sources for health information and products for saddle sores, it is unknown what empirical evidence exists for the prevalence and severity of saddle sores, and for the effectiveness of prevention and treatment methods. This paper outlines the protocol for a scoping review, which aims to describe the empirical evidence for the prevalence, prevention and treatment of saddle sores among female competitive cyclists. Ethics approval has been obtained for this study from Curtin University's Human Research Ethics Committee no: HRE2019-0120. The findings from this study will contribute to the literature for injury in female sport

    “A content analysis of news media coverage of drowning events in Western Australia over two summers, 2014-2016”

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    © 2019 Australian Health Promotion Association Issue addressed: Drowning is a leading cause of death globally. Opportunities to promote drowning prevention in news media may be overlooked for attention-grabbing headlines, imagery and narrative. This study examines news media coverage of fatal drowning events in Western Australia (WA). Methods: Coronial fatal drowning data in WA were extracted for two summer time periods (2014-2016) by date, age, gender, location and description. Corresponding print and online news articles were captured using: (i) Media Alert; (ii) Google News; (iii) Factiva. A content and frame analysis protocol was developed. A qualitative approach was taken to analyse the news angle. A subgroup analysis was undertaken for drowning focused articles. Results: The final sample (n = 50) news articles matched 17 individual drowning events (T1, n = 9; T2, n = 8). Drowning stories rarely appeared on page 1 (n = 2), but were located in the first 2-10 pages (n = 20) (66.6%). In the subanalysis, one-fifth (22%) of the articles employed a news angle relating to community spirit and celebration of life. There were 32 mentions of “who was responsible for the drowning event.” Environmental factors were most cited for “what was responsible” (20.4%). Experts were cited in 66.7% of articles and drowning prevention strategies were mentioned in nine of the 50 articles. Conclusion: Drowning was considered newsworthy; however, not the front page news. Reporting infrequently prioritised drowning prevention or discussed prevention strategies. So what?: Working closely with news outlets to embed drowning prevention messages in news stories during high-risk periods such as summer is an imperative

    Parent Mobile Phone Use in Playgrounds: A Paradox of Convenience

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    Creating social and physical environments that promote good health is a key component of a social determinants approach. For the parents of young children, a smartphone offers opportunities for social networking, photography and multi-tasking. Understanding the relationship between supervision, mobile phone use and injury in the playground setting is essential. This research explored parent mobile device use (MDU), parent-child interaction in the playground, parent attitudes and perceptions towards MDU and strategies used to limit MDU in the playground. A mixed-methods approach collected naturalistic observations of parents of children aged 0-5 (n = 85) and intercept interviews (n = 20) at four metropolitan playgrounds in Perth, Western Australia. Most frequently observed MDU was scrolling (75.5%) and telephone calls (13.9%). Increased duration of MDU resulted in a reduction in supervision, parent-child play and increased child injury potential. The camera function offered the most benefits. Strategies to prevent MDU included turning to silent mode, wearing a watch and environmental cues. MDU was found to contribute to reduced supervision of children, which is a risk factor for injury. This is an emerging area of injury prevention indicating a need for broader strategies addressing the complex interplay between the social determinants and the developmental younger years

    Framing the nanny (state): an analysis of public submissions to a parliamentary inquiry on personal choice and community safety.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine public submissions to a parliamentary inquiry on personal choice and community safety, exploring framing used to support or oppose current public health regulatory approaches. METHODS: Descriptive content analysis summarised the characteristics of electronic submissions. Framing analysis examined submissions according to the devices: problem and causes; principles and values; recommendations; data and evidence; and salience. RESULTS: We categorised one hundred and five (n=105) submissions by source as Individual, Industry, Public Health and Other. Individuals made more than half the submissions. Overarching frames were choice and rights (Individuals); progress and freedom (Industry); protection and responsibility (Public Health). Most submissions opposed current regulations. Cycling, including mandatory helmet legislation, was most cited, with three-quarters of submissions opposing current legislation. CONCLUSIONS: Framing analysis provided insights into policy actor agendas concerning government regulation. We found a high degree of resistance to public health regulation that curtails individual autonomy across various health issues. Investigating the influence of different frames on community perception of public health regulation is warranted. Implications for public health: Action is required to counteract 'nanny state' framing by industry and to problematise community understanding of the 'nanny state' in the context of balancing the public's liberties and the public's health

    Who are the Older Adults Who Drown in Western Australia? A Cluster Analysis Using Coronial Drowning Data.

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    Drowning amongst older people is a growing concern. Exploring demographic and other factors associated with unintentional drowning incidents amongst older adults may assist to identify key target groups and refine prevention strategies. This study sought to examine the heterogeneity of older individuals who have drowned and identify population subgroups in Western Australia (WA). A cluster analysis was used to segment the population by examining coronial data 2001-2018 (n = 93). Analysis identified four groups; 1) ‘men who boat & fish in company’ 2) ‘affluent men with poor health’ 3) ‘non-drinkers who boat and fish’, and 4) ‘older men, who slipped or fell’. Males aged 65-74 years were particularly at-risk while participating in various aquatic activities such as boating, fishing (incl. rock-fishing) and swimming/recreating. This study provided insights into an underserved area and will directly inform the development of new strategies for this target group in WA

    The injury workforce in Western Australia: Findings from a cross-sectional survey

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    Issue addressed: Since 1986, injury prevention and control has been classified as a National Health Priority. However, no reviews into the injury prevention workforce have been conducted in Australia since 2011 and to date; none has focused specifically on the injury prevention and safety promotion sector in Western Australia (WA). This research sought to review the scope of the injury prevention and safety promotion workforce in WA to gain a greater understanding of sector characteristics, work and needs. Methods: An online, cross-sectional survey was conducted between mid-January and mid-March 2018. Participants were required to be: (a) based in WA or have a program running within WA; and (b) working in injury prevention and safety promotion relating to programs, policy or legislation development, implementation and/or evaluation within intentional (eg interpersonal violence, suicide and self-harm) or unintentional injuries (eg transport, poisoning, falls, drowning, burns) or farm, child and community, occupational health and safety, sport and recreation and trauma. Results: The research found that participants were predominantly female (82%), aged 40 years or older (66.1%) and were employed full time (55.6%). The majority of participants worked in falls prevention (38.5%), alcohol and other drugs (38.0%), injury in general (31.8%) and community safety (30.7%). Conclusions: Findings demonstrate significant heterogeneity with a core workforce supported by a range of non-core and indirect actors. Identifying characteristics and needs of the workforce supports coordinated capacity building to implement effective injury prevention and safety promotion initiatives. With this being the first review of the workforce in WA, this article highlights the need to more regularly audit the sector to determine its breadth and composition. So what?: In the light of the recent announcement by the Commonwealth for a new national Injury Prevention Strategy, this study provides timely insights into the injury prevention and safety promotion sector in WA

    Exploring network structure and the role of key stakeholders to understand the obesity prevention system in an Australian metropolitan health service: Study protocol

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    Introduction: Little progress has been made to address the increasing obesity prevalence over the past few decades, and there is growing concern about the far-reaching consequences for health and well-being related to obesity on a global scale. Systems thinking is emerging as a suitable approach for obesity prevention, as it allows health researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to systematically synthesise existing data, expose gaps, inform priority setting and identify leverage points in the system. The aim of this study is to trial a systems thinking approach to better understand the local obesity prevention system, and identify gaps and viable opportunities for health promotion activities to strengthen obesity prevention efforts in an Australian metropolitan health service. Methods and analysis: A mixed methods design will be undertaken in a metropolitan health service area in Perth, Western Australia in 2019-2020. A systems inventory audit will be used to identify physical activity, nutrition and overweight/obesity prevention activities taking place in the study area. An organisational network survey will be administered, and a social network analysis undertaken to examine relationships between organisations in the network. The relationships and interactions will compare the level and type of interactions each organisation has within the network. Parameters including density, centrality and betweenness will be computed using UCINET and Netdraw. Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approval has been obtained from the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number HRE2017-0862). Results will be reviewed with members of the advisory group, submitted to relevant journals and presented at relevant conferences to health promotion practitioners and policy-makers. The area health service, as co-producers of the research, will use findings to inform policy and strategy across the study area

    Development of a Systematic Review of Public Health Interventions to Prevent Children Drowning

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    Drowning is the leading cause of death from unintended injury in children globally. Drowning is preventable, and mechanisms exist which can reduce its impact, however the peer-reviewed literature to guide public health interventions is lacking. This paper describes a protocol for a review of drowning prevention interventions for children. Electronic searching will identify relevant peer-reviewed literature describing interventions to prevent child drowning worldwide. Outcome measures will include: drowning rates, water safety behaviour change, knowledge and/or attitude change, water safety policy and legislation, changes to environment and water safety skills. Quality appraisal and data extraction will be independently completed by two researchers using standardised forms recording descriptive and outcome data for each included article. Data analysis and presentation of results will occur after data have been extracted. This review will map the types of interventions being implemented to prevent drowning amongst children and identify gaps within the literature

    Young people\u27s alcohol use in and around water: A scoping review of the literature

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    Issues: The surrounding social and commercial context, including alcohol advertising, heavily influences alcohol consumption. Alcohol use is a major risk factor for both fatal and non-fatal drowning, particularly for young people. Approach: We conducted a scoping review to explore the peer-reviewed literature on the use of alcohol by young people (aged 15–34 years) in the context of aquatic environments. Five electronic academic databases were searched for English-language studies conducted in high-income countries and published in the last 15 years (since 2008). The MetaQAT framework was used to assess methodological quality of included studies. Key Findings: The review included a total of 24 studies, including those addressing the prevalence of and/or risk factors for alcohol use in aquatic environments among young people (n = 13); the epidemiology of alcohol-related unintentional drowning in young people (n = 9); and interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm around water (n = 3). Findings suggest that young people commonly consume alcohol around water, particularly young men. We found multiple influences on this behaviour, including the perception of risk, location of aquatic activity and presence of others, particularly peers. Implications: Understanding the literature addressing alcohol use around water among young people will assist in identifying and setting priorities for drowning prevention, including the need to mitigate the effects of alcohol advertising which promotes drinking in and around water. Conclusion: There is a clear imperative to address the use of alcohol by young people in aquatic environments. These findings have key implications for public health policy, advocacy and practice

    Who Do We Reach? Campaign Evaluation of Find Thirty every dayÂź Using Awareness Profiles in a Western Australian Cohort

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    Mass media campaigns are part of a comprehensive, population-based approach to communicate physical activity behavior change. Campaign awareness is the most frequently reported, short-term comparable measure of campaign effectiveness. Most mass media campaigns report those who were aware with those who are unaware of campaigns. Few campaigns follow awareness in the same respondent, over time, during a mass media campaign to track different patterns of awareness or awareness profiles—“never,” “early,” “late,” or “always”—that may emerge. Using awareness profiles, the authors (a) address any demographic differences between groups and (b) assess changes in physical activity. Find Thirty every day¼ was a populationwide mass media campaign delivered in Western Australia. The cohort comprised 405 participants, who completed periodic telephone interviews over 2 years. Almost one third (30.4%) were “never aware” of the campaign. More than one third recalled the campaign at one or more time points—“early aware.” Ten percent became aware at Time 2 and stayed aware of the campaign across the remaining time. Examining within and across the awareness profiles, only gender was significant. This article provides an approach to profiling awareness, whereby people cycle in and out and few people are “always aware” over a 2-year period. It presents possible implications and considerations for future campaign planners interested in establishing and maintaining campaign awareness with adult populations