660 research outputs found

    Medical Waste Day

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    Increasing use of single use plastic and single use devices has led to a large uptick in medical waste globally. During our research we have found that small changes make a big impact. Some of the biggest differences were made by hospitals by switching to a reusable product or retraining staff on proper techniques. According to this research, educating healthcare professionals and the public about different types of medical waste and its generation has brought forth the most success in reducing medical waste. Instead of directly altering the way medical systems handle their waste, we are reaching those who may begin to foster that change. In order to go about this, we are implementing a medical waste day. Our approach to the development and implementation of a medical waste day required collaborative efforts within our group and the broader community. This was done in 5 steps: finding partners with like minded interests, creating a preliminary survey to assess local need, organizing the event, hosting the event, and evaluating the impact of the event. The goals of this project include: increasing education of medical waste, increasing awareness of the issue, and fostering connections between sustainability organizations and directors of medical equipment and waste at local medical facilities. After hosting the event it is clear there was an increased understanding of issues surrounding medical waste and what individuals can do to help drive Missoula medical waste system towards a more sustainable future


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    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are a group of enzymes shown to rapidly evolve and confer resistance to a number of antibiotics, including beta lactams. Organisms that produce ESBLs pose both threats and challenges in the administration of appropriate agents to treat infections. ESBLs exhibit antibiotic resistance by destructing the antibiotics’ structure and are typically found encoded on bacterial plasmids that can easily be transferred between bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Water environments such as streams can help the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria which can originate from a variety of sources, including wastewater treatment plants, agricultural sources, and residential septic tank systems. An ongoing study is currently looking into the isolation and identification of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae from efferent and afferent water samples obtained from Flat Creek Water Reclamation, located in Hall County, Georgia. In this paper, we carried out enumeration of ESBL-producing bacteria from water samples obtained immediately upstream and downstream from the Flat Creek Water Reclamation facility and compare those samples with quality control performance standards. Surface water samples were obtained and ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from both pre-treated water obtained within Flat Creek Water Reclamation and from downstream water samples, including ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Coliforms were found both upstream and downstream from the water treatment facility

    Contolling and Informational Planned Behavior: Self-Determination Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Self-determination theory (SDT) is a paradigm of human motivation and an approach to personality that focuses on an individual’s psychological needs and how those needs interact with self motivation (Ryan and Deci, 2000). SDT explores the foundation of intrinsic motivation (Deci and Ryan, 1985) which can be applied as marketing theory. Additionally this theory offers the opportunity for comparison and integration with the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Deci and Ryan (1985) published this theory within the same year that Ajzen (1985) published the theory of planned behavior (TPB). While SDT has a predominantly intrinsic focus, TPB maintains a primarily extrinsic focus in the research literature. Leavell’s and Haan’s (2014) paper presented to the Atlantic Marketing Association’s annual conference investigated the potential of intrinsic motivation to extend TPB. As intrinsic motivation is a central focus of SDT, a broader investigation of the relationship between SDT and TPB is warranted. For, a weakness of SDT is the challenge of reducing the theory to a parsimonious equation. TPB does not have this problem as the literature is replete with hierarchical regression models demonstrating how much each antecedent variable within TPB explains the explanation of variance in intention. This paper offers a brief overview of SDT and TPB. Then, it presents an investigation of the value of re-conceptualizing the variables of TPB through the paradigm of SDT. This investigation utilizes the framework presented by Haggar and Chatzisarantis (2005). This investigation reveals applications for marketing researchers and practitioners. Finally, the opportunities for further research are manifold

    "I Just Want to Give Back": The Reintegration of People Sentenced to Life Without Parole

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    In recent years, less than 4 percent of people sentenced to life without parole in California have been released due to changes in state law and executive power. At the time research began, there were only 143 people who fit this description. This report focuses on the historic release of these individuals and examines the positive contributions they have made with their second chances.Using statistical data from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and qualitative data from a series of interviews conducted with individuals formerly sentenced to LWOP in the state of California, this report sheds light on the positive impact these people can have on society. Notably, the interviews were conducted with 110 out of the 143 individuals who had been released, representing approximately 77 percent of the total population. This comprehensive sample reinforces empirical research suggesting that LWOP sentences are unnecessary when it comes to promoting public safety. Moreover, it contends that LWOP sentences are counterproductive to public safety because they deprive communities of the unique and valuable contributions individuals with the sentence can make

    TAM and Place: The Role of Convenience in Technology Acceptance

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    Point Redemption Matters: A Response to Murthi, Steffes, and Rasheed (2011)

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    Motivations in the Fine-Art Market: A Self-Determination Theory Approach

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    Fine-art marketing research experiences friction that other arenas for marketing research do not. The product moved within this arena has subjective value with many drivers that can be difficult to quantify: The motivations of sellers and buyers may be different from what other marketing arenas experience (Marshall and Forrest 2011). The end price of fine art may have no relationship to the cost of inputs relying more on the demand driven by the artist’s reputation (Throsby 1994). Due to such challenges, the Academy has struggled in its contemplation of the marketing concept within this arena. This paper will investigate the marketing concept in the fine-arts arena by deploying self-determination theory (SDT)

    Vegetation and process of the Kootenai National Forest

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    Directing of Mice and Men

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    The work of the playwright is necessarily an interpretation and reflection of his time. The work of the company in a theatrical production is necessarily an interpretation and reflection of the playwright as he is seen through their own time. These works are readily perceived by the audience in the living theatre experiences through the sensory impressions of their eyes and ears. In contrast to that which the audience perceives, the world of the director is unknown. Despite the fact that he is the premier artistic coordinator, his job is completed when the curtain rises, with the spectators viewing the finished product and knowing little of its inception and creation. This thesis will show what goes into and comes out of tho director\u27s analyzing, interpreting, and mounting of a production of John Steinbeck\u27s Of Mice and Men
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