300 research outputs found

    Estimating Trade Policy Models: An Empirical Study of Protection Policy in Turkey

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    This paper has two aims. A specific goal is to examine the determinants of protection policy in Turkey. A second, broader goal is to test the recent insights of the political economy models of trade policy and assess their contribution to the empirical investigation of associations between protection rate and industry characteristics. The paper develops a stylized model that captures the key common results of the new political economy models of trade policy, which show that import penetration and price elasticity of import demand act as weights in the relationship between an industry's protection rate and its political characteristics. We find that adhering to the specific functional form that the theory generates substantially improves the explanatory power of industry characteristics in our econometric work on Turkish data. The results show that protection rate is higher for industries with smaller, less capital-intensive firms and low wage workers. Interestingly, these effects vanish when such firms are publicly owned. These outcomes suggest that the risk-mitigating role of trade barriers is an important factor driving government policy in Turkey. The finding implies that continued move toward openness to international trade require progress in fiscal systems or domestic and international institutions that can deal with the economic insecurities generated by globalization.

    Sale and Lease of Indian Water Rights

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    Sale and Lease of Indian Water Right

    The Trust as a Substitute for a Will

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    Leading Ladies: Women in Southern Politics

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    The following paper presents the issues contributing to the lack of female representation in southern states. Throughout the work, the South is defined as the former eleven states of the Confederacy. Using statistical data from reputable centers and government organizations, personal interviews, and incorporating previous national research on women and politics, findings show that women face unique factors when considering to run for office and even winning political office. The South’s social and political culture, state legislature structure, and lack of state recruitment organizations and PACs specifically for female candidates all compound together to strengthen the probability that women in the South will not run for elective office. However, as southern states experience increasing in-migration, leading to a more educated electorate with a higher per capital income, more women may run for and win political office. Encouraging young women to think of politics as a gender-neutral field, especially through the power of role models, is necessary to increase female representation in the South

    Public Trust as a Constitutional Provision in Montana

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    Public Trust as a Constitutional Provision in Montan

    Water Pollution Control under the Refuse Act of 1899

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    Water Pollution Control under the Refuse Act of 189

    Sale and Lease of Indian Water Rights

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    Sale and Lease of Indian Water Right

    Use of the Trust to Escape the Imposition of Federal Income and Estate Taxes

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    First Right of Recusal

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    First Right of Recusa

    The Use in Montana of the Trust as a Substitute for a Will

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    The Use in Montana of the Trust as a Substitute for a Wil
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