2 research outputs found

    Social Presence And Video Conference In Professional Education

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    This qualitative and exploratory study aims to analyze the use of technology applied to vocational education from the theoretical review of the concept of social presence and the use of videoconference as an effective technological instrument in the consecration of social inclusion and interaction. In the face of worldwide globalization, need for qualification and professionalization of individuals is incorporated, with the modality of Distance Education being seen as an emerging strategy in the search for alternatives for this purpose. Within the results, two categories were listed and analyzed: professional education through videoconferences and social presence in the technological context. It is concluded that vocational education through videoconferences has been employed in order to face the demands of the labor market, qualifying workers and collaborating with the inclusion of those outside the productive process of the social system, with education being one of the main means for the realization of what we refer to as social inclusion. It is believed that cultural changes would be able to achieve a teaching method that should be seen as a social necessity, irrigated by the interaction of the subject through technologies and social presence, penetrating the entire social structure.   &nbsp

    Misoginia em redes sociais: uma forma de viol锚ncia contra mulheres

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    Gender violence is evidenced by gender-based violence, with women being the main victims. Such a phenomenon constitutes physical or psychological violence against any person or group of individuals on the basis of their gender or gender that negatively impacts their social, physical or psychological identity and well-being. (Morera et al, 2016). Historically, there has been a gender differentiation, revealing a hierarchy of man in relation to women. As a result of mobilizations that emerged from the feminist movement, Law No. 11,340 of 2006, Lei Maria da Penha, was implemented, known as an important affirmative action in the Brazilian Legislative. Considered the fruit of a paradigmatic case of attention to Human Rights, it was recognized by the United Nations Development Fund for Women as one of the three most advanced in the world, among ninety laws created on the subject. (BIANCHINI, 2013). Literature and documentary research was carried out, being possible to report and evaluate the knowledge produced in previous research, highlighting concepts, and relevant conclusions.La violencia de g茅nero es evidenciada por actos violentos en funci贸n del g茅nero, siendo las mujeres las mayores v铆ctimas. Tal fen贸meno se constituye en violencia f铆sica o psicol贸gica, ejercida contra cualquier persona o grupo de individuos sobre la base de su sexo o g茅nero que impacta de manera negativa en su identidad y bienestar social, f铆sico o psicol贸gico. (MORERA et al, 2016). Hist贸ricamente, se constata una diferenciaci贸n de g茅nero, revelando una jerarqu铆a del hombre en relaci贸n a la mujer. Fruto de movilizaciones que surgieron a partir del movimiento feminista, se implant贸 la Ley n潞 11.340, de 2006, Ley Maria da Penha, conocida como una importante acci贸n afirmativa en el Legislativo Brasile帽o. Considerada fruto de un paradigm谩tico caso de atenci贸n a los derechos humanos, fue reconocida por el Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer como una de las tres m谩s avanzadas del mundo, entre noventa legislaciones creadas sobre el tema. (BIANCHINI, 2013). Se realiz贸 investigaci贸n bibliogr谩fica y documental, siendo posible reportar y evaluar el conocimiento producido en investigaciones previas, destacando conceptos, y conclusiones relevantes