29 research outputs found

    Structure in the Disk of epsilon Aurigae: Analysis of the ARCES and TripleSpec data obtained during the 2010 eclipse

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    Context: Worldwide interest in the recent eclipse of epsilon Aurigae resulted in the generation of several extensive data sets, including those related to high resolution spectroscopic monitoring. This lead to the discovery, among other things, of the existence of a mass transfer stream, seen notably during third contact. Aims: We explored spectroscopic facets of the mass transfer stream during third contact, using high resolution spectra obtained with the ARCES and TripleSpec instruments at Apache Point Observatory. Methods: One hundred and sixteen epochs of data between 2009 and 2012 were obtained, and equivalent widths and line velocities measured, selected according to reports of these being high versus low eccentricity disk lines. These datasets also enable greater detail to be measured of the mid-eclipse enhancement of the He I 10830A line, and the discovery of the P Cygni shape of the Pa beta line at third contact. Analysis: We found evidence of higher speed material, associated with the mass transfer stream, persisting between third and fourth eclipse contacts. We visualize the disk and stream interaction using SHAPE software, and use CLOUDY software to estimate that the source of the enhanced He I 10830A absorption arises from a region with log n = 10 (/cm3) and temperature of 20,000 K consistent with a mid B type central star. Results and Next Steps: Van Rensbergen binary star evolutionary models are somewhat consistent with the current binary parameters for the case of a 9 plus 8 solar mass initial binary, evolving into a 2.3 and 14.11 solar mass end product after 35 Myr. Prior to the next eclipse, it is possible to make predictions which suggest that continued monitoring will help resolve standing questions about this binary

    Planetary Transits of the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey- Candidate TrES-1b

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    The AAVSO compiled 10,560 CCD observations of the suspected exoplanet transit object TrES-1b covering seven complete transit windows, three windows of partial coverage, and coverage of baseline non-transit periods. Visual inspection of the light curves reveals the presence of slight humps at the egress points of some transits. A boot strap Monte Carlo simulation was applied to the data to confirm that the humps exist to a statistically significant degree. However, it does not rule out systemic effects which will be tested with campaigns in the 2005 observing season

    Revolution postponed? Tracing the development and limitations of open content filmmaking

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    Networked information technologies have brought about extensive changes in the production and distribution of creative cultural work. Inspired by the widespread success of Free-Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS), many proponents of open access advocate reconceptualisation of existing legal protection frameworks in creative works. This paper traces the attempted appropriation of Creative Commons (CC) licences by filmmakers and the consequent formation of an Open Content Filmmaking (OCF) movement. OCF proponents articulated notions of technology-enabled transformation in content creation and distribution, similar to those that inspire the visions of FLOSS and CC advocates. It examines how these creators attempted to address the relevance of openness to their own activities and develop practical open models for filmmaking. Difficulties experienced in establishing viable livelihoods with OCF (as FLOSS developers had done), created tensions between those with a pragmatic or more ideological orientation. The initial vision of a consistent OCF movement, enabled by CC, thus became fragmented. In contrast to FLOSS, where many actors were able to find ways to develop sustainable careers within the industry while contributing to Open Source Software, such generic strategies have not readily emerged for OCF. Drawing insights from Sørensen’s (1996) Social Learning framework (Learning technology, constructing culture. Sociotechnical change as social learning: University of Trondheim, STS working paper 18/96) in this paper we untangle the elaborate but often messy strategies deployed by Open Content Filmmakers (OCFs) and trace the multiple and often partial ways they have worked out to utilise CC elements and tools in producing, monetising and distributing their films

    The orbit and stellar masses of the archetype colliding-wind binary WR 140

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    We present updated orbital elements for the Wolf-Rayet (WR) binary WR 140 (HD 193793; WC7pd + O5.5fc). The new orbital elements were derived using previously published measurements along with 160 new radial velocity measurements across the 2016 periastron passage of WR 140. Additionally, four new measurements of the orbital astrometry were collected with the CHARA Array. With these measurements, we derive stellar masses of MWR=10.31±0.45M⊙M_{\rm WR} = 10.31\pm0.45 M_\odot and MO=29.27±1.14M⊙M_{\rm O} = 29.27\pm1.14 M_{\odot}. We also include a discussion of the evolutionary history of this system from the Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis (BPASS) model grid to show that this WR star likely formed primarily through mass loss in the stellar winds, with only a moderate amount of mass lost or transferred through binary interactions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    The Zwicky Transient Facility Census of the Local Universe. I. Systematic Search for Calcium-rich Gap Transients Reveals Three Related Spectroscopic Subclasses

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    Using the Zwicky Transient Facility alert stream, we are conducting a large spectroscopic campaign to construct a complete, volume-limited sample of transients brighter than 20 mag, and coincident within 100" of galaxies in the Census of the Local Universe catalog. We describe the experiment design and spectroscopic completeness from the first 16 months of operations, which have classified 754 supernovae. We present results from a systematic search for calcium-rich gap transients in the sample of 22 low-luminosity (peak absolute magnitude M > −17), hydrogen-poor events found in the experiment. We report the detection of eight new events, and constrain their volumetric rate to ≳ 15% ± 5% of the SN Ia rate. Combining this sample with 10 previously known events, we find a likely continuum of spectroscopic properties ranging from events with SN Ia–like features (Ca-Ia objects) to those with SN Ib/c–like features (Ca-Ib/c objects) at peak light. Within the Ca-Ib/c events, we find two populations distinguished by their red (g − r ≈ 1.5 mag) or green (g - r ≈ 0.5 mag) colors at the r-band peak, wherein redder events show strong line blanketing features and slower light curves (similar to Ca-Ia objects), weaker He lines, and lower [Ca ii]/[O i] in the nebular phase. We find that all together the spectroscopic continuum, volumetric rates, and striking old environments are consistent with the explosive burning of He shells on low-mass white dwarfs. We suggest that Ca-Ia and red Ca-Ib/c objects arise from the double detonation of He shells, while green Ca-Ib/c objects are consistent with low-efficiency burning scenarios like detonations in low-density shells or deflagrations

    Money, (Co)Production and Power in Digital

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    This article discusses the contribution of critical political economy approaches to digital journalism studies and argues that these offer important correctives to celebratory perspectives. The first part offers a review and critique of influential claims arising from self-styled new studies of convergence culture, media and creative industries. The second part discusses the contribution of critical political economy in examining digital journalism and responding to celebrant claims. The final part reflects on problems of restrictive normativity and other limitations within media political economy perspectives and considers ways in which challenges might be addressed by more synthesising approaches. The paper proposes developing radical pluralist, media systems and comparative analysis, and advocates drawing on strengths in both political economy and culturalist traditions to map and evaluate practices across all sectors of digital journalism