144 research outputs found

    Sea Surface Salinity Retrievals from Aquarius Using Neural Networks

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    Even though the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) retrieved from Aquarius are generally very close to in-situ measurements, the level of similarity varies with the region and with the circumstances of the observations (wind speed, sea surface temperature, etc.). SSS is currently retrieved from the brightness temperatures measured by Aquarius and applying the current theoretical model for the propagation and emission of the natural thermal radiation. In this contribution we consider an alternative retrieval approach based on a Neural Network (NN) with the goal of improving the subsets of Aquarius SSS data that are in poorer agreement within-situ measurements. The subset considered here are the SSS retrieved at latitudes higher than 30 . The output of the NN approach are compared against in-situ measurements using four statistical metrics (correlation coefficient, bias, RMSD and 5% trimmed range). The output of the NN and the nominal Aquarius SSS are compared against SSS values from in-situ measurements and from ocean models. From these comparisons it appears that the output of the NN matches the in-situ measurements better than the nominal Aquarius SSS

    Enhanced Resolution for Aquarius Salinity Retrieval near Land-Water Boundaries

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    A numerical reconstruction of the brightness temperature is examined as a potential way to improve the retrieval of salinity from Aquarius measurements closer to landwater boundaries. A test case using simulated ocean-land scenes suggest promise for the technique

    RFI Statistical Distribution and Missed Detection in Aquarius Radiometer Measurements

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    Aquarius is an microwave active/passive sensor whose main goal is to globally estimate sea surface salinity from space. Two instruments, a radar scatterometer and a radiometer, operate at L-band observing the same surface footprint almost simultaneously. The sensitivity to sea surface salinity (SSS) is given by the radiometer, while the scatterometer measurements provide a correction for sea surface roughness. Although the primary objective is the measurement of SSS, the instrument combination operates continuously, acquiring data over land and sea ice as well. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) can occur in both the radiometer and the scatterometer bands of operation, and for this reason detection and mitigation of RFI was included in the data processing of both active and passive instruments. This paper will focus on the RFI processing for the Aquarius radiometer only and provide an update on the efforts to reduce the amount of missed RFI detection

    Aquarius Active-Passive RFI Environment at L-Band

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    Active/Passive instrument combinations (i.e., radiometer and radar) are being developed at L-band for remote sensing of sea surface salinity and soil moisture. Aquarius is already in orbit and SMAP is planned for launch in the Fall of 2014. Aquarius has provided for the first time a simultaneous look at the Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) environment from space for both active and passive instruments. The RFI environment for the radiometer observations is now reasonably well known and examples from Aquarius are presented in this manuscript that show that RFI is an important consideration for the scatterometer as well. In particular, extensive areas of the USA, Europe and Asia exhibit strong RFI in both the radiometer band at 1.41 GHz and in the band at 1.26 GHz employed by the Aquarius scatterometer. Furthermore, in areas such as the USA, where RFI at 1.4 GHz is relatively well controlled, RFI in the scatterometer band maybe the limiting consideration for the operation of combination active/passive instruments

    Status of Aquarius/SAC-D

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    Seawater Dielectric Measurements at L-Band with Latest Improvements

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    Recently, the dielectric constant of seawater at L-band was determined by employing a resonant cavity technique. A dielectric model function has been developed based on the measurement data and the model function has been used for retrieving the ocean salinity. The results indicate that additional accuracy is still needed to resolve the bias correlated with sea surface temperature. This paper reports the improvements that have been made recently for the development of a more accurate seawater dielectric model function. The additional measurements for the open ocean will be addressed in the paper

    Aquarius Final Release Product and Full Range Calibration of L-band Radiometers

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    Aquarius final product V5.0 has been released. The dataset includes close to four years of global radiometric measurements at L-band. The mission's objective was to monitor sea surface salinity, but other applications of its data over land and the cryosphere have been developed. For this reason, it is important to have accurate calibration over the full range of antenna temperatures from natural targets. It is also needed in order to combine Aquarius measurements with other L-band sensors. Aquarius calibration is strongly focused on the ocean. We present a research product which is part of the final release and aims at producing an accurate calibration from the low end (celestial sky) to the high end (land and ice) of the brightness temperature scale. We calibrate the Aquarius radiometers using measurements over the Sky and oceans and assess the new calibration using measurements over land

    Localization of L-Band RFI Sources from SMAP Data

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    RFI (Radio-Frequency Interference) in the 1400-1427 MHz band degrades the quality of measurements made by satellite missions such as SMAP (Soil Moisture Active/Passive), Aquarius and SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity). A technique is presented here to estimate the location on the ground of RFI sources using SMAP measurements. The results of this technique have been validated against data derived by other means

    L-Band RFI in Japan

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    In recent years, three instruments have been launched into orbit with the aim of producing global maps of sea surface salinity and soil moisture using the 1400-1427 MHz band: SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP. Although this frequency band is allocated to passive measurements only, RFI (Radio-Frequency Interference) is present in the data of all three missions. On a global scale, the three sensors have observed approximately the same distribution of RFI. Japan is an important exception that has implications for the design of RFI detection algorithms. RFI in Japan is caused by a large number of emitters belonging to the same system (TV receivers) and for this reason some traditional RFI detection strategies detect little to no RFI over Japan. The study of this case has led to an improvement of the approach to detect RFI in Aquarius data

    The Aquarius Salinity Retrieval Algorithm

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    The first part of this presentation gives an overview over the Aquarius salinity retrieval algorithm. The instrument calibration [2] converts Aquarius radiometer counts into antenna temperatures (TA). The salinity retrieval algorithm converts those TA into brightness temperatures (TB) at a flat ocean surface. As a first step, contributions arising from the intrusion of solar, lunar and galactic radiation are subtracted. The antenna pattern correction (APC) removes the effects of cross-polarization contamination and spillover. The Aquarius radiometer measures the 3rd Stokes parameter in addition to vertical (v) and horizontal (h) polarizations, which allows for an easy removal of ionospheric Faraday rotation. The atmospheric absorption at L-band is almost entirely due to molecular oxygen, which can be calculated based on auxiliary input fields from numerical weather prediction models and then successively removed from the TB. The final step in the TA to TB conversion is the correction for the roughness of the sea surface due to wind, which is addressed in more detail in section 3. The TB of the flat ocean surface can now be matched to a salinity value using a surface emission model that is based on a model for the dielectric constant of sea water [3], [4] and an auxiliary field for the sea surface temperature. In the current processing only v-pol TB are used for this last step
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