200 research outputs found


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    Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (SNPs) using Eleusine indica L. Gaertn leaf extract as a reducing agent is reported. SNPs were characterized through UV-Vis spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The SNPs were rod like and spherical in shape with sizes from 3 to 33 nm and an average size of 16.73 nm. Seven bacterial strains were isolated from the vase water, including Bacillus cereus CA1, Alcaligenes faecalis CA2, Micrococcus luteus CA3, Pantoe agglomerans CA4, Pseudomonas aeruginosa CA5, Pseudomonas aeruginosa CA6, and Pantoe agglomerans CA7. Identifications were made according to Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology and Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. The SNPs inhibited the growth of bacteria and exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against different isolated bacteria strains. SEM images showed that the SNPs damaged the cell membranes of bacteria, released plasmic contents, and altered the morphology of the cells. The impact of SNPs on gram-negative bacteria was more severe than on gram-positive bacteria. This study revealed that biosynthesized SNPs from Eleusine indica L. Gaertn leaf extract are potential agents in combating bacterial contamination

    Impact of Strategic Management Accounting on Operating Performance: Research in Public Universities of Vietnam

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    Purpose: The study aims to evaluate the impact of strategic management accounting (SMA) on the operating performance of Vietnamese public universities in terms of autonomy, student size, and number of years of establishment.   Theoretical framework: The paper is based on the theory of strategic management accounting, including the use of strategic management accounting as well as the characteristics of organizations in general and universities in particular.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Survey data were collected from 142 accountants of 102 public higher education institutions, cleaned data, and used regression analysis by SPSS 22 software.   Findings: The results showed that with 07 factors of SMA stands for Strategic Application (AD), Strategic Planning (LKH), Strategic Management Accounting (KT), Financial Measures (TC), Non-Financial Measures (PTC), Reporting strategy (BC), and Strategic Management Decision Making (RQD), there are only 3 factors that have an impact on the performance of quality universities (Application of Strategy, Quality Management Accounting Techniques, and Financial Measures). Considering the control variable, only the degree of autonomy, and the number of students have a positive effect on the impact of quality management accounting information and the performance of universities.   Research, practical & social implications: The results contribute to additional evidence for managers to pay more attention to quality management accounting information, thereby improving the universites' operational performance. In addition, this study complements the literature review documents related to the content of SMA and the impact of using SMA on the performance of universities.   Originality/Value: The study provided an extension on the impact of SMA on the performance of universities as well as the mediating role of the control variable on the relationship between SMA and performance. Research results provide useful references for research on related issues

    Improving the quality of university library services to meet the requirements of basic educational quality accreditation

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    This paper examines the results of quality accreditation of library criteria retrieved from universities (according to the set of standards issued by the Ministry of Education and Training) from 2016 to the present. By studying the limitations of libraries, recommendations from external organizations for quality accreditation and identifying the causes, the authors propose solutions to improve the quality of university library services. Proposed solutions involve the library's initiative in understanding user needs and providing services that meet the needs of learners and stakeholders, carrying out good management of libraries and periodically surveying users to better the quality of library service

    Survey on Vietnamese teachers’ perspectives and perceived support during COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to the educational system worldwide. Besides the measurable economic impacts in the short-term and long-term, there is intangible destruction within educational institutions. In particular, teachers – the most critical intellectual resources of any schools – have to face various types of financial, physical, and mental struggles due to COVID-19. To capture the current context of more than one million Vietnamese teachers during COVID-19, we distributed an e- survey to more than 2,500 randomly selected teachers from two major teacher communities on Facebook from 6th to 11th April 2020. From over 373 responses, we excluded the observations which violated our cross-check questions and retained 294 observations for further analysis. This dataset includes: (i) Demographics of participants; (ii) Teachers' perspectives regarding the operation of teaching activities during the pandemic; (iii) Teachers' received support from their schools, government bodies, other stakeholders such as teacher unions, and parents' associations; and (iv) teachers' evaluation of school readiness toward digital transformation. Further, the dataset was supplemented with an additional question on the teachers' primary source of professional development activities during the pandemic

    Application of HEC-HMS model and satellite precipitation products to restore runoff in Laigiang river basin in Vietnam

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    The Laigiang river basin in the South Central Coast of Vietnam plays an important role in the socio-economic development of Binhdinh Province. In recent decades, the region has experienced commonly flooding in vast areas. This research aims to simulate event-based rainfall-runoff modelling, a historical flood event in December 2016, by applying the HEC-HMS model and rainfall data from CHIRPS. The CHIRPS data is an acceptable potential data input of the hydrology model. These have been confirmed through reliable validation indexes: The peak flood flow rate of 2,542.6 m3/s corresponds to the flood frequency of 5%; NSE with the value at 0.95; R2 coefficient reached 0.87; PBIAS being around 0.45, and PFC being at 0.89. It shows better performance in the rainy season than in the dry season. Inclusive, the CHIRPS rainfall data set and the HEC model could be used for some operational purposes in weather forecasting, especially for flood warnings in river basins in the South Central Coast, Vietnam

    Seed Health and Quality of Rice Seeds Produced by Farmer and Growing in Cho Moi District, An Giang Province, Vietnam

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    This study was conducted at Laboratory in An Giang University; the varieties examined were collected from farmer households in 2018 – they were varieties that the farmer stored for the next crop (Winter-Spring) from Autumn-Winter crop in Cho Moi district, An Giang Province, Vietnam. The research evaluated the quality of seed rice, which is provided and planted by the farmer. As a result, this study showed that almost all of the varieties of seed rice from farmer households indicated the ratio of filled-grain, the germination, and the determination of seedling healthy, which are lower than certified variation. Besides, the samples of seed rice from farmer household have more infected fungal; especially the samples with higher in a filled-grain ratio is less infected by fungi, there were 12 types of seed borne-fungi in rice varieties from the farmer (in Cho Moi district), included: Alternaria padwickii, Rhizoctonia solani, Aspergillus oryzae, Bipolaris oryzae, Cercospora janseana, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium moniliforme, Pyricularia oryzae, Sarocladium oryzae, Tilletia barclayana, Fusarium graminearum, and Ustilaginoidea viren

    chemical constituents from methanolic extract of Garcinia mackeaniana leaves and their antioxidant activity

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    A phytochemical investigation of the methanolic extract of Garcinia mackeaniana leaves led to the isolation, and determination of five secondary metabolites, including one benzophenone 4,3',4'-trihydroxy-2,6-dimethoxybenzophenone (1), two flavone C-glucosides vitexin (2) and its 2''-O-acetyl derivative (3), one biflavone amentoflavone (4), and one mono-phenol methyl protocatechuate (5). The chemical structures of these compounds were characterized by the NMR-spectroscopic method. These isolated compounds were isolated from G. mackeaniana species for the first time. Benzophenone derivative 1 has shown to be associated with a significant IC50 value of 14.97±0.8 µg/mL in the DPPH-antioxidant assay