24 research outputs found

    Glossaire des techniques échographiques médicales

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    Présentation, sous forme d'un glossaire et d'un index lexical de mots-clés, des principes physiques, techniques, d'utilisation de la sémiologie, des applications, de l'historique, des avantages, des inconvénients, des perspectives des différentes techniques échographiques médicales.Presentation, in the form of a glossary and keywords, of the physical, technical and utilization principles, of the semiology, applications, history, advantages and disavantages, of the various medical echographic techniques prospects.RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Addition conjuguée d'organométalliques sur des acétals propargyliques ( application intramoléculaire à l'hétérocyclisation binucléaire)

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    Ce travail dĂ©crit l'utilisation de la rĂ©action intramolĂ©culaire d'addition conjuguĂ©e sur les acĂ©tals propargyliques en synthĂšse d'hĂ©tĂ©rocycles binuclĂ©aires. L'application de cette rĂ©action Ă  partir d'Ă©thers et d'amines propargyliques permet l'accĂšs aux vinylbenzofuranes et furopyridines par voie anionique via une cascade de cyclisation-Ă©limination-isomĂ©risation. La synthĂšse de 3-vinylindoles par cette mĂȘme rĂ©action nĂ©cessite une prĂ© isomĂ©risation de l'alcyne en allĂšne. Les vinylisoquinolĂ©inones et (iso)chromanes, qui ne peuvent ĂȘtre obtenus par lithiation nĂ©cessitent une Ă©tape de cyclisation pallado-catalysĂ©e suivie d'une Ă©limination conjuguĂ©e. Les vinylhĂ©tĂ©rocycles [4.3.0]obtenus ont Ă©tĂ© engagĂ©s dans des cycloadditions [4+2] vis-Ă -vis d'acrylates et ont conduit Ă  la formation d'un seul rĂ©gioisomĂšre avec une stĂ©rĂ©osĂ©lectivitĂ© dĂ©pendante du mode d'activation. Les vinylhĂ©tĂ©rocycles [4.4.0]sont rĂ©actifs vis-Ă -vis de l'anhydride malĂ©ique pour conduire Ă  l'unique cycloadduit endo.This work deals with the intramolecular version of the conjugated addition of organometallic nucleophiles on propargylic ketals leading to binuclear heterocycles. The application of this reaction to propargylic ethers and amines gives access to 3-vinylbenzofurans and furopyridines, thrugh an anionic pathway relying on a cyclisation-elimination-isomerisation cascade. The synthesis of 3-vinylindoles by the same reaction first requires an isomerisation of the alkyne in the corresponding allene. Vinylisoquinolinones and (iso)chromanes, which could not be obtained by lithiation, required a pallado-catalysed cyclisation followed by a conjugated elimination in a separated step. The [4.3.0] vinylheterocycles have been engaged in [4+2] cycloadditions with different acrylates and have led to only one regioisomer with a stereoselectivity which depends on the activation mode. The [4.4.0] vinylheterocycles react with maleic anhydride, leading stereoselectivity to the endo cycloadduct.ROUEN-BU Sciences (764512102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les reprises d échecs de ligamentoplasties du ligament croisé antérieur par la technique de MacIntosh au fascia lata

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    La chirurgie du ligament croisĂ© antĂ©rieur (LCA) est de plus en plus courante avec le dĂ©veloppement des pratiques sportives. ReprĂ©sentant 35000 interventions en France, le taux d Ă©chec est estimĂ© Ă  environ 10%. Les demandes fonctionnelles des patients imposent de rĂ©aliser de plus en plus de reprises de ligamentoplastie du LCA. Si l on peut dĂ©finir un Ă©chec de ligamentoplastie par la persistance d une instabilitĂ©, de raideur et de douleurs, les Ă©tiologies sont multiples. L objectif de notre Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă©tait d analyser la technique de Mac Intosh au fascia lata. Nous avons revu 35 patients qui prĂ©sentaient un Ă©chec de ligamentoplastie du LCA entre 2002 et 2009. Le recul minimum d inclusion Ă©tait de 1 ans. L Ă©valuation des rĂ©sultats est clinique Ă  l aide du score IKDC et radiologique. Le facteur de reprise du sport Ă©tait Ă©galement Ă©valuĂ©. A distance nous avons retrouvĂ© un score IKDC A ou B pour 91% des patients, avec 85% des genoux qui prĂ©sentaient une laxitĂ© classĂ©e A. Le taux de reprises du sport Ă©tait de 74%. Les reprises de ligamentoplastie du LCA par la technique de Mac Intosh au fascia lata donnent des rĂ©sultats fonctionnels intĂ©ressants. Le bon contrĂŽle de la stabilitĂ© rotatoire et la gestion des tunnels osseux prĂ©sentent un intĂ©rĂȘt dans la chirurgie de reprise. Le faible recul nĂ©cessite la poursuite de la surveillance pour analyser l Ă©volution du capital mĂ©niscal et cartilagineux sur des genoux multi opĂ©rĂ©s.PARIS6-Bibl.PitiĂ©-SalpĂȘtrie (751132101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    New approaches to bicylic vinyl heterocycles from propargylic acetals

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    The paper describes further studies on the intramolecular carbolithiation of propargylic acetals with aryllithiums leading to 2-vinylbenzofurans and 3-vinylfuropyridines. Attempts to extend the cascade to [4.4.0] binuclear heterocycles met with limited success. An alternative, two-step entry, to such ring systems has been developed using the palladium-induced cyclization/hydride capture methodology. A new route to isoquinilinones from simple benzamides is also disclosed

    Personality Disorders in Older Adults

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    Inclusion rates of individuals with current Pure MDD, D(m), and D(BP2) seeking treatment for depression who would have met typical eligibility criteria of RCTs for MDD.

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    <p>Inclusion rates of individuals with current Pure MDD, D(m), and D(BP2) seeking treatment for depression who would have met typical eligibility criteria of RCTs for MDD.</p

    Prevalence rates of individuals with current Major Depressive Disorder plus a lifetime history of Subthreshold Hypomania (D(m)) who would have met classical eligibility criteria in clinical trials for MDD.

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    <p>Prevalence rates of individuals with current Major Depressive Disorder plus a lifetime history of Subthreshold Hypomania (D(m)) who would have met classical eligibility criteria in clinical trials for MDD.</p

    Comparisons of Exclusion Rates between Adults with current D(m), Pure MDD, and D(BP2) Seeking Treatment for depression in Typical Clinical Trials of Treatments for DSM-IV MDD by Traditional Eligibility Criteria.

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    a<p>Derived from Zimmerman et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0055448#pone.0055448-Zimmerman1" target="_blank">[29]</a> (method described in the paper).</p>b<p>Includes panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, specific phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder.</p><p>Odds ratios were estimated through logistic regression (df = 1).</p>*<p>p-value <.05; **p-value <.01; ***p-value <.001.</p><p>Abbreviations: MDD = Major Depressive Disorder, D(m) = MDD plus Subthreshold Hypomania, D(BP2) = Bipolar 2 depressive disorder, HAM-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, NESARC = National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, NA = information not available in NESARC.</p><p>Models 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicates that subthreshold hypomania was defined as having respectively at least 1, 2, 3, or 4 lifetime concomitant hypomanic probes screening criterion A or B for hypomania.</p

    Estimated Percentages of Adults with current D(m) and Pure MDD in NESARC Seeking Treatment for depression excluded from Typical Clinical Trials of Treatments for DSM-IV MDD by Traditional Eligibility Criteria.

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    a<p>Derived from Zimmerman et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0055448#pone.0055448-Zimmerman1" target="_blank">[29]</a> (method described in the paper).</p>b<p>Includes panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, specific phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder.</p><p>Percentages are weighted values.</p><p>Abbreviations: MDD = Major Depressive Disorder, D(m) = MDD plus Subthreshold Hypomania, D(BP2) = Bipolar 2 depressive disorder, HAM-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, NESARC = National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, NA = information not available in NESARC.</p><p>Models 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicates that subthreshold hypomania was defined as having respectively at least 1, 2, 3, or 4 lifetime concomitant hypomanic probes screening criterion A or B for hypomania.</p