18 research outputs found

    Comparison between three static mixers for emulsification in turbulent flow

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    This paper deals with comparing performances of three different static mixers in terms of pressure drop generated by both single-phase flow and liquid–liquid flow in turbulent flow regime and in terms of emulsification performances. The three motionless mixers compared are the well-known SMXℱ and SMVℱ and the new version of the SMX called SMXPlusℱ. This experimental study aims at highlighting the influence of the dispersed phase concentration and some of the geometrical parameters such as number of elements and design of the motionless mixer on droplets size distributions characteristics. Finally, experimental results are correlated in terms of Sauter mean diameter as a function of hydrodynamic dimensionless numbers

    Transposition from a batch to a continuous process for microencapsulation by interfacial polycondensation

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    A novel continuous process is proposed and investigated to produce microcapsules by interfacial polycondensation. Polymeric microcapsules are obtained via a two-step process including an initial emulsification of two immiscible fluids in static mixers and a subsequent interfacial polycondensation reaction performed in two different continuous reactors, the Deanhex heat exchanger/reactor or a classical coiledtube. This study is carried out through a step by step approach. A model system involving polyurea as the polymeric membrane and cyclohexane as the encapsulated species is chosen. A semi-batch reaction kinetic study is first performed in order to obtain kinetics data of the polycondensation reaction and to highlight hydrodynamic issues that can happen when running the encapsulation reaction in classical stirred tank. Parameters influencing droplets size obtained when carrying out emulsification in static mixers are then investigated. The hydrodynamic of the Deanhex reactor used is also characterized in terms of mixing time and residence time distribution. To validate the innovative continuous process, the emulsion droplets obtained at the static mixer outlet are encapsulated firstly in the Deanhex reactor and secondly in the coiled-tube. The apparent reaction kinetics and microcapsules characteristics corresponding to different operating conditions are discussed

    PIV measurements in an aerated tank stirred by a down- and up-pumping axial flow impeller

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    Liquid phase hydrodynamics in an aerated tank stirred by a down- and an up-pumping pitched blade turbine have been investigated using Particle Image Velocimetry. The effect of agitator configuration and the gas phase on the mean velocity fields and turbulent quantities in the vessel have been investigated. The global mean gas holdup has also been evaluated for the two pumping conditions. For the gas flow rate used, the presence of gas only slightly alters the liquid flow patterns produced by both the down- and up-pumping configurations and causes a general decrease in the mean liquid velocities. The turbulent kinetic energy in the impeller discharge region was not affected by the presence of gas, but in the bulk of the tank, aeration caused a decrease in this value. Global gas holdup was found to be ~36% greater for the up-pumping impeller and a large amount of gas was found to be entrained by the primary circulation loop

    Turbulent liquid–liquid dispersion in SMV static mixer at high dispersed phase concentration

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of physico-chemical parameters on liquid–liquid dispersion at high dispersed phase concentration in Sulzer SMVℱ mixer. Four different oil-in-water systems involving two different surfactants are used in order to evaluate the effect of interfacial tension, densities and viscosities ratio on mean droplets size diameters. Moreover the influence of the dispersed phase concentration on the pressure drop as well as on the droplet size distribution is investigated. Two different droplets size distribution analysis techniques are used in order to compare the resulting Sauter mean diameters. The comparison between residence time in the mixer and surfactants adsorption kinetics leads to take into account the evolution of the interfacial tension between both phases at short times. Finally experimental results are correlated as a function of dimensionless Reynolds and Weber numbers

    Pressure drop and axial dispersion in industrial millistructured heat exchange reactors

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    Hydrodynamic characterization by means of pressure drop and residence time distribution (RTD)experiments is performed in three millistructured heat exchange reactors: two Corning reactors (further referred to as Corning HP and Corning RT) and a Chart reactor. Pressure drop is measured for different flow rates and fluids. Fanning friction factor is then calculated and its evolution versus Reynolds number is plotted for each reactor, showing the influence of the geometrical characteristics of the reactors on this parameter. From RTD experiments, axial dispersion coefficients that allow calculating PĂ©clet numbers are identified by solving the convection-dispersion equation. The results highlight plug flow behavior of these reactors for the range of flow rates studied. PĂ©clet number in Corning HP remains constant in the range of Reynolds number studied. Its specific pattern is designed to generate mixing structures that allow homogenization of the tracer over the cross-section. It explains the plug flow behaviour of this reactor even at low Reynolds number but generates high pressure drop. PĂ©clet number in Corning RT and Chart ShimTec1 increases with Reynolds number. This evolution is encountered for straight circular pipes in turbulent regime and confirms the pressure drop analysis

    A new numerical method for axial dispersion characterization in microreactors

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    Axial dispersion is a key phenomenon in reactor engineering that can affect yield and selectivity when reactions are carried out. Therefore its characterization is necessary for an adequate modelling of the reactor. The development of compact reactors to fit with process intensification expectations requires the use of characterization methods adapted to small-scale devices. An original method not-frequently used up to now for the estimation of axial dispersion coefficients is presented and applied to millimetric wavy channels. It is based on CFD simulations to calculate velocity and concentration fields from which axial dispersion coefficient can be estimated. This method is used to predict the impact of the wavy channel geometry and of the fluid velocity on axial dispersion in laminar flow regime. The investigated geometrical parameters are the hydraulic diameter (2–4 mm), the cross-sectional aspect ratio defined as the ratio between the channel width and its depth (0.25–1) and the internal curvature radius of the bends (2–3.4 mm). The range of Reynolds number considered is Re = 70–1 600. Axial dispersion coefficient increases with velocity, values range from 2.8 10-4 to 3.2 10-3 m2.s-1. It appears that axial dispersion varies slightly in function of the channel hydraulic diameter. Square wavy channels generate less axial dispersion than rectangular wavy ones. Finally, axial dispersion coefficient increases with the internal curvature radius which shows the positive impact of sharp bends to reduce axial dispersion effect

    Aggregation and breakup of acrylic latex particles inside millimetric scale reactors

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    Aggregation of acrylic latex is investigated inside tubular millireactors working under laminar hydrodynamic conditions. The size distribution and fractal dimension of aggregates are measured using light scattering. Results show that the equilibrium between rupture and aggregation is achieved quickly, allowing the study of cluster size distribution and shape at the aggregation/rupture steady state. Both laminar hydrodynamic conditions and high shear rate are suspected to promote the formation of aggregates with a high fractal dimension, which means that the particles are almost spherical, thereby offering an interesting alternative to conventional batch processes. These results can provide useful information for industries aiming at producing aggregates at specified size and quality

    Flow generated by radial flow impellers: PIV measurements and CFD simulations

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    Particle image velocimetry (PIV) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have been used to investigate the single phase and gas-liquid flow generated by a Scaba SRGT turbine. The key details of the trailing vortices, the turbulent flow around the impeller blades and the accumulation of gas have been studied by using PIV measurements and CFD simulations. Both the experimental and numerical results show that the flow and the trailing vortices are not altered significantly upon gassing. The simulated results are generally in good agreement with the experimental findings. The CFD simulations also show that only small low-pressure regions exist behind the blades of the Scaba turbine compared with the very large lowpressure zones formed by the Rushton turbine. These results enable better understanding of the improved performance of the Scaba turbine for gas-liquid dispersions compared with the Rushton turbine

    Towards the design of an intensified coagulator

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    This study compares the hydrodynamics in three millimeter-scale continuous reactor geometries that can be easily used in laboratories and industries – a straight tube, a coiled tube and a Dean-Hex reactor – via numerical simulations and analyses the data in a way that is specifically relevant to coagulation processes, thereby offering insights for engineers to develop new coagulation reactors. A numerical approach based on Lagrangian particle tracking is presented to better understand the impact of the geometry and flow on properties that influence coagulation. The results show that the Dean-Hex meandering geometry provides narrower residence time and shear rate distributions, as well as higher mean average shear rates and Camp number distribution than the other geometries. This is attributed to the generation of transverse flows and radial mixing in the Dean-Hex reactor and suggests that a faster and more homogenous coagulation can be expected

    Estimation of characteristic coagulation time based on Brownian coagulation theory and stability ratio modeling using electrokinetic measurements

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    Coagulation is a key process particularly in the field of polymer production. Controlling this phenomenon at industrial scale is a significant challenge because it is highly dependent on the operating conditions and the equipment used for the coagulation process. Poor control of coagulation may strongly affect the quality and the reproducibility of the final aggregates. In the objective of facilitating the choice of both adequate operating conditions and suitable devices for coagulation processes, this paper presents a method to estimate characteristic coagulation time of colloidal suspensions as a function of pH, ionic strength and volume fraction of particles. This method is based on Brownian coagulation theory, assuming very small initial particles. The collision efficiency is taken into account by the introduction of a stability ratio. This ratio is calculated using models that have been adjusted using electrokinetic measurements. The developed methodology is then applied to an industrial latex in order to estimate the operating conditions to fully destabilized the latex. Orders of magnitude of characteristic coagulation time are also obtained. Since perfect mixing of the colloidal suspension and the coagulant is necessary to obtain satisfactory aggregate properties, the characteristic coagulation time is compared with the mixing time for different mixing technologies, providing useful information for process design