66 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Approaches for Exploring Students’ Drive in Japanese Studies

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    Japanese Studies undergraduate programs offer students an engaging curriculum that provides a deep understanding of the Japanese language and culture. A degree in Japanese Studies equips students with valuable skills that are relevant in various fields, making it a popular choice worldwide. College students’ motivation is a critical factor in academic success and has been extensively studied in education. The paper aims to review the existing theories related to study motivation, language acquisition, study abroad drives, and motivation, then to consider the approaches and details that we could prioritize for investigating the motivations and drives of students majoring and minoring in Japanese Studies in universities

    Genetic variants of interferon regulatory factor 5 associated with chronic hepatitis B infection

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    Aim: To investigate possible effects of IRF5 polymorphisms in the 3’ UTR region of the IFR5 locus on susceptibility to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and progression of liver diseases among clinically classified Vietnamese patients.Methods: Four IFR5 SNPs (rs13242262A/T, rs77416878C/T, rs10488630A/G, and rs2280714T/C) were genotyped in clinically classified HBV patients [chronic hepatitis B (CHB). n = 99; liver cirrhosis (LC), n = 131; hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), n = 149] and in 242 healthy controls by direct sequencing and TaqMan real-time PCR assays. Results: Comparing patients and controls, no significant association was observed for the four IFR5 variants. However, the alleles rs13242262T and rs10488630G contributed to an increased risk of liver cirrhosis (LC vs CHB: OR = 1.5, 95%CI: 1.1-2.3, adjusted P = 0.04; LC vs CHB: OR = 1.7, 95%CI: 1.1-2.6, adjusted P = 0.019). Haplotype IRF5*TCGT constructed from 4 SNPs was observed frequently in LC compared to CHB patients (OR = 2.1, 95%CI: 1.2-3.3, adjusted P = 0.008). Haplotype IRF5*TCAT occurred rather among CHB patients than in the other HBV patient groups (LC vs CHB: OR = 0.4, 95%CI: 0.2-0.8, adjusted P = 0.03; HCC vs CHB: OR = 0.3, 95%CI: 0.15-0.7, adjusted P = 0.003). The IRF5*TCAT haplotype was also associated with increased levels of ALT, AST and bilirubin. Conclusion: Our study shows that IFR5 variants may contribute as a host factor in determining the pathogenesis in chronic HBV infections

    The Individual and Synergistic Indexes for Assessments of Heavy Metal Contamination in Global Rivers and Risk: a Review

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    This article provides an overview of heavy metal contamination in rivers and assessment methods of their contamination and effects. According to literature, rivers with heavy metal contamination in surface water are mainly found in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean area, while rivers with heavy metal contamination in sediments are mostly found in Europe. The increase in heavy metal contamination in rivers has led to the adoption of individual and synergistic assessment methods. Individual methods are useful in assessing the contamination and effects for a single heavy metal, while synergistic methods assess the combined contamination and effects of several heavy metals present in surface water and sediments. These two approaches have been commonly used together in recent studies to overcome the limitations of each other and provide a more comprehensive assessment. The developments, equations, advantages, limitations, and future perspectives of these methods are discussed in this review. Calculating indexes are simple, easy-to-implement, and effective methods to provide early alerts for the environmental changes and the adverse impacts on ecosystems and human health. However, calculating indexes still have limitations due to the lack of background concentrations of heavy metals in the study area. Therefore, this issue should be addressed to overcome the limitations of these methods in the future. This review provides a useful reference for future studies on heavy metal contamination in global rivers and the assessment methods for heavy metal contamination and effects

    On the Out of Distribution Robustness of Foundation Models in Medical Image Segmentation

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    Constructing a robust model that can effectively generalize to test samples under distribution shifts remains a significant challenge in the field of medical imaging. The foundational models for vision and language, pre-trained on extensive sets of natural image and text data, have emerged as a promising approach. It showcases impressive learning abilities across different tasks with the need for only a limited amount of annotated samples. While numerous techniques have focused on developing better fine-tuning strategies to adapt these models for specific domains, we instead examine their robustness to domain shifts in the medical image segmentation task. To this end, we compare the generalization performance to unseen domains of various pre-trained models after being fine-tuned on the same in-distribution dataset and show that foundation-based models enjoy better robustness than other architectures. From here, we further developed a new Bayesian uncertainty estimation for frozen models and used them as an indicator to characterize the model's performance on out-of-distribution (OOD) data, proving particularly beneficial for real-world applications. Our experiments not only reveal the limitations of current indicators like accuracy on the line or agreement on the line commonly used in natural image applications but also emphasize the promise of the introduced Bayesian uncertainty. Specifically, lower uncertainty predictions usually tend to higher out-of-distribution (OOD) performance.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023, Workshop on robustness of zero/few-shot learning in foundation model

    TextANIMAR: Text-based 3D Animal Fine-Grained Retrieval

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    3D object retrieval is an important yet challenging task, which has drawn more and more attention in recent years. While existing approaches have made strides in addressing this issue, they are often limited to restricted settings such as image and sketch queries, which are often unfriendly interactions for common users. In order to overcome these limitations, this paper presents a novel SHREC challenge track focusing on text-based fine-grained retrieval of 3D animal models. Unlike previous SHREC challenge tracks, the proposed task is considerably more challenging, requiring participants to develop innovative approaches to tackle the problem of text-based retrieval. Despite the increased difficulty, we believe that this task has the potential to drive useful applications in practice and facilitate more intuitive interactions with 3D objects. Five groups participated in our competition, submitting a total of 114 runs. While the results obtained in our competition are satisfactory, we note that the challenges presented by this task are far from being fully solved. As such, we provide insights into potential areas for future research and improvements. We believe that we can help push the boundaries of 3D object retrieval and facilitate more user-friendly interactions via vision-language technologies.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.0573

    An Outbreak of Severe Infections with Community-Acquired MRSA Carrying the Panton-Valentine Leukocidin Following Vaccination

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    Background: Infections with community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) are emerging worldwide. We investigated an outbreak of severe CA-MRSA infections in children following out-patient vaccination. Methods and Findings: We carried out a field investigation after adverse events following immunization (AEFI) were reported. We reviewed the clinical data from all cases. S. aureus recovered from skin infections and from nasal and throat swabs were analyzed by pulse-field gel electrophoresis, multi locus sequence typing, PCR and microarray. In May 2006, nine children presented with AEFI, ranging from fatal toxic shock syndrome, necrotizing soft tissue infection, purulent abscesses, to fever with rash. All had received a vaccination injection in different health centres in one District of Ho Chi Minh City. Eight children had been vaccinated by the same health care worker (HCW). Deficiencies in vaccine quality, storage practices, or preparation and delivery were not found. Infection control practices were insufficient. CA-MRSA was cultured in four children and from nasal and throat swabs from the HCW. Strains from children and HCW were indistinguishable. All carried the Panton-Valentine leukocidine (PVL), the staphylococcal enterotoxin B gene, the gene complex for staphylococcal-cassette-chromosome mec type V, and were sequence type 59. Strain HCM3A is epidemiologically unrelated to a strain of ST59 prevalent in the USA, althoughthey belong to the same lineage. Conclusions. We describe an outbreak of infections with CA-MRSA in children, transmitted by an asymptomatic colonized HCW during immunization injection. Consistent adherence to injection practice guidelines is needed to prevent CA-MRSA transmission in both in- and outpatient settings

    Chemical characterization, source apportionment, and health risk assessment nexus of PM2.5-bound major heavy metals in Bien Hoa city, southern Vietnam

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    Bien Hoa, a city in Dong Nai province of Vietnam, is a populous area and a hotspot for industrial establishments. Dioxins, as residue from the U.S. - Vietnam war, are also a major concern to the city. Remedy of contaminated soil is being conducted in the area. With said situation, it raises the question of the overall air quality in Bien Hoa city. Thus, our research group conducted this work to fill the knowledge gap. The methodology involves the collection of 40 samples of PM2.5, at two sites (urban and industrial zone), from both the rainy (Oct. 15, 2021–Oct. 25, 2021) and the dry (Mar. 15, 2022–Mar. 25, 2022) seasons, to assess the concentration of eleven (11) heavy metals (As, Pb, Mn, Fe, Cd, Cr, Zn, Co, Al, Cu, and Ni). The analysis is performed using an ICP-MS iCAP RQ. The result shows that the concentration of PM2.5 in the dry season is higher (at 80 μg/m3), potentially due to increased moisture content and wet scrubbing, in the rainy season (28.3 μg/m3). The trace of Zn is the most abundant in PM2.5-bond from both seasons. It is caused by the contribution of emissions from road-traffic activities, namely vehicular exhaust, tyre abrasion and degradation of lubricates. The contribution of industrial processes, such as combustion, metallurgical production, biomass incineration and waste treatment also plays a role in high Zn concentration. Out of eleven, six heavy metals (including Pb, As, Cr, Cu, Zn và Cd) have enrichment factor values over 100. Health risk assessment shows that the total cancer risk (TCR) values are all within 10−4 ≤ TCR ≤10−3, which indicates a moderate cancer risk from respiratory exposure in the city