29 research outputs found

    Sensitive Skin: Lessons From Transcriptomic Studies

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    In 2016, a special interest group from the International Forum for the Study of Itch defined sensitive skin (SS) as a syndrome that manifests with the occurrence of unpleasant sensations (stinging, burning, pain, pruritus, and tingling sensations) after stimuli that should not cause a reaction, such as water, cold, heat, or other physical and/or chemical factors. The pathophysiology of sensitive skin is still poorly understood, but the symptoms described suggest inflammation and peripheral innervation. Only two publications have focused on sensitive skin transcriptomics. In the first study, the authors performed a microarray comparison of SS and non-sensitive skin (NSS) samples and showed differences in the expression of numerous genes in SS and NSS samples. Moreover, in the SS samples, two clusters of genes were identified, including upregulated and downregulated genes, compared to NSS samples. These results provide some interesting clues for the understanding of the pathophysiology of SS. The second study compared SS and NSS samples using RNA-seq assays. This method allowed the identification of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and differentially expressed mRNAs and provided a comprehensive profile in subjects with SS. The results showed that a wide range of genes may be involved in the pathogenesis of SS and suggested pathways that could be associated with them. In this paper, we discuss these two studies in detail and show how transcriptomic studies can help understand the pathophysiology of sensitive skin. We call for new transcriptomic studies on larger populations to be conducted before putative pathogenic mechanisms can be detected and analyzed to achieve a better understanding of this complex condition

    Régulation neuro-endocrine de l'hématopoïÚse (rÎle de la Substance P et de son dérivé, la Substance P(1-4), dans la régulation négative de l'érythropoïÚse dans la polyglobulie de Vaquez)

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    Il existe une communication bidirectionnelle entre les systĂšmes nerveux et hĂ©matopoĂŻĂ©tique, mĂ©diĂ©e par des mĂ©canismes complexes impliquant la libĂ©ration de facteurs solubles et la prĂ©sence de rĂ©cepteurs spĂ©cifiques. La substance P (SP), tachykinine de li acides aminĂ©s, est un exemple type de neuropeptide synthĂ©tisĂ© et libĂ©rĂ© dans la moelle osseuse, capable d agir sur l hĂ©matopoĂŻĂšse. Des mĂ©tabolites comme la SP(l-4), issus de la dĂ©gradation de la SP par des peptidases prĂ©sentes dans la moelle, sont Ă©galement prĂ©sents et actifs. Le but de ce travail a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©terminer l action de la SP et de la SP(l-4) dans un contexte d Ă©rythropoĂŻĂšse pathologique comme celle caractĂ©risant la polyglobulie de Vaquez (PV). La PV est un syndrome myĂ©loprolifĂ©ratif chronique, secondaire Ă  l expansion clonale de cellules souches, qui peut ĂȘtre mise e Ă©vidence in vitro par une pousse spontanĂ©e, c est-Ă -dire sans addition de facteurs de croissance, des progĂ©niteurs Ă©rythroblastiques issus de moelle ou de sang. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que ces deux molĂ©cules sont capables d inhiber efficacement et Ă  des concentrations physiologiques, la pousse spontanĂ©e, en agissant directement sur les progĂ©niteurs Ă©rythroĂŻdes par une voie dĂ©pendante d un rĂ©cepteur de type NK-1R pour la SP, et l implication d un autre rĂ©cepteur couplĂ© Ă  des protĂ©ines G (RCPG) pour la SP(l-4). L expression majoritaire de la forme tronquĂ©e du NK-lR sur les progĂ©niteurs Ă©rythroĂŻdes de PV suggĂšre le rĂŽle prĂ©fĂ©rentiel de ce rĂ©cepteur dans l action de la SP. Ces diffĂ©rences de voies membranaires entre les deux molĂ©cules sont sans doute Ă  l origine de l action diffĂ©rentielle sur la PKC et sur les mouvements calciques intracellulaires. Pour la SP comme pour la SP( l-4), cette inhibition se traduit par une diminution de la diffĂ©renciation Ă©rythroĂŻde terminale et une augmentation de la mort cellulaire. L implication du monoxyde d azote ou NO ( nitric oxide ) dans la transduction du signal inhibiteur de la SP et de la SPU -4) constitue une Ă©tape importante dans l analyse des mĂ©canismes intracellulaires impliquĂ©s dans ces deux processus. L adhĂ©sion cellulaire est un processus physiologique indispensable Ă  la survie et Ă  la prolifĂ©ration des cellules in vitro et in vivo. Nous montrons que l inhibition exercĂ©e par la SP et la SP(l-4) sur les cellules de PV, n est pas la consĂ©quence d une rupture de cette adhĂ©sion. Outre, cette action in vitro, la SP est prĂ©sente en quantitĂ© plus importante dans le sĂ©rum de patients atteints de PV, et n est pas corrĂ©lĂ©e avec la prĂ©sence de fibrose. Nous pensons que ces donnĂ©es reflĂštent un mĂ©canisme mis en place par l organisme pour maintenir l homĂ©ostasie chez ces patients. Ce travail s inscrit dans l optique d identifier les molĂ©cules capables d inhiber la pousse spontanĂ©e des progĂ©niteurs Ă©rythroĂŻdes de PV et de comprendre les mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans cet effet inhibiteur ainsi que ceux impliquĂ©s dans la pousse spontanĂ©e en gĂ©nĂ©ral.The hematopoietic and nervous systems communicate bidirectionally through the release of soluble factors and specific receptors. Substance P (SP), an undecapeptide belonging to the tachykinin family, is an example 0f a neurotransmitter that could be synthetized and released in the bone marrow (BM). SP could act as a hematopoietic modulator and can be further digested by peptidases ubiquitously expressed in BM. SP fragments as SP(1 -4) could exert hematopoietic regulation too. The aim of this study was to determine effect of SP and its derivate, SP( 1-4), on pathologie erythropoiesis. Polycythemia vera (PV) is a chronic myeloproliferative disorder characterized by the abnormal proliferation of multipotent hematopoietic progenitor. Endogenous erythroid colonies (EEC) formation is the biological hallmark of the PV. Resuits obtained show that SP and SP(1-4), at physiological concentration, are potent inhibitors of EEC formation by direct action on erythroid progenitors. SP-induced inhibition is mediated by a NK-1R-type dependent mechanism and another G coupled-protein receptor (GPCR) for SP( 1-4) effect. High expression of the truncated form of NK-1 R on PV erythroid progenitor suggests preferential implication in the SP effect, Difference in membranar signaling pathway for SP and SP(l-4) could explain the differential implication of PKC and intracellular calcium rise, However, for both molecules, inhibitory effect is characterized by inhibition of terminal erythroid differentiation and increase cell death. Nitric oxide (NO) implication in signal transduction constitutes an important information to explain these mechanisms. Furthermore, inhibitory effect of SP and SP(1-4) is independent of action on adhesion molecules and rupture of cell adhesion of PV progenitors. In addition to its role in vitro, high concentrations of SP were detected in PV patients sera and was not correlated with fibrosis. We propose that this phenomenon reflect a mechanism induces by the organism to maintain homeostasis in PV patients. This work participates to the identification of new molecules able to inhibit spontaneous growth of PV erythroid progenitor and in the understanding of mechanisms implicated in the EEC formation and inhibition of this phenomenon.BREST-BU MĂ©decine-Odontologie (290192102) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Do Merkel complexes initiate mechanical itch?

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    Abstract Itch is a common sensation which is amenable to disabling patients' life under pathological and chronic conditions. Shared assertion easily limits itch to chemical itch, without considering mechanical itch and alloknesis, its pathological counterpart. However, in recent years, our understanding of the mechanical itch pathway, particularly in the central nervous system, has been enhanced. In addition, Merkel complexes, conventionally considered as tactile end organs only responsible for light touch perception due to Piezo2 expressed by both Merkel cells and SA1 AÎČ‐fibres ‐ low threshold mechanical receptors (LTMRs) ‐, have recently been identified as modulators of mechanical itch. However, the tactile end organs responsible for initiating mechanical itch remain unexplored. The consensus is that some LTMRs, either SA1 AÎČ‐ or A∂‐ and C‐, are cutaneous initiators of mechanical itch, even though they are not self‐sufficient to finely detect and encode light mechanical stimuli into sensory perceptions, which depend on the entire hosting tactile end organ. Consequently, to enlighten our understanding of mechanical itch initiation, this article discusses the opportunity to consider Merkel complexes as potential tactile end organs responsible for initiating mechanical itch, under both healthy and pathological conditions. Their unsuspected modulatory abilities indeed show that they are tuned to detect and encode light mechanical stimuli leading to mechanical itch, especially as they host not only SA1 AÎČ‐LTMRs but also A∂‐ and C‐fibres

    Differences between aquagenic and non‐aquagenic pruritus in myeloproliferative neoplasms: An observational study of 500 patients

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    Abstract Background Pruritus is a frequent symptom experienced by patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). Aquagenic pruritus (AP) is the most common type. The Myeloproliferative Neoplasm‐Symptom Assessment Form Total Symptom Score (MPN‐SAF TSS) self‐report questionnaires were distributed to MPN patients before consultations. Objectives The aim of this study was to assess clinical incidence (phenotypical evolution and response to treatment) of pruritus, especially AP, in MPN patients during their follow‐ups. Patients and Methods We collected 1444 questionnaires from 504 patients [54.4% essential thrombocythaemia (ET) patients, 37.7% polycythaemia vera (PV) patients, and 7.9% primary myelofibrosis (PMF) patients]. Results Pruritus was reported by 49.8% of the patients, including 44.6% of AP patients, regardless of type of MPN or driver mutations. Patients suffering from pruritus were more symptomatic and had a higher rate of evolution into myelofibrosis/acute myeloid leukaemia (19.5% vs. 9.1%, OR = 2.42 [1.39; 4.32], p = 0.0009) than MPN patients without pruritus. Patients with AP had the highest pruritus intensity values ( p = 0.008) and a higher rate of evolution (25.9% vs. 14.4%, p = 0.025, OR = 2.07) than patients with non‐AP. Disappearance of pruritus was observed in only 16.7% of AP cases, compared to 31.7% of cases with other types of pruritus ( p < 0.0001). Ruxolitinib and hydroxyurea were the most effective drugs to reduce AP intensity. Conclusions In this study, we demonstrate the global incidence of pruritus across all MPN. Pruritus, especially AP, which is a major constitutional symptom observed in MPN, should be assessed in all MPN patients due to higher symptom burden and higher risk of evolution