12 research outputs found

    Cartographie du substrat de la Garonne (De la retenue de St-Nicolas-De-La-Grave à Toulouse) et influence sur le comportement de saumons atlantiques en remontée

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    La présente étude a été effectuée en complément du suivi par radiopistage de la migration anadrome du saumon sur la Garonne. Elle a fait suite aux 4 campagnes de radiopistage de saumons conduites de 2002 à 2005 qui ont mis en évidence de fortes pertes entre Golfech et Toulouse

    Dispersal in metamorphosing juvenile eel Anguilla anguilla

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    International audienceThe morphological, physiological and behavioural changes occurring during metamorphosis reveal adaptations to drastic shifts in habitat and life style. We have investigated how dispersal behaviour changed during completion of the larval metamorphosis in migrating European eels Anguilla anguilla, as they reached the limit between the tidal and non-tidal parts of a large river. We show that late-metamorphic glass eels arriving from the sea rapidly migrated in the freshwater zone of the upper estuary by means of selective tidal stream transport. Then, due to the loss of tidal advection and despite the absence of an osmotic barrier, glass eels accumulated at the break point of tidal streams. Newly transformed small yellow eels were homogeneously distributed around the point where they initially accumulated as glass eels. This suggests that completion of larval metamorphosis induced the end of upstream migration (settlement) and a switch to density-dependent dispersal linked to food search. This ontogenetic pattern probably evolved to maximise growth through optimal utilisation of productive marine and estuarine habitats

    Suivi des alosons dans les parties aval de la Garonne et de la Dordogne : Année 2013

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    The Allis Shad population experiences a strong decline in the Garonne - Dordogne basin. The objective of this study is to improve our knowledge on the downstream phase and to determine the native origin (River of origin) of the shad by microchemical analysis of otoliths. Samplings have been conducted from June to September in the downstream part of the Garonne and Dordogne Rivers, with the assistance of a professional fisherman. This first year of study allowed to capture 523 shads, but only 3 Allis shads. Catches have been more important in the Dordogne (about 60% of catches). Two waves of migration have been highlighted, corresponding to 2 groups of different sizes. The determination of the age via the otoliths is necessary to determine if these juveniles come from 2 different cohorts, or if they come from 2 periods of reproduction of the year 2013.La population de grande alose est fort dĂ©clin dans le bassin Garonne – Dordogne. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’amĂ©liorer nos connaissances sur la phase de dĂ©valaison et de dĂ©terminer l’origine natale (fleuve d’origine) des alosons par l’analyse microchimique des otolithes. Des pĂȘches d’échantillonnage ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es de juin Ă  septembre dans la partie aval des fleuves Garonne et Dordogne, avec le concours d’un pĂȘcheur professionnel. Cette premiĂšre annĂ©e d’étude a permis de capturer 523 alosons, mais seulement 3 de grande alose. Les captures ont Ă©tĂ© plus importantes en Dordogne (environ 60% des captures). Deux vagues de dĂ©valaison ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence, correspondant Ă  2 groupes de tailles diffĂ©rentes. La dĂ©termination de l’ñge via les otolithes permettra de dĂ©terminer si ces alosons sont issus de 2 cohortes diffĂ©rentes, ou bien s’ils proviennent de 2 pĂ©riodes de reproduction de l’annĂ©e 2013

    Indicateurs du niveau de présence de l'anguille européenne (A. anguilla) dans le Marais poitevin : Bilan des campagnes 2002-2008

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    From 2002 to 2008, standardized electrofishing operations have been performed in end of May within two pools of permanent sites located on the secondary hydraulic network of the Marais poitevin. These data set up a reference basis to reveal future improvement signs of the local status of the species. A first analysis of the capture data of some amator fishermen in the eastern part of the Marais poitevin reveals interesting elements on the capture quality and levels observed with the different used gears (long lines, traps, vermĂ©e). These data appear very complementary to those collected by the electro-fishing operations.De 2002 Ă  2008, des campagnes d'opĂ©rations standardisĂ©es de pĂȘche Ă©lectrique ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es en fin mai sur deux groupes de stations rĂ©parties sur les rĂ©seaux hydrauliques secondaires du Marais poitevin. Ces donnĂ©es constituent une base de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour Ă©valuer la rĂ©alitĂ© et l'ampleur d'une restauration que tous les acteurs souhaitent dans les annĂ©es et dĂ©cennies Ă  venir. Une premiĂšre analyse de carnets spĂ©cifiques tenus par quelques pĂȘcheurs amateurs aux engins en marais mouillĂ©s permet Ă©galement de disposer d'Ă©lĂ©ments quantitatifs et qualitatifs sur leurs captures aux cordelles, nasses, bosselles ou vermĂ©es. Ces premiers Ă©lĂ©ments apparaissent trĂšs complĂ©mentaires Ă  ceux recueillis par pĂȘche Ă©lectrique et ce type de contribution Ă  la surveillance de l'espĂšce mĂ©riterait d'ĂȘtre valorisĂ©

    Indicateurs du niveau de présence de l'anguille européenne (A. anguilla) dans le Marais poitevin : bilan des campagnes 2002-2006 Etude Cemagref Bordeaux, n° 107

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    From 2002 to 2006, standardized electrofishing operations have been performed in May on two pools of 8 permanent sites located on the secondary hydraulic network of the Marais poitevin. Four campaigns have concerned the first pool, the second one being sampled only in 2005. 21 species have been observed with significant differences between areas and between years. The European eel is present everywhere and is one the most abundant species in this marsh. Except for the small eels (up to 100 mm), the mean fishing effectiveness is good (more than 83 %) during all the campaigns. The mean eel abundance levels (16 to 26 eels /100 mÂČ) and the observed size structures are homogeneous between the campaigns with more than 90% of the captures with an individual total length less than 420 mm. These data concerning the various size groups set up a reference basis to evaluate the impacts of future management actions to significantly increase the recruitment level of young eels in the marsh and the survival rate up to the breeder stage (silver eel). A local plan for the eel management appears actually necessary. Its goals will have to be not only the significant restoration of the young eels' stock, but also the significant increase of the breeder escapement level to contribute to the restoration of the eel stock common to the majority of the European and North-african waters. This local plan will have to take into account all the factors of mortality or perturbation (obstacles to free migrations, water quality, availability of the habitats, all the fishing procedures, .).De 2002 Ă  2006, des opĂ©rations standardisĂ©es de pĂȘche Ă©lectrique ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es en mai sur deux groupes de 8 stations fixes situĂ©es sur le rĂ©seau hydraulique secondaire du marais. Quatre campagnes ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Âœuvre sur le premier rĂ©seau, le second rĂ©seau n'ayant Ă©tĂ© pĂȘchĂ© qu'en 2005. 21 espĂšces ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es avec des diffĂ©rences notables entre zones et entre annĂ©es. L'anguille apparaĂźt dans toutes les opĂ©rations et constitue l'une des espĂšces aux effectifs capturĂ©s les plus importants. Hormis les individus de taille infĂ©rieure Ă  10 cm, elle est pĂȘchĂ©e avec une bonne efficacitĂ© moyenne (> 83 %) sur l'ensemble des campagnes. Les niveaux moyens d'abondance (16 Ă  26 individus par 100 mÂČ) et les structures de taille observĂ©s sont comparables lors des 5 annĂ©es avec plus de 90 % des captures de taille infĂ©rieure Ă  420 mm. Les signaux recueillis sur les divers groupes de taille permettent de disposer d'une base de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour visualiser dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir les retombĂ©es des nĂ©cessaires actes de gestion visant Ă  amĂ©liorer trĂšs sensiblement le niveau de recrutement en jeunes individus et le niveau de survie jusqu'au stade de gĂ©niteur potentiel (anguille argentĂ©e). Le plan de gestion qui devra ĂȘtre mis en Âœuvre dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir doit en effet viser non seulement la restauration d'un stock significatif de jeunes anguilles dans le marais mais aussi l'augmentation significative de l'Ă©chappement de gĂ©niteurs de qualitĂ© pour contribuer au redressement de ce stock commun Ă  une grande partie des eaux europĂ©ennes et nord-africaines. Ce plan devra prendre en compte l'ensemble des facteurs de perturbation et de mortalitĂ© (obstacles, qualitĂ© de l'eau et des habitats, pĂȘches,)

    Exigences théoriques pour un suivi cohérent d'une population fondé sur le cycle de vie

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    International audienceThis presentation reviews the various requirements and tools for setting up monitoring of the European sturgeon population using the experience gained in the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne basin as an example

    Evaluation de l'Ă©tat des frayĂšres pour un futur retour d'Acipenser sturio dans la Gironde

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    International audienceCette présentation synthétise les résultats des effets des contaminants organiques et minéraux présents sur les frayÚres et évalue la tolérance oxy-thermique des embryons et jeunes larve

    Tolerance of young allis shad Alosa alosa (Clupeidae) to oxy‐thermic stress

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    The ecology of the young stages of allis shad Alosa alosa is poorly documented,although they can be exposed to many pressures during their freshwater phase andtheir downstream migration. When passing through systems such as the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne watershed (GGD, SW France), they can be subjected to hightemperatures and low levels of oxygen (hypoxia). The aim of this work is to assessthe tolerance of young Alosa alosa at four ages (c. 10, 30, 60 and 85 days old) by challengingthem to different temperatures (18, 22, 26 and 28C) together with decreasingoxygen saturation levels (from 100% to 30%). Survival of the 10-day-oldindividuals was not influenced by oxy-thermic conditions, but high stress levels weredetected and perhaps this age class was too fragile regarding the constraint of theexperimental design. Survival at 30 and at 60 days old was negatively influenced bythe highest temperatures tested alone (from 26C and from 28C, respectively) butno effect was detected at 85 days old up to 28C. A combined effect of temperatureand oxygen level was highlighted, with heat accelerating survival decrease whenassociated with oxygen level depletion: essentially, survival was critical (<50%) at30 days old at temperature ≄22C together with 30% O2; at 60 days old, at temperature= 28C with 30% O2; at 85 days old, at temperature ≄26C with ≀40% O2. Toleranceto oxy-thermic pressures appeared to be greater among the migratory ages(60 and 85 days old) than among the 30-day-old group. Based on environmental datarecorded in the GGD system and on our experimental results, an exploratory analysisallowed a discussion of the possible impact of past oxy-thermic conditions on thelocal population dynamics between 2005 and 2018. The oxy-thermic conditions thatmay affect Alosa alosa at ages when they migrate downstream (60 and 85 days old)were not frequently recorded in this period, except in cases of extreme episodes ofheat together with hypoxia that occurred in some years, in summertime in the turbiditymaximum zone of the Gironde estuary (particularly in the year 2006). Interestingly,oxy-thermic conditions that are likely to threaten the 30-day-old individualsoccurred more frequently in the lower freshwater parts of the GGD system betweenthe years 2005 and 2018. In the context of climate change, a general increase intemperature is predicted, as well as more frequent and severe hypoxic events, thereforewe suggest that local Alosa alosa population recruitment could encounter criticaloxy-thermic conditions more frequently in the future if no adaptive management ofwater resources occur

    Suivi de la population d’esturgeons europĂ©ens en milieu naturel en 2014 : chapitre VII

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    Extrait de documentObjectifs : suivre l’état de la population, documenter l'Ă©volution des diffĂ©rentes cohortes, analyser l'intĂ©gration des poissons issus de reproductions ex situ et renseigner les captures accidentelles