36 research outputs found

    Informisanost, stavovi i ponaŔanje djece prema oralnom zdravlju

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    Background/Aim. Health education plays a very important role in maintaining health of individuals. Good oral health, as a part of general health, is largely dependent on the level of knowledge, attitudes and habits that children already have. The aim of this study is to examine the level of knowledge and habits in children regarding oral hygiene, diet and bad habits. Methods. The study included 506 school children aged 12 and 15 years in three towns (Foča, Čajniče, Kalinovik, Bosnia and Herzegovina). The survey was conducted in order to assess knowledge, attitudes and habits that children have in relation to their own oral health. Results. Most respondents stated that they began to brush their teeth at the age of 4, while a smaller number linked beginning of tooth brushing to the start of school. The parents more often help the boys during tooth brushing. A total of 54.9% of children brush their teeth after every meal, while 40.1% of them brush teeth only once during the day. Twelve year olds brush their teeth more often, especially after a meal. A total of 92.5% of children had never used fluoride tablets nor are the tablets recommended to them by anyone. More than half of the children (61.7%) visited the dentist for the first time before starting school that is on the regular examination that is performed upon enrollment to school. A pain as a reason for dental visits was present in 43.9%, while the preventive check in only 31.4% of the children. Conclusion. Children included in this study, particularly 15-year-olds, are quite well informed about teeth brushing frequency and proper selection of tools for hygiene maintenance, but this knowledge is not applied. Girls are more responsible for their own health, and come regularly to the preventive dental checkups.Uvod/Cilj. Zdravstveno vaspitanje ima izuzetno važnu ulogu u očuvanju zdravlja pojedinca. Dobro oralno zdravlje, kao deo opÅ”teg zdravlja, umnogome zavisi od stepena informisanosti, stavova kao i navika koje djeca već imaju. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita stepen informisanosti i navike djece prema oralnoj higijeni, način ishrane i loÅ”e navike. Metode. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 506 Å”kolske djece uzrasta od 12 i 15 godina iz tri grada (FoĆ©a, Čajniče, Kalinovik). Za ocjenu informisanosti, kao i stavova i navika koje djeca imaju prema sopstvenom oralnom zdravlju, sprovedena je anketa. Rezultati. Većina ispitanika je navela da je počela da pere zube sa navrÅ”ene četiri godine, dok manji broj svoj početak pranja zuba vezuje za polazak u Å”kolu. Roditelji čeŔće pomažu dječacima prilikom pranja zuba. Ukupno 54,9% djece pere zube nakon svakog jela, dok 40,1% djece samo jednom u toku dana pere zube. DvanaestogodiÅ”njaci čeŔće peru zube i to nakon obroka. Ukupno 92,5% djece nije nikada upotrebljavalo fluor tablete, niti im ih je neko preporučivao. Veći broj djece (61,7%) prvi put je posjetilo stomatologa pred polazak u Å”kolu, tj. na redovnom sistematskom pregledu koji se obavlja pri upisu u Å”kolu. Bol kao razlog posjete stomatologu bila je zastupljena kod 43,9%, dok preventivna kontrola samo kod 31,4% djece. Zaključak. Djeca uključena u ovo ispitivanje, a posebno petnaestogodiÅ”njaci, dosta su dobro informisana o redovnosti održavanja oralne higijene i pravilnom izboru pribora, ali to znanje ne primjenjuju. Djevojčice su odgovornije prema sopstvenom zdravlju jer dolaze redovnije na preventivne stomatoloÅ”ke preglede

    Uticaj oralne higijene na rasprostranjenost karijesa kod dece Ŕkolskog uzrasta u Foči

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    Introduction Caries and periodontal disease are the most common diseases afflicting oral tissues. Insufficient knowledge of the causes of these diseases leads to inappropriate behavior of patients towards their own oral health. The aim of this study was to determine the level of oral hygiene and its effect on the prevalence of dental caries in schoolchildren in Foča. Material and Methods The study included 239 schoolchildren, 12 years old of both genders, attending four elementary schools in Foča. To assess their oral health methodology and criteria of the World Health Organization were used. Carious teeth were recorded and oral hygiene evaluated in accordance with Oral Hygiene Index. A questionnaire was used to obtain information about oral hygiene habits, reasons for dental visits as well as the number of dental visits. Results The average number of affected teeth in the analyzed population was 5.43 and the average value of Oral Hygiene Index was 0.93. Good oral hygiene was noticed in 75% of respondents. Most respondents had at least one dental visit. Toothache was the most common reason for dental visit while the distance from clinics and fear of intervention were the most common reasons for not visiting dentist. Conclusion In this part of Podrinje children had an average of more than five carious permanent teeth. Examined children from rural areas had poorer oral health, as well as lower number of visits to the health facilities compared to their peers in urban areas. Given that the most of examined children (75%) had good oral hygiene, other factors that led to significant number of carious teeth must be determined.Uvod Karijes i parodontopatije su najčeŔće bolesti koje zahvataju oralna tkiva. Nedovoljno poznavanje uzroka nastanka ovih oboljenja dovodi do neodgovarajućeg ponaÅ”anja prema sopstvenom oralnom zdravlju. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrde nivo i uticaj higijene usta i zuba na rasprostranjenost karijesa kod dece Å”kolskog uzrasta u Foči. Materijal i metode rada Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 239 učenika oba pola, uzrasta od 12 godina, iz četiri osnovne Å”kole u Foči. KoriŔćeni su metodologija i kriterijumi Svetske zdravstvene organizacije za procenu stanja oralnog zdravlja. Za ovaj deo istraživanja označeni su zubi zahvaćeni karijesom, a zatim je izmeren nivo oralne higijene prema indeksu oralne higijene. Na osnovu odgovora iz ankete dobijeni su podaci o navikama u održavanju higijene usta i zuba, razlozima dolazaka na pregled i broju poseta stomatologu. Rezultati Prosečan broj obolelih zuba kod ispitanika bio je 5,43, a prosečna vrednost indeksa oralne higijene bila je 0,93. Dobra oralna higijena ustanovljena je kod 75% dece. Većina ispitanika je bar jednom doÅ”la na pregled kod stomatologa. Zubobolja je bila najčeŔći razlog poseta, a udaljenost ambulanti i strah od intervencija razlozi za odlaganje posete. Zaključak U ovom delu Podrinjske regije deca imaju u proseku pet obolelih stalnih zuba, a ispitivana deca iz ruralnih krajeva imaju loÅ”ije stanje oralnog zdravlja, kao i manji broj poseta zdravstvenim ustanovama u odnosu na vrÅ”njake iz gradske sredine. S obzirom na to da većina ispitivane dece (75%) dobro održava higijenu usta i zuba, moraju se utvrditi i drugi faktori koji su doveli do značajne rasprostranjenosti karijesa

    Rasprostranjenost i karakteristike hipomineralizacije na kutnjacima i sekutićima

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    Background/Aim. Developmental disorders of teeth are the problems that are becoming more present in pediatric dentistry, especially on first permanent molars and incisors. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is proposed term for this phenomenon. The aim of this study was to establish the MIH prevalence in children living in the Foča municipality (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as well as to assess characteristics and expression of hypomineralization within the tested population. Methods. A total of 141 children from the Foča municipality, 8 years of age, were included in this study. Criteria according to Weerhejm have been used for diagnosis of hypomineralization: demarcated opacity (DO), post-eruptive breakdown (PEB), atypical restoration (AR), extracted molars due to MIH (E-MIH) and unerupted tooth (UT). Level and the prominence of color changes have been determined for patients with DO, PEB and AR. Results. MIH in this area was present in 12.8% of children. The prevalence of MIH changes expressed in percentages was as follows: DO was at 9.2%, PEB in 3.5%, AR in 5.6%, while E-MIH was 5.6%. A total of 9.9% of the examinees had mild, 5.6% moderate, and 7.8% severe form of MIH. White form of MIH defects was found in 9.9% of the examinees, white-yellow one in 5.6% and yellow-brown color in 3.5% of the examined children. These changes were more often present in the lower jaw (60.3%). In total, 6.4% of children had these changes present only on molars, while 6.4% of them both on molars and incisors simultaneously. Conclusion. A total of 12.8% of the examinees with MIH is not to be disregarded. With timely diagnosis, prevention and therapy complications could be avoided or mitigated.Uvod/Cilj. Razvojni poremećaji zuba sve su prisutniji problem u dječjoj stomatologiji, posebno na prvim stalnim kutnjacima i sekutićima. Za ovu pojavu, predložen je termin molarincizor hipomineralizacija (MIH). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi stepen rasprostranjenosti MIH kod djece iz Foče, te procijene karakteristike i stepen izraženosti hipomineralizacije kod ispitivane populacije. Metode. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 141 dijete iz opÅ”tine Foča (Bosna i Hercegovina), starosti osam godina. Za dijagnozu oboljenja koriÅ”teni su kriterijumi po Weerhejm-u: ogranična zamućenost gleđi (OZG), posteruptivni prekid gleđi (PPG), atipične restauracije (AR), vađenje kutnjaka zbog MIH (E-MIH), i retencija zuba (RZ). Ispitanicima kojima je evidentirana OZG, PPG i AR određen je stepen i boja izraženosti promjene. Rezultati. Molarna i incizorna hipomineralizacija na ovom području iznosila je 12,8%. Distribucija MIH promjena po stepenima bila je sledeća: OZG iznosila je 9,2 %, PPG pronađen je kod 3,5 % ispitanika, AR pronađene su kod 5,6 % ispitanika, dok je E-MIH utvrđena kod 5,6% ispitivane djece. Blagu formu imalo je 9,9% ispitanika, umjerenu 5,6% ispitanika, a teÅ”ku 7,8%. Bijela boja MIH defekata konstatovana je kod 9,9% ispitanika, bjeložuta kod 5,6%, a žutobraon kod 3,5% djece. Rezultati pokazuju da je donji desni prvi stalni kutnjak najčeŔće izvađeni zub zbog MIH, kao i da su ove promjene prisutnije u donjoj vilici (60,3%). Ukupno 6,4% djece imalo je promjene samo na kutnjacima, a 6,4% djece na kutnjacima i sekutićima istovremeno. Zaključak. Procenat od 12,8% ispitanika sa MIH promjenama nije zanemarljiv. Ranom dijagnozom, te blagovremenom prevencijom i terapijom, znatno se mogu spriječiti i ublažiti komplikacije

    Combined surgical and orthodontic treatment of impacted second lower premolar: Case report

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    Impacted tooth is a tooth that has failed to reach occlusal plane, with 2/3 of completed root growth. There are various reasons for teeth impaction, however, lack of space for its emergence is considered to be the main reason. The most commonly impacted teeth are lower wisdom teeth, then upper wisdom teeth, upper canines, and less frequently lower premolars. There are only few studies that have addressed the issue of impacted lower premolars, their etiology, prevalence and treatment. The patient (22 years old) visited orthodontst for the lower jaw aesthetic teeth corrections, due to crowding. Ortopantomography analysis revealed impacted lower right second premolar that caused resorption of mesial root of the first molar. The treatment plan included tooth #46 extraction and placing orthodontic brackets on the impacted second premolar. The next step was extrusion of the tooth #45, its introduction to occlusal plane and orthodontic treatment resumption. Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth with fixed orthodontic appliance provides excellent therapeutic results. The treatment success depends primarily on adequate planning, cooperation and joint work of oral surgery and orthodontic specialists

    Assessment of deciduous dentition in 6-10 year old school children

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    Introduction. The emergence of deciduous teeth in the mouth of a child usually brings a joy to every parent. However, after ā€short-time euphoriaā€ deciduous teeth, in most cases, become the cause of pain, swelling, infection and further complications. The aim of this study was to assess the status of deciduous teeth in school children. Material and Methods. The study included children age 6-10 years from four cities in Republika Srpska. All respondents were divided in two groups: Group I included those who voluntarily came to be examined at the dental clinic and the Group II-those who were randomly chosen in schools. The examination was performed using dental mirror and probe. Caries verification was carried out by Klein-Palmer system, dmft (d - decay; m - missing; f - filling), and its related indices: Person caries index (pci) and Average caries index (aci). In addition, a survey was conducted. Results. A total number of 228 respondents were examined. Total pci was 96.1%. On average, each child had aci= 4.17 while 10.52% of the children had fillings in primary teeth. None of the children had sealed fissures on deciduous teeth. Physical examination revealed that 12.2% of the children had submucous abscess in oral cavity. The survey revealed that 3% of children did not have a tooth brush. Conclusion. The prevalence of caries in primary teeth is high, despite the fact that the Health Insurance Fund in Republika Srpska covers full cost for complete restoration of teeth in children up to 15 years old. Responsibility for the low percentage of healthy and filled teeth is relying mostly on parents as well as the entire community that should provide development and availability of public health dental care in all areas

    Antimikrobna aktivnost novosintetisanog endodontskog nanomaterijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminata

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    Introduction Materials used for root canal obturation and root perforation are expected to have, in addition to preventing apical, lateral and coronary leakage, antimicrobial effects on microorganisms that are not accessible to chemomechanical instrumentation and intra-canal medications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of a novel calcium aluminate-based endodontic nanostructured biomaterial (ALBO-MCCA) using agar diffusion test. Material and methods the two materials were tested in the study. The nanostructured calcium aluminate was synthesized by the hydrothermal sol-gel method from individual components of calcium aluminate (CaOxAl2 O3 ), calcite (CaCO3 ) and barium sulfate (BaSO4 ) as radiocontrast agent in the ratio of 2:2:1 according to V. Jokanovic's recipe. The other used material was calcium silicate MTA Angelus (Londrina, Brazil). The antimicrobial effect was assessed using agar diffusion test. Standard strains of Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, cultured on blood Mueller-Hinton agar and Candida albicans cultivated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, were used as test microorganisms. Results the best antimicrobial effect after 24 h both materials showed against S. aureus. The mean values of the growth inhibition zone for ALBO MCCA were 5.7 Ā± 0.25 mm and MTA 6.2 Ā± 0.4 mm. The ALBO MCCA material showed slightly stronger antibacterial effect against E. coli compared to MTA (p lt 0.05), whereas none of the materials showed antibacterial effect against E. faecalis. Conclusion the ALBO MCCA material showed certain antibacterial effect on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans that was comparable to antibacterial effect of MTA.Uvod Od materijala koji se koriste za opturaciju kanala korena i perforacija na korenu se očekuje da pored sprečavanja apikalnog, lateralnog i koronarnog curenja, poseduju i antimikrobno delovanje na mikroorganizme, koji nisu dostupni hemomehaničkoj obradi i intrakanalnim medikamentima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se testom difuzije u agaru proceni antimikrobni efekat novog endodontskog nanostrukturnog biomaterijala na bazi kalcijum-aluminata (ALBO-MCCA). Materijal i metode U istraživanju su koriŔćena dva materijala. Nanostrukturni kalcijum-aluminat je sintetisan hidrotermalnom sol-gel metodom od pojedinačnih komponenata kalcijum-aluminata (CaOĀ·Al2 O3 ), kalcita (CaCO3 ) i barijum-sulfata (BaSO4 ) kao rendgen-kontrastnog sredstva u odnosu 2 : 2 : 1 prema recepturi V. Jokanovića. Drugi koriŔćeni materijal je kalcijum-silikatni MTA Angelus (Londrina, Brazil). Antimikrobni efekat je ispitivan testom difuzije u agaru. Kao test mikroorganizmi koriŔćeni su standardni sojevi Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, koji su kultivisani na krvnom agaru MuellerHinton, dok je C. albicans kultivisana na agaru Sabouraud Dextrose. Rezultati Najbolji antimikrobni efekat nakon 24 h oba materijala su pokazala prema bakteriji S. aureus. Izmerene prosečne vrednosti zone inhibicije rasta iznosile su kod ALBO-MCCA (5,7 Ā± 0,25 mm), odnosno kod MTA (6,2 Ā± 0,4 mm). Materijal ALBO-MCCA je pokazao neÅ”to veći antibakterijski efekat prema bakteriji E. coli u odnosu na MTA (p lt 0,05), dok prema bakteriji E. faecalis nijedan materijal nije ispoljio antibakterijski efekat. Zaključak Materijal ALBO-MCCA je ispoljio određeni antibakterijski efekat na bakterije Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus i Candida albicans komparabilan sa antibakterijskim efektom MTA

    Oral symptoms and mucosal lesions in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Background: Good glycoregulation at patients with diabetes mellitus is essential for prevention of many complications, including those in oral cavity. Results of numerous studies indicate that xerostomia and neurosensory oral disorders are present in type 2 diabetics. A review of the literature shows contradictory results about prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in diabetics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of xerostomia, neurosensory disorders and mucosal lesions in oral cavity of type 2 diabetics. Material and Methods: This study involved 90 adults, 60 with type 2 diabetes and 30 healthy subjects, aged 45-65 years. With regard to value of HbA1c level diabetics were divided into two groups: 30 subjects with satisfactory glycoregulation (HbA1c lt 9%) and 30 subjects with poor glycoregulation (HbA1cā‰„9%). All patients recruited into the study completed a questionnaire that included their demographic, medical and oral health data. Clinical examination of the oral mucosa was performed by a single examiner. Results: In relation to the presence of xerostomia and dysgeusia between satisfactory controlled diabetics and healthy subjects a significant difference was observed (p lt 0.05). Compared with healthy subjects, poor controlled diabetics had significantly higher presence of xerostomia (p lt 0.001) and neurosensory disorders (p lt 0.05). A higher prevalence of oral mucosal lesions was found in poor controlled diabetics, but significant difference between groups was not observed (p>0.05). A significant positive correlation was revealed between smoking and glossodynia as well as smoking and glossopyrosis (p>0.05). Conclusion: Glycemic control level seems to influence the susceptibility of type 2 diabetics to xerostomia and neurosensory disorders. Less clear is whether diabetes are correlated to oral mucosal lesions

    Povećana telesna masa i oralno zdravlje dece

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    Backgraund/Aim. Increased body weight in childhood may have negative effects on many tissues and organs in the body. The aim of this study was to determine whether the state of oral health in children with increased body mass is different from the children with normal body weight. Methods. The study included 190 children, aged 6 to 15 years. Assessment of nutritional status of subjects was performed by the use of Body Mass, and the respondents were divided into a group of increased body weight children (IWC) and a group of normal body weight children (NWC). Hard dental tissue state of health was assessed by the decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index. The gingival health was assessed using gingival index (GI). Community Periodontal Index (CPI) was used for the assessment of periodontal tissue. The oral hygiene was assessed using the Simplified Debris (Plaque) Index Greene-Vermilion. Results. Average DMFT value in the IWC group was 5.01 Ā± 2.4, and in the NWC 4.43 Ā± 2.0; (p > 0.05). GI values in the IWC group was 0.64 Ā± 0.37, while in the NWC group it was 0.55 Ā± 0.35 (the difference was not statistically significant). Average CPI index values were 1.33 Ā± 0.49 in the IWC group and 0.77 Ā± 0.61 in the NWC group and statistically significant differences were observed concerning periodontal tissue state of health. The GV index values in the IWC group were 1.01 Ā± 0.49, and in the NWC group 0.89 Ā± 0.45; it was not statistically significant. Conclusion. Results of this research do not indicate that children with increased body weight have more affected teeth. However, they have a worse condition of periodontal tissue in comparison to normal weight children.Uvod/Cilj. Povećana telesna masa u dečijem uzrastu može negativno da utiče na mnoga tkiva i organe u organizmu čoveka. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ustanovi da li se stanje oralnog zdravlja dece sa povećanom telesnom masom razlikuje u odnosu na decu koja imaju normalnu telesnu masu. Metode. U studiju je bilo uključeno190 dece, uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina. Procena stepena uhranjenosti ispitanika izvrÅ”ena je pomoću Indeksa telesne mase, a ispitanici su podeljeni u grupu dece sa povećanom telesnom masom i decu sa normalnom telesnom masom. Stanje zdravlja tvrdih zubnih tkiva ocenjeno je pomoću KEP indeksa (ukupan broj karoiznih, ekstrahovanih i plombiranih zuba). Stanje zdravlja gingive procenjeno je pomoću loe Gingivalnog indeksa (GI). Za procenu parodontalnih tkiva upotrebljen je Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Stanje oralne higijene utvđeno je uz pomoć Plak indeksa po Greene-Vermilion- u. Rezultati. U grupi djece sa povećanom telesnom masom prosečna vrednost indeksa KEP bila je 5,01 Ā± 2,4 a kod dece sa normalnom telesnom masom 4,43 Ā± 2,0; ova razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Vrednost GI u grupi gojazne dece bila je 0,64 Ā± 0,37, a u grupi dece sa normalnom telesnom masom 0,55 Ā± 0,35; ni ova razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Prosečne vrednosti CPI u grupi gojazne dece bila je 1,33 Ā± 0,49, a u grupi dece sa normalnom telesnom masom 0,77 Ā± 0,61 Å”to je bilo statistički značajno (p lt 0.05). Vrednosti plak-indeksa nisu bile statistički značajno različitie u obe ispitivane grupe dece. Zaključak. Rezultati istraživanja ne ukazuju da deca sa povećanom telesnom masom imaju viÅ”e obolelih zuba. Međutim, ona imaju teži stepen obolenja parodontalnih tkiva u odnosu na decu koja imaju normalnu telesnu masu

    EtioloÅ”ki faktori odgovorni za nastanak hipomineralizacije zuba na sekutićima i kutnjacima

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    Introduction. Teeth hypomineralization that involves molars only, or molars and incisors is known as disease Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH). Aetiology of MIH is not known, however, factors responsible for this disease are present in the first year of life. The aim of this research was to identify possible aetiological factors responsible for the occurrence of this disease. Material and Methods. The study included eight years old children from the municipality of Foca. Parents who gave their consent for the participation of children in the study completed a questionnaire in which they listed aetiological factors described in the literature to be responsible for the emergence of hypomineralization. Modified DDE index (Modified DDE Index for Use in Epidemiological Surveys) was used to estimate hypomineralization on all teeth; however, MIH changes were classified separately. Results. More than ninety different factors may be responsible for enamel defects. Possible aetiological factors listed in the literature are: premature birth, low weight of newborns, hypoxia, metabolic disorder of calcium and phosphate, fever, genetic factors, etc. Results did not confirm statistical significance for any of examined aetiological factors. Conclusion. In this study a retrospective analysis of data was performed. Etiological factors of MIH were identified but the most responsible for MIH were not determined.Uvod. Hipomineralizacija zuba koja zahvata samo kutnjake ili kutnjake i sekutiće istovremeno je oboljenje koje se u anglosaksonskoj literaturi naziva molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH). Etiologija MIH promena joÅ” nije dovoljno poznata, ali se zna da faktori odgovorni za ovo oboljenje deluju kod deteta u prvoj godini po rođenju. Cilj rada je bio da se ustanove mogući etioloÅ”ki faktori koji su odgovorni za nastanak hipomineralizacije zuba na sekutićima i kutnjacima dece u regionu opÅ”tine Foča, u Republici Srpskoj. Materijal i metode rada. U istraživanje su uključena osmogodiÅ”nja deca koja žive na teritoriji opÅ”tine Foča. Roditelji dece su dali pristanak za njihovo učeŔće u istraživanju i popunili anketni upitnik gde su navedeni etioloÅ”ki faktori koji su, prema podacima iz literature, odgovorni za nastanak hipomineralizovanih promena. Za procenu hipomineralizacije na svim zubima koriŔćen je modifikovani DDE indeks (Modified DDE Index for Use in Epidemiological Surveys), ali su MIH promene i posebno klasifikovane. Rezultati. ViÅ”e od 90 različitih faktora može biti odgovorno za oÅ”tećenje gleđi. Kao mogući etioloÅ”ki faktori u literaturi se navode: prevremeno rođenje deteta, mala telesna težina novorođenčadi, hipoksija, poremećaj metabolizma kalcijuma i fosfata, visoka temperatura, uticaj genetskih faktora itd. U ovoj studiji nije potvrđena statistička značajnost ni za jedan ispitivani etioloÅ”ki faktor. Zaključak. U ovom istraživanju nalazi su dobijeni na osnovu retrospektivne analize podataka. Ustanovljeni su brojni etioloÅ”ki faktori, ali je bilo teÅ”ko izdvojiti najodgovornije za nastanak MIH

    Dental anxiety and the status of first permanent molars in 11 and 15 years old children

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    Introduction Fear of dental procedures is one of the main reasons for oral health neglect. The first permanent molars are functionally very important. Dental anxiety may compromise their health as well as the health of all other teeth. The aim of the study was to determine dental anxiety level and the status of first permanent molars in healthy school aged children. Methods This study included 105 students, 11 and 15 years of age, from two elementary schools in Foca (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS), questionnaire was used to determine the level of dental fear in patients. The status of first permanent molars was recorded using Klein-Palmer DMFT (decayed, missing, filling teeth) system. The number of healthy first permanent molars (with or without sealant) was registered as well. Results More than one third of respondents involved in this study (33.3%), suffered from severe dental anxiety (DAS = 13ā€“20 points). Statistically significant difference in answers to questions was not observed between respondents of different age but higher level of the fear was registered in girls compared to boys (p < 0.05). Less than 50% of all examined first permanent molars were healthy and sealed fissures were recorded in 9.4% of them. The percentage of decayed molars was about 11%, 7% extracted and 35% filled. Conclusion Application of prophylactic measures is beneficial for dental health preservation. They are pain free and can be used to minimize fear by establishing dentist-patient relationship based on confidence