231 research outputs found

    Tumor Segmentation and Classification Using Machine Learning Approaches

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    Medical image processing has recently developed progressively in terms of methodologies and applications to increase serviceability in health care management. Modern medical image processing employs various methods to diagnose tumors due to the burgeoning demand in the related industry. This study uses the PG-DBCWMF, the HV area method, and CTSIFT extraction to identify brain tumors that have been combined with pancreatic tumors. In terms of efficiency, precision, creativity, and other factors, these strategies offer improved performance in therapeutic settings. The three techniques, PG-DBCWMF, HV region algorithm, and CTSIFT extraction, are combined in the suggested method. The PG-DBCWMF (Patch Group Decision Couple Window Median Filter) works well in the preprocessing stage and eliminates noise. The HV region technique precisely calculates the vertical and horizontal angles of the known images. CTSIFT is a feature extraction method that recognizes the area of tumor images that is impacted. The brain tumor and pancreatic tumor databases, which produce the best PNSR, MSE, and other results, were used for the experimental evaluation

    Logarithmic Coefficients and Generalized Multifractality of Whole-Plane SLE

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    We consider the whole-plane SLE conformal map f from the unit disk to the slit plane, and show that its mixed moments, involving a power p of the derivative modulus |f'| and a power q of the map |f| itself, have closed forms along some integrability curves in the (p,q) moment plane, which depend continuously on the SLE parameter kappa. The generalization of this integrability property to the m-fold transform of f is also given. We define a generalized integral means spectrum corresponding to the singular behavior of the mixed moments above. By inversion, it allows for a unified description of the unbounded interior and bounded exterior versions of whole-plane SLE, and of their m-fold generalizations. The average generalized spectrum of whole-plane SLE takes four possible forms, separated by five phase transition lines in the moment plane, whereas the average generalized spectrum of the m-fold whole-plane SLE is directly obtained from a linear map acting in that plane. We also conjecture the form of the universal generalized integral means spectrum.Comment: 51 pages, 11 figures; considerably revised and extended version. Sections 4 and 5 fused, Section 7 deleted. Complete proof of Theorem 1.7 given. New Figures 2, 6 and

    On simultaneous diagonalization via congruence of real symmetric matrices

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    Simultaneous diagonalization via congruence (SDC) for more than two symmetric matrices has been a long standing problem. So far, the best attempt either relies on the existence of a semidefinite matrix pencil or casts on the complex field. The problem now is resolved without any assumption. We first propose necessary and sufficient conditions for SDC in case that at least one of the matrices is nonsingular. Otherwise, we show that the singular matrices can be decomposed into diagonal blocks such that the SDC of given matrices becomes equivalently the SDC of the sub-matrices. Most importantly, the sub-matrices now contain at least one nonsingular matrix. Applications to simplify some difficult optimization problems with the presence of SDC are mentioned


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm For Clustered Minimum Routing Cost Problem

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    Minimum Routing Cost Clustered Tree Problem (CluMRCT) is applied in various fields in both theory and application. Because the CluMRCT is NP-Hard, the approximate approaches are suitable to find the solution for this problem. Recently, Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm (MFEA) has emerged as one of the most efficient approximation algorithms to deal with many different kinds of problems. Therefore, this paper studies to apply MFEA for solving CluMRCT problems. In the proposed MFEA, we focus on crossover and mutation operators which create a valid solution of CluMRCT problem in two levels: first level constructs spanning trees for graphs in clusters while the second level builds a spanning tree for connecting among clusters. To reduce the consuming resources, we will also introduce a new method of calculating the cost of CluMRCT solution. The proposed algorithm is experimented on numerous types of datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, partially on large instance

    Design and Analysis of Ternary m-sequences with Interleaved Structure by d-Transform

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    Multilevel sequences find more and more applications in modern modulation schemes [4QPSK, 8QPSK,16QAM..]  for the 3G ,4G system air interface [1,2].Furthermore, in modern cryptography they are also widerly used. It is also interesting to point out that the length L of these sequences are composite numbers( L=NS),that means the sequence can be easily implemented by interleaving S subsequences, each of length S.Therefore, the methods to develop multilevel sequence with interleaved structure draw a lot of attentions [3, 4]. In this contribution, a method for design and analysis of ternary m-sequences with interleaved structure is presented, based on the d-transform, Which turns out to be a very effective and versal tool for this purpose. Simulations have been made to verify the theory. We first introduce d-transform and its properties and then work out the procedure to design an interleaving sequence in d-transform. Keywords: d-transform,q-ary sequences, interleaved sequence

    A Novel Approach for Pill-Prescription Matching with GNN Assistance and Contrastive Learning

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    Medication mistaking is one of the risks that can result in unpredictable consequences for patients. To mitigate this risk, we develop an automatic system that correctly identifies pill-prescription from mobile images. Specifically, we define a so-called pill-prescription matching task, which attempts to match the images of the pills taken with the pills' names in the prescription. We then propose PIMA, a novel approach using Graph Neural Network (GNN) and contrastive learning to address the targeted problem. In particular, GNN is used to learn the spatial correlation between the text boxes in the prescription and thereby highlight the text boxes carrying the pill names. In addition, contrastive learning is employed to facilitate the modeling of cross-modal similarity between textual representations of pill names and visual representations of pill images. We conducted extensive experiments and demonstrated that PIMA outperforms baseline models on a real-world dataset of pill and prescription images that we constructed. Specifically, PIMA improves the accuracy from 19.09% to 46.95% compared to other baselines. We believe our work can open up new opportunities to build new clinical applications and improve medication safety and patient care.Comment: Accepted for publication and presentation at the 19th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2022
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