60,598 research outputs found

    Structure of a thermal quasifermion in the QCD/QED Medium

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    In this paper we carried out a nonperturbative analysis of a thermal quasifermion in the chiral symmetric thermal QCD/QED medium by studying its self-energy function through the Dyson-Schwinger equation with the hard-thermal-loop resummed improved ladder kernel. Our analysis reveals several interesting results, two in some of which may force us to change the image of thermal quasifermions: (1) The thermal mass of a quasifermion begins to decrease as the strength of the coupling gets stronger and finally disappears in the strong coupling region, thus showing a property of a massless particle, and (2) its imaginary part (i.e., the decay width) persists to have O(g2Tlog(1/g))O(g^2T \log(1/g)) behavior. These results suggest that in the recently produced strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma, the thermal mass of a quasiquark should vanish. Taking into account the largeness of the imaginary part, it seems very hard for a quark to exist as a qausiparticle in the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma phase. Other important findings are as follows: (3) The collective plasmino mode disappears also in the strongly coupled system, and (4) there exists an ultrasoft third peak in the quasifermion spectral density at least in the weakly coupled QED/QCD plasma, indicating the existence of the ultrasoft fermionic mode.Comment: 20 pages, 28 figure

    Bose-enhanced chemistry: Amplification of selectivity in the dissociation of molecular Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the photodissociation chemistry of a quantum degenerate gas of bosonic triatomic ABCABC molecules, assuming two open rearrangement channels (AB+CAB+C or A+BCA+BC). The equations of motion are equivalent to those of a parametric multimode laser, resulting in an exponential buildup of macroscopic mode populations. By exponentially amplifying a small differential in the single-particle rate-coefficients, Bose stimulation leads to a nearly complete selectivity of the collective NN-body process, indicating a novel type of ultra-selective quantum degenerate chemistry.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The role of energy-momentum conservation in emission of Cherenkov gluons

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    The famous formula for the emission angle of Cherenkov radiation should be modified when applied to hadronic reactions because of recoil effects. They impose the upper limit on the energy of the gluon emitted at a given angle. Also, it leads to essential corrections to the nuclear refractive index value as determined from the angular position of Cherenkov rings.Comment: 6

    Uraltsev Sum Rule in Bakamjian-Thomas Quark Models

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    We show that the sum rule recently proved by Uraltsev in the heavy quark limit of QCD holds in relativistic quark models \`a la Bakamjian and Thomas, that were already shown to satisfy Isgur-Wise scaling and Bjorken sum rule. This new sum rule provides a {\it rationale} for the lower bound of the slope of the elastic IW function ρ234\rho^2 \geq {3 \over 4} obtained within the BT formalism some years ago. Uraltsev sum rule suggests an inequality τ3/2(1)>τ1/2(1)|\tau_{3/2}(1)| > |\tau_{1/2}(1)|. This difference is interpreted in the BT formalism as due to the Wigner rotation of the light quark spin, independently of a possible LS force. In BT models, the sum rule convergence is very fast, the n=0n = 0 state giving the essential contribution in most of the phenomenological potential models. We underline that there is a serious problem, in the heavy quark limit of QCD, between theory and experiment for the decays BD0,1(broad)νB \to D^*_{0,1}(broad) \ell \nu, independently of any model calculation.Comment: 16 pages, Late

    Remarks on sum rules in the heavy quark limit of QCD

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    We underline a problem existing in the heavy quark limit of QCD concerning the rates of semileptonic B decays into P-wave DJ(j)D_J(j) mesons, where j=12j = {1 \over 2} (wide states) or j=32j = {3 \over 2} (narrow states). The leading order sum rules of Bjorken and Uraltsev suggest Γ[BˉD0,1(12)ν]Γ[BˉD1,2(32)ν]\Gamma [ \bar{B} \to D_{0,1} ({1 \over 2}) \ell \nu ] \ll \Gamma [ \bar{B} \to D_{1,2} ({3 \over 2}) \ell \nu ], in contradiction with experiment. The same trend follows also from a sum rule for the subleading 1/mQ1/m_Q curent matrix element correction ξ3(1)\xi_3(1). The problem is made explicit in relativistic quarks models \`a la Bakamjian and Thomas, that give a transparent physical interpretation of the latter as due, not to a LSL \cdot S force, but to the Wigner rotation of the light quark spin. We point out moreover that the selection rule for decay constants of j=32j = {3 \over 2} states, f3/2=0f_{3/2} = 0, predicts, assuming the model of factorization, the opposite hierarchy Γ[BˉDˉs1,2(32)D()]Γ[BˉDˉs0,1(12)D()]\Gamma [ \bar{B} \to \bar{D}_{s_{1,2}} ({3 \over 2}) D^{(*)} ] \ll \Gamma [ \bar{B} \to \bar{D}_{s_{0,1}} ({1 \over 2}) D^{(*)} ].Comment: Contribution to the International Europhysics Conference on HEP, Budapest, July 2001 (presented by L. Oliver); 5 page

    On P-wave meson decay constants in the heavy quark limit of QCD

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    In previous work it has been shown that, either from a sum rule for the subleading Isgur-Wise function ξ3(1)\xi_3(1) or from a combination of Uraltsev and Bjorken SR, one infers for PP-wave states τ1/2(1)τ3/2(1)|\tau_{1/2}(1)| \ll |\tau_{3/2}(1)|. This implies, in the heavy quark limit of QCD, a hierarchy for the {\it production} rates of PP-states Γ(BˉdD(12)ν)Γ(BˉdD(32)ν)\Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to D ({1 \over 2}) \ell \nu) \ll \Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to D ({3 \over 2}) \ell \nu) that seems at present to be contradicted by experiment. It was also shown that the decay constants of j=32j = {3 \over 2} PP-states vanish in the heavy quark limit of QCD, f3/2(n)=0f_{3/2}^{(n)} = 0. Assuming the {\it model} of factorization in the decays BˉdDˉsD\bar{B}_d \to \bar{D}_s^{**}D, one expects the opposite hierarchy for the {\it emission} rates Γ(BˉdDˉs(32)D)Γ(BˉdDˉs(12)D)\Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to \bar{D}_s ({3 \over 2}) D) \ll \Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to \bar{D}_s ({1 \over 2}) D), since j=12j = {1 \over 2} PP-states are coupled to vacuum. Moreover, using Bjorken SR and previously discovered SR involving heavy-light meson decay constants and IW functions, one can prove that the sums n(f(n)f(0))2\sum\limits_n ({f^{(n)} \over f^{(0)}})^2, n(f1/2(n)f(0))2\sum\limits_n ({f_{1/2}^{(n)} \over f^{(0)}})^2 (where f(n)f^{(n)} and f1/2(n)f_{1/2}^{(n)} are the decay constants of SS-states and j=12j = {1\over 2} PP-states) are divergent. This situation seems to be realized in the relativistic quark models \`a la Bakamjian and Thomas, that satisfy HQET and predict decays constants f(n)f^{(n)} and f1/2(n)f_{1/2}^{(n)} that do not decrease with the radial quantum number nn.Comment: 7 pages, Late