519 research outputs found

    Is Nonfarm Diversification a Way Out of Poverty for Rural Households? Evidence from Vietnam in 1993-2006

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    school. Using the four high quality household living standards surveys available to date this paper reveals that Vietnam’s rural labour force has been markedly diversifying toward nonfarm activities in the doi moi (renovation) reform period. The employment share of the rural nonfarm sector has increased from 23 percent to 58 percent between the years 1993 and 2006. At the individual level, the results indicate that participation in the rural nonfarm sector is determined by a set of individual-, household-, and community-level characteristics. Gender, ethnicity, and education are reported as main individual-level drivers of nonfarm diversification. Lands as most important physical assets of rural households are found to be negative to nonfarm employment. It is also evident that both physical and institutional infrastructure exert important influences on individual participation in the nonfarm sector. At the household level, a combination of parametric and semi-parametric analysis is adopted to examine whether nonfarm diversification is a poverty exit path for rural households. This paper demonstrates a positive effect of nonfarm diversification on household welfare and this effect is robust to different estimation techniques, measures of nonfarm diversification, and the usage of equivalent scales. However, the poor is reported to benefit less than the non-poor from nonfarm activities. Though promoting a buoyant nonfarm sector is crucial for rural development and poverty reduction, it needs to be associated with enhancing access to nonfarm opportunities for the poor.Rural nonfarm sector, nonfarm diversification, household welfare, Vietnam

    Factorization of high-harmonic generation yields in impurity-doped materials

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    We present a theoretical investigation of high-harmonic generation (HHG) from impurity-doped materials using the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) approach. We demonstrate the factorization of HHG yields as a product of an electron wave packet and the recombination cross section, in analogy to HHG from atoms and molecules in the gas phase. Furthermore, we show that the quantitative rescattering model based on this factorization accurately reproduces the TDSE results. This opens up new possibilities to study impurities in materials using the available techniques from strong-field physics


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    The professional management of landfills during operation and after landfill capping is an important task to prevent environmental impacts. Landfill maintenance after closure can become economically favourable if landfill sites can be reused. Several approaches and experiences for reuse of capped landfills exist for example in livestock farming or installation and operation of solar power plants. Also the utilization for spare time activities after green capping and recreation or the industrial reuse for the development of a waste utilization plant is a common practice in Europe. The feasibility of reuse options depend on the site conditions including size and location of the landfill, the climatic conditions and the interests of the involved stakeholders. For the urban landfill site Gò Cát in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) experts from Germany and Vietnam developed a variant assessment for the preferred reuse options. One of three investigated options is considering the reuse of the landfill site for the development of a biomass utilization plant. In terms of the above described approach for Gò Cát the landfill operator is strongly involved in the landfill closure and long term maintenance works (leachate treatment, landfill gas utilization). Moreover, the operator can reuse the landfill site for an additional or new business. The design and operation criteria for the biomass utilization plant and best practice examples are presented. Beside the economic evaluation results of water and landfill gas balance will be discussed

    On the regularization of solution of an inverse ultraparabolic equation associated with perturbed final data

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    In this paper, we study the inverse problem for a class of abstract ultraparabolic equations which is well-known to be ill-posed. We employ some elementary results of semi-group theory to present the formula of solution, then show the instability cause. Since the solution exhibits unstable dependence on the given data functions, we propose a new regularization method to stabilize the solution. then obtain the error estimate. A numerical example shows that the method is efficient and feasible. This work slightly extends to the earlier results in Zouyed et al. \cite{key-9} (2014).Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    ICT Integration in Developing Competence for Pre- Service Mathematics Teachers A Case Study from Six Universities in Vietnam

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    Competence structure that pre-service teachers need to develop to become a future teacher has been defined since the 1930s. For pre-service mathematics teachers, their competence has its own characteristics. ICT integration in developing competence for pre-service mathematics teachers has been been proved to be effective in many previous studies. In Vietnam, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has recommended the use of ICT to enhance teaching-learning activities in schools and universities, therefore, there have been many studies on ICT intergration at different educational levels. However, there are only a few studies on the use ICT integration in developing competence for pre-service mathematics teachers. This paper presents results from a research on the feasibility of ICT integration in developing competence of Vietnamese pre-service mathematics teachers. The research was conducted by surveying on a randomly selected of 297 pre-service mathematics teachers and 40 mathematics lecturers in six universities which provide mathematics training programs. Results show that despite of the availability of technologies, ICT integration in training pre-service teachers is still limited. In addition, ICT integration in teaching activities of mathematics teachers is not really effective because the levels of their ICT skills are very different. Pre-service mathematics teachers have the ability to use ICT equipment, and good accessibility to learning systems, but their use of the learning management systems (LMS) is limited. This study can be a reference for future studies to test the effective of ICT integration in training pre-service teachers when designing activities to develop feasibly and effectively their competence
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