5 research outputs found

    Badanie zapewnienia rozwoju przepływu w przybrzeżnych marginalnych pól naftowych w Wietnamie: Studium przypadku pola naftowego Ca Ngu Vang

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    Over the last few years, PetroVietnam has discovered and exploited several marginal oil fields such as Ca Ngu Vang, Te Giac Trang, Hai Su Den, Hai Su Trang, etc. however the reserves are modest. Test results received during drilling exploratory wells within these fields indicated that the maximum total daily production rate from the wells could promisingly range to about 20,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD). Unfortunately, the optimum development of these offshore oil fields still offers numerous challenges to oil engineers due to the limitations of equipment and technology. Oil production activities worldwide show that if the daily production of an offshore oilfield is less than 20,000 BOPD, a connection of the marginal fields to their nearest larger oil field should be taken into consideration in order to efficaciously recover more crude oil. Often, this method of production requires a long subsea pipeline system. Besides, the transportation of the fluids from these fields to the processing platform will undergo several serious problems caused by the deposition of wax. All these matters should be handled to guarantee the performance of transportation. A number of models using PIPESIM, PIPEPHRASE and OLGA have been applied to design and examine the operations of the subsea pipeline in different working conditions. Results of the simulations proposed the use of passive insulation to economically eliminate wax deposition and recommended proper pipeline shutdown operations to minimize several problems related to flow assurance issues in the region of interest.W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat w Vietnamie odkryto i eksploatowano kilka marginalnych pól naftowych, takich jak Ca Ngu Vang, Te Giac Trang, Hai Su Den, Hai Su Trang, itd.… Jednak zasoby są skromne. Wyniki testów otrzymane podczas wiercenia odwiertów poszukiwawczych na tych polach wykazały, że maksymalny całkowity dzienny poziom wydobycia z odwiertów może potencjalnie sięgać około 20 000 baryłek ropy dziennie (BOPD). Niestety, optymalny rozwój tych przybrzeżnych pól naftowych nadal stwarza liczne wyzwania dla inżynierów naftowych ze względu na ograniczenia sprzętu i technologii. Działalność wydobywcza ropy naftowej na całym świecie pokazuje, że jeśli dzienna produkcja morskiego pola naftowego jest mniejsza niż 20 000 BOPD, należy wziąć pod uwagę połączenie pól marginalnych z ich najbliższym większym polem naftowym, aby efektywnie odzyskać więcej ropy. Często ta metoda produkcji wymaga długiego systemu rurociągów podmorskich. Poza tym transport płynów z tych pól na platformę obróbkową będzie wiązał się z kilkoma poważnymi problemami spowodowanymi osadzaniem się wosku. Wszystkie te sprawy powinny być załatwione, aby zagwarantować wykonanie transportu. Szereg modeli wykorzystujących PIPESIM, PIPEPHRASE i OLGA zostało zastosowanych do projektowania i badania działania rurociągu podmorskiego w różnych warunkach pracy. W wynikach symulacji zaproponowano zastosowanie izolacji pasywnej w celu ekonomicznego wyeliminowania osadzania się wosku oraz zalecono prawidłowe operacje wyłączania rurociągu, aby zminimalizować kilka problemów związanych z kwestiami zapewnienia przepływu w obszarze zainteresowania

    Understanding Vietnam's drug policy for amphetamine-type stimulants misuse

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    Introduction: The emergence of widespread amphetamine-type stimulants (ATSs) usage has created significant challenges for drug control and treatment policies in Southeast Asian countries. This study analyses the development of drug policies and examines current treatment program constraints in Vietnam to deal with ATS misuse. The aim was to gain insights that may be useful for national and international drug-related policy development and revision.Methods: A desk review of national policy documents and 22 in-depth key informant interviews were conducted from 2019 to 2021. Thematic content analysis was employed to identify key themes and their connections.Results: Analysis identified Vietnam’s 30-year history of developing policies and formulating strategies to reduce supply, demand, and harm from illicit drugs. With the increasing number of people who use ATS (PWUA), Vietnam has recently promoted harsh policy and law enforcement to deter drug use and supply. This policy trend prevails in many Asian countries. The three main constraints in dealing with ATS misuse emerged from punitive and restrictive drug policies. First, the general public believed that Centre-based compulsory treatment (CCT) is the only appropriate treatment for all types of illicit drug addiction despite its low-quality service provision. The rigid drug policy has led to social persuasion with impractical expectations for CCT effectiveness. Second, the emphasis on punishment and detention has hampered new drug treatment service development in Vietnam. CCT has become monopolistic in the context of impoverished services. Third, people who use drugs tend to hide their needs and avoid formal treatment and support services, resulting in declined social coherence.Conclusion: While new drugs are constantly evolving, the current law enforcement approach potentially constrains expertise to adopt effective treatment services. This study suggests that the top-down policing mechanism presently hinders the development of an appropriate intervention strategy for ATS misuse and diminishes social support to service providers

    An adaptive design to screen, treat, and retain people with opioid use disorders who use methamphetamine in methadone clinics (STAR-OM): study protocol of a clinical trial.

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    BackgroundMethamphetamine use could jeopardize the current efforts to address opioid use disorder and HIV infection. Evidence-based behavioral interventions (EBI) are effective in reducing methamphetamine use. However, evidence on optimal combinations of EBI is limited. This protocol presents a type-1 effectiveness-implementation hybrid design to evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness of adaptive methamphetamine use interventions, and their implementation barriers in Vietnam.MethodDesign: Participants will be first randomized into two frontline interventions for 12 weeks. They will then be placed or randomized to three adaptive strategies for another 12 weeks. An economic evaluation and an ethnographic evaluation will be conducted alongside the interventions.ParticipantsWe will recruit 600 participants in 20 methadone clinics.Eligibility criteria(1) age 16+; (2) Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) scores ≥ 10 for methamphetamine use or confirmed methamphetamine use with urine drug screening; (3) willing to provide three pieces of contact information; and (4) having a cell phone.OutcomesOutcomes are measured at 13, 26, and 49 weeks and throughout the interventions. Primary outcomes include the (1) increase in HIV viral suppression, (2) reduction in HIV risk behaviors, and (3) reduction in methamphetamine use. COVID-19 response: We developed a response plan for interruptions caused by COVID-19 lockdowns to ensure data quality and intervention fidelity.DiscussionThis study will provide important evidence for scale-up of EBIs for methamphetamine use among methadone patients in limited-resource settings. As the EBIs will be delivered by methadone providers, they can be readily implemented if the trial demonstrates effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT04706624. Registered on 13 January 2021. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04706624

    A highly virulent variant of HIV-1 circulating in the Netherlands

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    We discovered a highly virulent variant of subtype-B HIV-1 in the Netherlands. One hundred nine individuals with this variant had a 0.54 to 0.74 log10 increase (i.e., a ~3.5-fold to 5.5-fold increase) in viral load compared with, and exhibited CD4 cell decline twice as fast as, 6604 individuals with other subtype-B strains. Without treatment, advanced HIV-CD4 cell counts below 350 cells per cubic millimeter, with long-term clinical consequences-is expected to be reached, on average, 9 months after diagnosis for individuals in their thirties with this variant. Age, sex, suspected mode of transmission, and place of birth for the aforementioned 109 individuals were typical for HIV-positive people in the Netherlands, which suggests that the increased virulence is attributable to the viral strain. Genetic sequence analysis suggests that this variant arose in the 1990s from de novo mutation, not recombination, with increased transmissibility and an unfamiliar molecular mechanism of virulence