2,473 research outputs found
Spatial distribution of stored grain insects in a rice storage and processing facility in Brazil
This study describes the spatial distribution of stored product insects captured biweekly using foodbaited cage traps in a large rice storage and processing facility, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Monitoring started in August 2009 and will be carried out for 1 year, the first 5 months of sampling being presented in this study. From end of August 2009 until the end of December 2009, a total of 9893 insects were captured in the 99 cage traps. The most abundant species were: Carpophilus spp. (76%), Typhaea stercorea (8.6%), Ahasverus advena (5.5%), Tribolium castaneum (2.3%), Sitophilus oryzae (2%), Sitophilus zeamais (1.5%), Ephestia spp. (1.2 %), Cryptolestes ferrugineus (1%), Rhyzopertha dominica (0.64%), Oryzaephilus surinamensis (0.6%), Anthicus floralis (0.4%), Lasioderma serricorne (0.25%). The first two species, which make up for 84.6% of the insects collected, are not considered pests in stored grain, rather are attracted by moldy material present in residues or even in the bait material. The other insects, including primary and secondary species, comprised about 15% of the total trapped. The spatial distribution of the most important species infesting rice grain and of the total insect number was analyzed using Surfer 6.04 (Golden software, Golden, CO, USA) and contour maps were constructed to target areas for sanitation. Except for trap 66, located by the rice hulk storage box, the spatial distribution we observed using the contour maps showed that the greatest number of insects was mostly captured in cages placed in the receiving area, around the dryers, as well as outside of the structure where grain residues frequently accumulate. As indicated on the maps for total number of insects, a few isolated infested spots were detected. The parboiled rice area had the least amount of insects, except for trap 61, placed outside the structure. The population of primary and the most important secondary insect species, as well as the overall number of insects, decreased after sanitation and physical control measures were applied. Our observations confirm that insect monitoring is an essential tool for targeting and evaluating the control measures adopted in the quality program of rice storage and processing facilities. Keywords: Insect monitoring; Spatial distribution; Stored grain pests; Stored ric
Decision-making in advanced heart failure patients requiring LVAD insertion: can preoperative simulation become the way forward? A case study
Clinical practice heavily relies on results from randomized controlled trials, which may not reflect completely individual patients.
Patient-specific modelling has received increasing attention in recent years. Although still far from clinical application on a daily basis, the potential of this approach is significant. The treatment of advanced heart failure may benefit from a modelling framework to guide device treatment and predict outcome. The role of mechanical circulatory support as a long-term solution is increasing in view of the evolving technology and worsening heart failure patient population. Therefore, a preoperative strategy with the ability to predict the course of events in a simulation setting may be justified. Here we present a heart failure patient
discussed at a multidisciplinary team meeting whose outcome was compared with simulations carried out with CARDIOSIM (C) software to investigate the role of this approach as a planning strategy to guide intervention and predict outcome. The clinical decision process is complex and many factors are involved. Patient-specific modelling may have a role to play as part of a preoperative planning strategy with more quantitative evaluation to smooth decision-making
Le Archeidi di Giulio Turcato problematiche conservative e proposte di intervento
Le Archeidi, gruppo scultoreo composto da cinque elementi realizzati con laminati di ferro a struttura tubolare assemblati artigianalmente, sono alte circa quattro metri e il loro ingombro varia tra gli ottanta e i novanta centimetri. Vennero realizzate da Giulio Turcato nel 1989 per la citt\ue0 di Salerno, in occasione della prima edizione di \u201cSalerno Incontri d\u2019Arte\u201d, parallelamente alla mostra \u201cGiulio Turcato per/Corso\u201d, tenutasi in tre gallerie della citt\ue0 \u201cLa Bottegaccia\u201d, \u201cIl Catalogo\u201d e \u201cLa Seggiola\u201d. Il gruppo scultoreo era composto da quattro elementi che erano stati scherzosamente definiti dal maestro \u201caculei\u201d e da un quinto che ricordava le sembianze di un \u201cfiore\u201d. Purtroppo, appena le opere vennero collocate lungo il percorso cittadino, una sub\uec un atto vandalico mentre un\u2019altra venne trafugata. Le cinque sculture furono realizzate, seguendo il progetto dell\u2019artista, nella bottega di un fabbro salernitano e successivamente trattate cromaticamente. Le ragioni principali del degrado delle Archeidi sono legate alla collocazione in ambiente esterno e al fatto che l\u2019aspettativa di vita dei materiali utilizzati non garantisce la durabilit\ue0 del gruppo scultoreo. Quattro strutture, di propriet\ue0 del Comune di Salerno, si presentano oggi in un precario stato di conservazione, aggravato dall\u2019umidit\ue0 dello spazio dove sono conservate. Ad un\u2019osservazione preliminare si riscontra un viraggio completo dei colori e la presenza diffusa di ruggine. Le opere, dopo un accurato intervento di restauro, attendono di trovare una nuova collocazione che risponda alle necessit\ue0 di una buona conservazione e al tempo stesso alla natura di \u201copera ambientale\u201d cos\uec come ideata dall\u2019artista
Intra and interspecific variation assessment in Psocoptera using near spectoscopy
Several species of Psocoptera are associated with and damage grains and other stored products, books, historical documents, and insect collections. Their small size and lack of expressive morphological variation make it a difficult group for species identification. The spectra of adult males and females of 10 psocid species from the genus Liposcelis were obtained by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and analyzed. Each specimen was placed on a diffuse reflectance accessory of a NIR spectrometer to obtain the respective spectrum, using ten replicates for each species or sex. All spectra were analyzed by combined methods of multivariate analysis using the technique of crossed validation for the multivariate models. The analysis discriminated the species without significant overlapping among the species spectral patterns. The NIRS also revealed variation in the metabolomic profile of males and females; however, it is still possible to distinguish the species using only males or females or even from mixed sex samples. NIRS technique proved to be a powerful tool to discriminate species both at intra and interspecific levels based on dispersion spectral patterns of individual specimens. Keywords: Biological systems, Liposcelididae, stored product pests, Vibrational spectroscopy
Switching to low-dose oral prolonged-release oxycodone/naloxone from WHO-step i drugs in elderly patients with chronic pain at high risk of early opioid discontinuation
Chronic pain has a high prevalence in the aging population. Strong opioids also should be considered in older people for the treatment of moderate to severe pain or for pain that impairs functioning and the quality of life. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of the direct switch to low-dose strong opioids (World Health Organization-Step III drugs) in elderly, opioid-naive patients
Il Grano di Pietro Gaudenzi. Stato di conservazione e problematiche di intervento
L\u2019opera Il grano (\u201cdipinto murale su intonaco applicato a masonite\u201d, cm 249x434, Pinacoteca del Museo Civico \u201cAla Ponzone\u201d di Cremona) viene realizzata da Pietro Gaudenzi nel 1940 per la seconda edizione del Premio Cremona istituito da Roberto Farinacci nel 1939, a seguito della necessit\ue0 di rafforzare il mercato e le quotazioni d\u2019arte attraverso mostre e premi che richiamassero i valori dell\u2019ideologia fascista in campo artistico. I cartoni preparatori degli affreschi eseguiti da Gaudenzi a Rodi, raccolti nella recente mostra (2015) Pietro Gaudenzi: gli affreschi perduti del Castello dei Cavalieri a Rodi [1], ritenuti l\u2019ultima testimonianza rimasta delle pitture murali che occupavano la Sala del pane e la Sala della famiglia del Castello - ricostruito dagli italiani dal 1936 al 1940 - evocano il trittico che vincer\ue0 il premio Cremona nel 1940. Diversamente dalle tecniche sperimentali che hanno caratterizzato molte delle opere del ritorno alla tradizione decorativa murale, Gaudenzi dipinge il trittico su un intonaco composto da un aggregato silicatico e calce. Il disegno \ue8 stato eseguito tramite incisioni dirette da cartoni preparatori, successivamente ripassate con un tratto bruno, i colori sono stati scelti tra quelli tradizionalmente usati per questo tipo di pittura, unitamente a pigmenti inorganici minerali sintetici in uso a partire dal XIX secolo. L\u2019opera, realizzata su pannelli rigidi (masonite), risulta \u2013 sul fondo \u2013 impermeabile al vapore acqueo che, in situazioni di variazione dei parametri microclimatici ambientali e a causa delle frequenti movimentazioni del dipinto, provoca sollevamenti localizzati di forme tondeggianti (a bolla). La pellicola pittorica, resa leggermente plastica dalla vernice, si rigonfia distaccandosi dal supporto in quantit\ue0 talvolta, estese. I conseguenti necessari interventi di manutenzione, mirati al consolidamento dei sollevamenti, risultano particolarmente complessi per l\u2019impossibilit\ue0 di intervenire dal retro: la necessit\ue0 di attraversare il film protettivo e penetrare la pellicola pittorica in assenza di crettature ha evidenziato l\u2019estrema fragilit\ue0 sia del film pittorico che della materia sottostante. Lo studio presenta alcune metodologie di intervento utilizzate, nel tempo, per consolidare il trittico. La possibilit\ue0 di poter analizzare alcuni microframmenti ha richiesto l\u2019applicazione di una strategia analitica basata sull\u2019uso di microscopi e microsonde. La successione degli strati tecnici \ue8 stata definita in microscopia ottica (OM) ed elettronica a scansione (SEM), su \u201ccross section\u201d. Le tessiture e la composizione chimica dei leganti e dei pigmenti dei singoli strati sono state determinate utilizzando un sistema di microanalisi in dispersione di energia (EDS) e in spettrofotometria FT-IR. Questi dati integrano le informazioni ottenute con le tecniche non invasive d\u2019immagine (luminescenza UV, riflettografia IR e riprese IR in falso colore) e puntuali (XRF) realizzate in situ
Simulation as a preoperative planning approach in advanced heart failure patients. A retrospective clinical analysis
Background: Modelling and simulation may become clinically applicable tools for detailed evaluation of the cardiovascular system and clinical decision-making to guide therapeutic intervention. Models based on pressure-volume relationship and zero-dimensional representation of the cardiovascular system may be a suitable choice given their simplicity and versatility. This approach has great potential for application in heart failure where the impact of left ventricular assist devices has played a significant role as a bridge to transplant and more recently as a long-term solution for non eligible candidates. Results: We sought to investigate the value of simulation in the context of three heart failure patients with a view to predict or guide further management. CARDIOSIM© was the software used for this purpose. The study was based on retrospective analysis of haemodynamic data previously discussed at a multidisciplinary meeting. The outcome of the simulations addressed the value of a more quantitative approach in the clinical decision process. Conclusions: Although previous experience, co-morbidities and the risk of potentially fatal complications play a role in clinical decision-making, patient-specific modelling may become a daily approach for selection and optimisation of device-based treatment for heart failure patients. Willingness to adopt this integrated approach may be the key to further progress
Tricorynus rudepunctatus (PIC) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae): Diagnosis and damage
The objective of this research was to identify and study a species of Anobiidae that causes great damage and is a cause of concern as an urban pest in Brazil. This species has been found infesting wood, furniture, doors, books, insect collections, tea, dried fruits, handcrafts, and many other commodities. Inspections were done in houses and storehouses in the city of Curitiba, PR, Brazil in order to collect objects and materials that present signs of anobiid attack. The only species identified was Tricorynus rudepunctatus (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). There is only one reference to this species in the central region of Brazil. Another anobiid, the book pest Tricorynus herbarius has been recorded attacking books and historical documents and Tricorynus sp. attacking forest trees, but it was not recorded in our survey. Usually, the damage caused by T. rudepunctatus is mistaken with damage by termites; and when the insect is collected it is frequently misidentified as T. herbarius or as the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne or even as Stegobium paniceum, the drugstore beetle. Some morphological characters useful to identify T. rudepunctatus are: oval body about 2.7 mm long; dark brown with smooth hairs all over the body; head concealed under the pronotum; 10-segmented antenna with the three apical segments forming a 3-segmented loose club; elytra with two grooves at the posterior edge; fore femur with a transversal line on its anterior face; pro and mesotibia with two distinct striae; metasternum longitudinally carinate in the middle. Adults and larvae bore inside the materials, forming galleries and producing a coarse powder. Keywords: Anobiids, Insect identification, Morphological characters, Urban pest
The Evolving Role of Maintenance Therapy Using Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (EGFR TKIs) in the Management of Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
A video abstract by the authors of this paper is available. video-abstract5127.mo
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