89 research outputs found

    A Review of Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for Large Amount of Cloud Enterprises

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    Cloud computing is an on-demand service because it offers dynamic flexible resource allocation for reliable and guaranteed services in pay as-you-use manner. Because of the consistently increasing demands of the clients for services or resources, it gets hard to allocate resources accurately to the client demands to satisfy their solicitations and also to take care of the Service Level Agreements (SLA) gave by the service suppliers. Dynamic resource allocation problem is one of the most challenging problems in the resource management problems. The dynamic resource allocation in cloud computing has attracted attention of the research network in the last couple of years. Many researchers around the world have thought of new ways of facing this challenge. Ad-hoc parallel data handling has arisen to be one of the executioner applications for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud. Number of Cloud supplier companies has started to incorporate frameworks for parallel data handling in their item which making it easy for clients to access these services and to convey their programs. The handling frameworks which are at present utilized have been intended for static and homogeneous bunch arrangements. So the allocated resources may be inadequate for large parts of the submitted tasks and unnecessarily increase preparing cost and time. Again because of opaque nature of cloud, static allocation of resources is conceivable, yet the other way around in dynamic situations. The proposed new generic data handling framework is expected to expressly misuse the dynamic resource allocation in cloud for task scheduling and execution

    An optional service Markovian queue with working disasters and customer’s impatience

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    In this paper, we develop a new class of Markov model with working disasters, second optional service, and reneging of customers. The disasters can occur during regular busy period. Whenever a disaster occurs, server continues to serve the customers with a lower service rate instead of completely stopping the service and after the completion of disaster recovery it switches to the regular busy period. Steady-state solution of the model is obtained by using probability generating function technique and stability condition is derived. Further, some important performance measures are presented. A cost model is developed in order to obtain the optimal service rates during first essential service, second optional service and during disaster period using quadratic fit search method. At the end, we provide some numerical examples to visualize the applicability of the model in practical situations.Publisher's Versio

    Optimization of renewal input (a, c, b) policy working vacation queue with change over time and bernoulli schedule vacation interruption

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    This paper presents a renewal input single working vacation queue with change over time and Bernoulli schedule vacation interruption under (a, c, b) policy. The service and vacation times are exponentially distributed. The server begins service if there are at least c units in the queue and the service takes place in batches with a minimum of size a and a maximum of size b (a ≤ c ≤ b). The change over period follows if there are (a − 1) customers at service completion instants. The steady state queue length distributions at arbitrary and pre-arrival epochs are obtained. An optimal cost policy is presented along with few numerical experiences. The genetic algorithm and quadratic fit search method are employed to search for optimal values of some important parameters of the system.Publisher's Versio

    Prevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls: a prospective study

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    Background: PCOS is a complex   endocrine   disorder which is most common in women of reproductive age. PCOS may first present in adolescence, but the incidence of PCOS in adolescence is not known, as diagnostic criteria for PCOS in the adolescent age-group is still not defined, PCOS symptoms tend to overlap with normal pubertal changes making the diagnosis even more challenging. The objective is to study prevalence and symptomatology of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in adolescent girls.Methods: Prospective study between November 2017 and March 2018. 117 adolescent girls aged 15 to19 years attending OPD with oligomenorrhea and/or hirsutism were advised for biochemical, hormonal, and ultrasonographic evaluation for diagnosis of PCOS on the basis of Rotterdam’s criteria at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Maternity Hospital, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad.Results: Prevalence of PCOS in the study was 11.96% in the study group.Conclusions: PCOS is increasingly encountered during adolescence, although the overall prevalence is low and evaluation of PCOS in adolescents is challenging. At this age, life style modification is imperative to prevent long-term metabolic and reproductive complications


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    This apprises presents an effective very-large-scale assimilation construction aim for convolutive nearsighted cause estrangement. The CBSS split chain copied of the science inflation (Informax) way is adopted. The recommended CBSS chop aim is composed in general of Informix clear outing lot and scaling part computing element. In an Infomax clear outing side, input samples are filtering ousted by an Infomax filter out using the weights up to date by Infomax-driven debatable culture rules. As for the scaling consideration calculation measure, all operations not to mention logistically twisted are mixed and implemented all district devise in response to a piecewise-linear guess practice. The planned model chops implemented via a semi-custom prepare using90-nm CMOS automation on a die magnitude of roughly 0.54×0.54 mm2

    Compliance Of Noise Standards During COVID Pandemic In Residential And Silence Zone

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    Lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic is imposed all over the countries for the containment of corona virus disease worldwide. Hence all forms of transport (trains, flights, and automobiles), industrial activities, shopping malls, and social activities, except essential commodities and services, are restricted according to lockdown policies. Such cumbersome constraints influenced the economic circumstances of the country. At the same time, environmental conditions are enhanced temporarily, which can be considered as a silver lining. A research study is executed to quantify the consequences of lockdown on the noise pollution levels in Nagpur city of Maharashtra. During the lockdown conditions, the noise monitoring was conducted at 3 locations (1 source – National Highway and 2 receptors– residential and silence zone). Further, the noise levels are distinguished from noise levels during the pre-lockdown condition. The research study concludes a massive reduction of approximately 10 and 11.3 dB (A) in the noise level along the national highway in lockdown conditions during day and night time respectively. The study reveals that during lockdown conditions, the noise level plunged below the prescribed legal limit for the residential zone as well as the silence zone. As an outcome of this lockdown, noise pollution has reduced immensely, the dominant reason being a decrement in the traffic volume, which also entails a reduction in honking. The study revealed that prescribed legal noise level standards are achievable, which failed to comply for many decades. In such a case, the study stipulates a new dimension of thought process to control noise pollution in urban areas, promoting sustainability with acoustical comfort. Many aspects of the current lockdown can be carried forward and reconstructed to be comprehended in the post lockdown scenarios


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Kidney diseases are a major problem of worldwide proportions, and renal damage is very common since kidney has the capacity to excretetoxic substances. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of the ethanolic extract of Allium cepa Linn. (EEAC) plant leaves against gentamicininducednephrotoxicity in rats.Methods: Nephroprotective activity was estimated by inducing gentamicin (100 mg/kg) to all the groups of animals; acute kidney dysfunction is anevidenced by significant elevation of serum creatinine, total protein and decreased body weight with multiple histological damages.Results: Treatment with the A. cepa Linn. has shown significant (p<0.01 and p<0.001) dose-dependent improvement in the body weight at the doseof 200 and 400 mg/kg and also shown significant improvement by protecting the kidney from the oxidative stress. It is also identified that treatmentwith A. cepa significantly lowered the level of serum creatinine, total protein when compared with the toxic group.Conclusion: Nephroprotective activity of EEAC treatment was found compared with the standard group (Vitamin E – 250 mg/kg) and control groupagainst the toxic control group animals in parameters including serum creatinine, total protein, kidney weights, and body weights. The histopathologicalstudies were also evinced the protective effect of EEAC.Keywords: Nephroprotective activity, Gentamicin, Nephrotoxicity, Allium cepa Linn

    Design and development of light weight porous matrix using industrial waste

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    The aim of the current study is to optimise the composite mixture of fly ash, rubber waste and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)for the design and development of a light weight porous matrix. The composite matrices have been evaluated based on the engineering properties consisting of compressive strength, density, open porosity (VR%) and water-material ratio (WM%). The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is used for the observation of the microstructure of cement, tyre rubber granules, fly ash and the optimized composite matrix. The compressive strength and density decrease with the increasing quantity of waste tyre rubber granules in the matrix, whereas the porosity of the matrix enhances. Since, the rubber granules act like voids in the composite matrix, results into the development of light weight porous matrix, which is also confirmed by SEM analysis. The study confirms the usability of the composite matrix aslow-cost partition walls or low load bearing structures. The utilization of the waste material reduces the land requirement for huge disposal site as well as reduces the carbon footprint due to the reduced utilization of cement. The composite matrix can be further utilized through proper design mix with additional construction materials such as fine and coarse aggregate to broaden the applications horizon in civil and environmental engineering

    Online sexual harassment among young female students in Ward 10, Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Background Incidences of sexual harassment that occur over the internet are growing with the development of new technologies and virtual communities. This is a hidden form of sexual harassment that emerges unpredictably and poses a public health challenge. The objective of this study was to determine the extent of online sexual harassment experienced by female students (aged 15–24 years) in Baneshwor (Ward 10), Kathmandu, Nepal. Methods A total of 382 female students aged 15–24 – high school (10+2 level) to bachelor level – participated in a quantitative cross-sectional study. A semi structured questionnaire, in the English language, was designed for self administered data collection. It comprised six sections: sociodemographic information, internet accessibility, use of social media, experience of online sexual harassment, student’s awareness and online behaviour. Results Around 66.5% of respondents reported having been exposed to online sexual harassment at least once, and most of the respondents (73.2%) had been exposed to online sexual harassment multiple times. Just under two thirds (62.8%) of the respondents had been exposed to online sexual harassment before they reached 18 years of age. The mean age at which the young women experienced online sexual harassment was 18.94±1.79 years. Respondents studying in high school (10+2 level), those residing in urban areas and those accepting friend requests on social media from people they did not know offline were at higher risk of experiencing frequent online sexual harassment (P=0.000, P=0.011, and P=0.013 respectively). Conclusion The rate of online sexual harassment recorded was high. This shows an urgent need to address the problem; universities and the government need to play a part. A new module of comprehensive sexuality education for virtual communication is suggested as an addition to current academic curriculums

    Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST): Long-Term Single-Center Experience

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    CVST is a rare location of thrombosis involving Dural/ cerebral venous sinuses. It affects around 5-10 people per million population annually. It is an uncommon but life-threatening form of stroke affecting younger individuals. Therefore, identifying and treating in a timely manner is critical. Rarer thrombotic disorders like paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) or Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2) mutation positive myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) can rarely present with CVST. It can also present during pregnancy for the first time. Diagnosis is often established by Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Infections, certain medication use (asparaginase or birth control pills) could lead to CVST. Patients often present with headaches, seizures or neurological deficits. Management is often with systemic anticoagulation despite intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Reducing intracranial pressure by invasive approaches is sometimes needed.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/surp2022/1024/thumbnail.jp
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