111 research outputs found

    Counterfactual Learning from Bandit Feedback under Deterministic Logging: A Case Study in Statistical Machine Translation

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    The goal of counterfactual learning for statistical machine translation (SMT) is to optimize a target SMT system from logged data that consist of user feedback to translations that were predicted by another, historic SMT system. A challenge arises by the fact that risk-averse commercial SMT systems deterministically log the most probable translation. The lack of sufficient exploration of the SMT output space seemingly contradicts the theoretical requirements for counterfactual learning. We show that counterfactual learning from deterministic bandit logs is possible nevertheless by smoothing out deterministic components in learning. This can be achieved by additive and multiplicative control variates that avoid degenerate behavior in empirical risk minimization. Our simulation experiments show improvements of up to 2 BLEU points by counterfactual learning from deterministic bandit feedback.Comment: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2017, Copenhagen, Denmar

    State-Regularized Recurrent Neural Networks to Extract Automata and Explain Predictions

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    Recurrent neural networks are a widely used class of neural architectures. They have, however, two shortcomings. First, they are often treated as black-box models and as such it is difficult to understand what exactly they learn as well as how they arrive at a particular prediction. Second, they tend to work poorly on sequences requiring long-term memorization, despite having this capacity in principle. We aim to address both shortcomings with a class of recurrent networks that use a stochastic state transition mechanism between cell applications. This mechanism, which we term state-regularization, makes RNNs transition between a finite set of learnable states. We evaluate state-regularized RNNs on (1) regular languages for the purpose of automata extraction; (2) non-regular languages such as balanced parentheses and palindromes where external memory is required; and (3) real-word sequence learning tasks for sentiment analysis, visual object recognition and text categorisation. We show that state-regularization (a) simplifies the extraction of finite state automata that display an RNN's state transition dynamic; (b) forces RNNs to operate more like automata with external memory and less like finite state machines, which potentiality leads to a more structural memory; (c) leads to better interpretability and explainability of RNNs by leveraging the probabilistic finite state transition mechanism over time steps.Comment: To appear at IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. The extended version of State-Regularized Recurrent Neural Networks [arXiv:1901.08817

    Explaining Neural Matrix Factorization with Gradient Rollback

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    Explaining the predictions of neural black-box models is an important problem, especially when such models are used in applications where user trust is crucial. Estimating the influence of training examples on a learned neural model's behavior allows us to identify training examples most responsible for a given prediction and, therefore, to faithfully explain the output of a black-box model. The most generally applicable existing method is based on influence functions, which scale poorly for larger sample sizes and models. We propose gradient rollback, a general approach for influence estimation, applicable to neural models where each parameter update step during gradient descent touches a smaller number of parameters, even if the overall number of parameters is large. Neural matrix factorization models trained with gradient descent are part of this model class. These models are popular and have found a wide range of applications in industry. Especially knowledge graph embedding methods, which belong to this class, are used extensively. We show that gradient rollback is highly efficient at both training and test time. Moreover, we show theoretically that the difference between gradient rollback's influence approximation and the true influence on a model's behavior is smaller than known bounds on the stability of stochastic gradient descent. This establishes that gradient rollback is robustly estimating example influence. We also conduct experiments which show that gradient rollback provides faithful explanations for knowledge base completion and recommender datasets.Comment: 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021. Includes Appendi

    Attending to Future Tokens For Bidirectional Sequence Generation

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    Neural sequence generation is typically performed token-by-token and left-to-right. Whenever a token is generated only previously produced tokens are taken into consideration. In contrast, for problems such as sequence classification, bidirectional attention, which takes both past and future tokens into consideration, has been shown to perform much better. We propose to make the sequence generation process bidirectional by employing special placeholder tokens. Treated as a node in a fully connected graph, a placeholder token can take past and future tokens into consideration when generating the actual output token. We verify the effectiveness of our approach experimentally on two conversational tasks where the proposed bidirectional model outperforms competitive baselines by a large margin.Comment: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2019, Hong Kong, Chin

    Response-Based and Counterfactual Learning for Sequence-to-Sequence Tasks in NLP

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    Many applications nowadays rely on statistical machine-learnt models, such as a rising number of virtual personal assistants. To train statistical models, typically large amounts of labelled data are required which are expensive and difficult to obtain. In this thesis, we investigate two approaches that alleviate the need for labelled data by leveraging feedback to model outputs instead. Both scenarios are applied to two sequence-to-sequence tasks for Natural Language Processing (NLP): machine translation and semantic parsing for question-answering. Additionally, we define a new question-answering task based on the geographical database OpenStreetMap (OSM) and collect a corpus, NLmaps v2, with 28,609 question-parse pairs. With the corpus, we build semantic parsers for subsequent experiments. Furthermore, we are the first to design a natural language interface to OSM, for which we specifically tailor a parser. The first approach to learn from feedback given to model outputs, considers a scenario where weak supervision is available by grounding the model in a downstream task for which labelled data has been collected. Feedback obtained from the downstream task is used to improve the model in a response-based on-policy learning setup. We apply this approach to improve a machine translation system, which is grounded in a multilingual semantic parsing task, by employing ramp loss objectives. Next, we improve a neural semantic parser where only gold answers, but not gold parses, are available, by lifting ramp loss objectives to non-linear neural networks. In the second approach to learn from feedback, instead of collecting expensive labelled data, a model is deployed and user-model interactions are recorded in a log. This log is used to improve a model in a counterfactual off-policy learning setup. We first exemplify this approach on a domain adaptation task for machine translation. Here, we show that counterfactual learning can be applied to tasks with large output spaces and, in contrast to prevalent theory, deterministic logs can successfully be used on sequence-to-sequence tasks for NLP. Next, we demonstrate on a semantic parsing task that counterfactual learning can also be applied when the underlying model is a neural network and feedback is collected from human users. Applying both approaches to the same semantic parsing task, allows us to draw a direct comparison between them. Response-based on-policy learning outperforms counterfactual off-policy learning, but requires expensive labelled data for the downstream task, whereas interaction logs for counterfactual learning can be easier to obtain in various scenarios
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