5 research outputs found

    Evolutionary transition from degenerate to nonredundant cytokine signaling networks supporting intrathymic T cell development

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    In mammals, T cell development critically depends on the IL-7 cytokine signaling pathway. Here we describe the identification of the zebrafish ortholog of mammalian IL-7 based on chromosomal localization, deduced protein sequence, and expression patterns. To examine the biological role of il7 in teleosts, we generated an il7 allele lacking most of its coding exons using CRISPR/Cas9-based mutagenesis. il7-deficient animals are viable and exhibit no obvious signs of immune disorder. With respect to intrathymic T cell development, il7 deficiency is associated with only a mild reduction of thymocyte numbers, contrasting with a more pronounced impairment of T cell development in il7r-deficient fish. Genetic interaction studies between il7 and il7r mutants, and il7 and crlf2(tslpr) mutants suggest the contribution of additional, as-yet unidentified cytokines to intrathymic T cell development. Such activities were also ascertained for other cytokines, such as il2 and il15, collectively indicating that in contrast to the situation in mammals, T cell development in the thymus of teleosts is driven by a degenerate multicomponent network of γc cytokines; this explains why deficiencies of single components have little detrimental effect. In contrast, the dependence on a single cytokine in the mammalian thymus has catastrophic consequences in cases of congenital deficiencies in genes affecting the IL-7 signaling pathway. We speculate that the transition from a degenerate to a nonredundant cytokine network supporting intrathymic T cell development emerged as a consequence of repurposing evolutionarily ancient constitutive cytokine pathways for regulatory functions in the mammalian peripheral immune system

    A missense mutation in zbtb17 blocks the earliest steps of T cell differentiation in zebrafish

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    T cells are an evolutionarily conserved feature of the adaptive immune systems of vertebrates. Comparative studies using evolutionarily distant species hold great promise for unraveling the genetic landscape underlying this process. To this end, we used ENU mutagenesis to generate mutant zebrafish with specific aberrations in early T cell development. Here, we describe the identification of a recessive missense mutation in the transcriptional regulator zbtb17 (Q562K), which affects the ninth zinc finger module of the protein. Homozygous mutant fish exhibit an early block of intrathymic T cell development, as a result of impaired thymus colonization owing to reduced expression of the gene encoding the homing receptor ccr9a, and inefficient T cell differentiation owing to reduced expression of socs1a. Our results reveal the zbtb17-socs1 axis as an evolutionarily conserved central regulatory module of early T cell development of vertebrates

    Pervasive changes of mRNA splicing in upf1-deficient zebrafish identify rpl10a as a regulator of T cell development

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    The transcriptome of eukaryotic cells is constantly monitored for errors to avoid the production of undesired protein variants. The evolutionarily conserved nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway degrades aberrant mRNAs, but also functions in the regulation of transcript abundance in response to changed physiological states. Here, we describe a zebrafish mutant of upf1, encoding the central component of the NMD machinery. Fish homozygous for the upf1t20450 allele (Y163X) survive until day 10 after fertilization, presenting with impaired T cell development as one of the most conspicuous features of the mutant phenotype. Analysis of differentially expressed genes identified dysregulation of the pre-mRNA splicing pathway, accompanied by perturbed autoregulation of canonical splicing activators (SRSF) and repressors (HNRNP). In upf1-deficient mutants, NMD-susceptible transcripts of ribosomal proteins that are known for their role as noncanonical splicing regulators were greatly increased, most notably, rpl10a. When the levels of NMD-susceptible rpl10a transcripts were artificially increased in zebrafish larvae, T cell development was significantly impaired, suggesting that perturbed autoregulation of rpl10a splicing contributes to failing T cell development in upf1 deficiency. Our results identify an extraribosomal tissue-specific function to rpl10a in the immune system, and thus exemplify the advantages of the zebrafish model to study the effects of upf1-deficiency in the context of a vertebrate organism

    Cbfβ2 controls differentiation of and confers homing capacity to prethymic progenitors

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    Multipotent hematopoietic progenitors must acquire thymus-homing capacity to initiate T lymphocyte development. Despite its importance, the transcriptional program underlying this process remains elusive. Cbfβ forms transcription factor complexes with Runx proteins, and here we show that Cbfβ2, encoded by an RNA splice variant of the Cbfb gene, is essential for extrathymic differentiation of T cell progenitors. Furthermore, Cbfβ2 endows extrathymic progenitors with thymus-homing capacity by inducing expression of the principal thymus-homing receptor, Ccr9. This occurs via direct binding of Cbfβ2 to cell type-specific enhancers, as is observed in Rorγt induction during differentiation of lymphoid tissue inducer cells by activation of an intronic enhancer. As in mice, an alternative splicing event in zebrafish generates a Cbfβ2-specific mRNA, important for ccr9 expression. Thus, despite phylogenetically and ontogenetically variable sites of origin of T cell progenitors, their robust thymus-homing capacity is ensured by an evolutionarily conserved mechanism emerging from functional diversification of Runx transcription factor complexes by acquisition of a novel splice variant

    Forward Genetic Screens in Zebrafish Identify Pre-mRNA-Processing Pathways Regulating Early T Cell Development

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    Lymphocytes represent basic components of vertebrate adaptive immune systems, suggesting the utility of non-mammalian models to define the molecular basis of their development and differentiation. Our forward genetic screens in zebrafish for recessive mutations affecting early T cell development revealed several major genetic pathways. The identification of lineage-specific transcription factors and specific components of cytokine signaling and DNA replication and/or repair pathways known from studies of immunocompromised mammals provided an evolutionary cross-validation of the screen design. Unexpectedly, however, genes encoding proteins required for pre-mRNA processing were enriched in the collection of mutants identified here. In both zebrafish and mice, deficiency of the splice regulator TNPO3 impairs intrathymic T cell differentiation, illustrating the evolutionarily conserved and cell-type-specific functions of certain pre-mRNA-processing factors for T cell development