84 research outputs found

    Factors complex mechanism of social protection

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    У статті проаналізовано чинники розвитку комплексного механізму соціального захисту населення. Обгрунтовано, що при узгодженості інтересів суб’єктів і об’єктів соціального захисту по вертикалі і горизонталі їх взаємодія дозволяє ефективно розвиватися в сучасних економічних умовах; концептуальні основи ефективного розвитку соціального захисту припускають наявність чіткої регламентації компетенцій за рівнями соціально­економічної системи суспільства; розподіл компетенцій за рівнями соціально­економічної системи суспільства базується на об’єктивному аналізі видів витрат суспільства; організаційно­правові основи підвищення ефективності даного механізму структурно і змістовно визначаються соціально­економічними передумовами.The article analyzes the factors in the development of a comprehensive mechanism of social protection of the population. It is proved that when the consistency of the interests of the subjects and objects of social protection vertical and horizontal interaction allows to develop effectively in the current economic conditions, a conceptual framework for efficient development of social protection require a clear regulation of the competence levels of the socio­economic system of the company; the distribution of competencies across levels of socio­economic system of a society is based on an objective analysis of the expenses of the company; the legal basis for the improvement of the effectiveness of this mechanism is structurally and content are determined by the socio­economic conditions. The existing system of social protection of the population is not effective enough and leads to bankruptcy of the state, whose financial capabilities do not meet social obligations. It can be stated that today the full implementation of the Constitution of Ukraine, in which Ukraine is defined as a social state, is not fully implemented, as a significant decrease in the standard of living of the bulk of the population.The reform of social protection is defined in the Strategy for Sustainable Development - 2020 as one of the top priorities. It is indisputable that there is a need to improve the mechanisms of social protection for all groups of the population. Determination of potential main directions, structure and forms of modernization of these mechanisms has a very relevant theoretical and practical significance for the modern stage of development of society

    Державне управління у сфері соціального захисту населення: теоретичні аспекти

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    The article presents the analysis of the theoretical approaches to the interpretation ofthe social protection system, examines subjects and objects of social protection, and definesthe specific features of public administration in the field of social protection. A newversion of the definition of “social protection” has been offered. It is concluded that thedevelopment of public administration in the field of social protection in Ukraine requiresthe use of modern methodology of problem solving. In connection with this, there is aproblem of adequate use of general and specific approaches and methods of public administration,in particular, public policy analysis, system and situation analysis, programbasedapproaches, and methods of expert opinion. Social protection of the population becomes more relevant at a time when society, the country are experiencing difficult periods, when sharply exacerbated social problems. Moreover, their decision depends, first of all, on the possibilities of the material (financial) base of social work, as well as on the essence and content of state social policy.The system of social protection is a sphere of vital interests of the population, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of which indicate the level of social, economic, legal and cultural development of the state and society. The peculiarities of organization of the national system of social protection largely determine the order in the country, the degree of consent in society, as well as the stability and dynamics of economic and social development. This determines the relevance of the chosen problem..У статті здійснено аналіз теоретичних підходів до інтерпретації системи соціаль-ного захисту населення, розглянуто суб’єкти та об’єкти соціального захисту, визна-чено специфіку державного управління у сфері соціального захисту. Запропонованонову редакцію визначення поняття «соціальний захист населення». Зроблено ви-сновок про те, що розвиток державного управління соціальним захистом населенняв Україні вимагає застосування сучасної методології вирішення проблем. У цьомузв’язку виникають проблеми адекватного застосування загальних та спеціальнихпідходів і методів державного управління, зокрема аналізу державної політики, сис-темного та ситуаційного аналізу, програмно-цільового підходу, методів експертнихоцінок

    Fabrication and Characterization of an 8 × 8 Terahertz Photoconductive Antenna Array for Spatially Resolved Time Domain Spectroscopy and Imaging Applications

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    ABSTRACT: Terahertz (THz) technology is promising in several applications such as imaging, spectroscopy and communications. Among several methods in the generation and detection of THz waves, a THz timedomain system that is developed using photoconductive antennas (PCA) as emitter and detector presents several advantages such as simple alignment, low cost, high performance etc. In this work, we report the design, fabrication and characterization of a 2-D PCA array that is capable of detecting both the amplitude and phase of the THz pulse. The PCA array is fabricated using LT-GaAs and has 8 channels with 64 pixels (8 × 8). A novel approach using a spatial light modulator (SLM) to steer and focus the infrared probe beam towards pixels of the PCA array is presented. Each channel records the photocurrent generated by the THz signal (amplitude and phase) separately and frequencies up to 1.4 THz can be detected. Furthermore, the parameters such as directional time delay of the THz pulse, crosstalk between the channels etc., were characterized. Finally, we show that the proposed 2D PCA array design is flexible and can be used for accelerated THz spectral image acquisition

    Public administration in the field of social protection: theoretical aspects

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    The article presents the analysis of the theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the social protection system, examines subjects and objects of social protection, and defines the specific features of public administration in the field of social protection. A new version of the definition of “social protection” has been offered. It is concluded that the development of public administration in the field of social protection in Ukraine requires the use of modern methodology of problem solving. In connection with this, there is a problem of adequate use of general and specific approaches and methods of public administration, in particular, public policy analysis, system and situation analysis, programbased approaches, and methods of expert opinion


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    The article examines possibilities of creation on the railway transport of the adequate decision-making support system on the basis of the fundamentals of the fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic theories.Рассмотрены вопросы возможности создания на железнодорожном транспорте адекватных систем поддержки принятия решений, в основу которых положены основные принципы теории нечетких множеств и нечеткой логики.Розглянуто питання можливості створення на залізничному транспорті адекватних систем підтримки прийняття рішень, в основу яких покладені основні принципи теорії нечітких множин і нечіткої логіки


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    Purpose. The aim of this research work is to develop an intelligent technology for determination of the optimal route of freight trains administration on the basis of the technical and technological parameters. This will allow receiving the operational informed decisions by the station duty officer regarding to the train operation execution within the railway station. Metodology. The main elements of the research are the technical and technological parameters of the train station during the train operation. The methods of neural networks in order to form the self-teaching automated system were put in the basis of the generated model of train operation execution. Findings. The presented model of train operation execution at the railway station is realized on the basis of artificial neural networks using learning algorithm with a «teacher» in Matlab environment. The Matlab is also used for the immediate implementation of the intelligent automated control system of the train operation designed for the integration into the automated workplace of the duty station officer. The developed system is also useful to integrate on workplace of the traffic controller. This proposal is viable in case of the availability of centralized traffic control on the separate section of railway track. Originality. The model of train station operation during the train operation execution with elements of artificial intelligence was formed. It allows providing informed decisions to the station duty officer concerning a choice of rational and a safe option of reception and non-stop run of the trains with the ability of self-learning and adaptation to changing conditions. This condition is achieved by the principles of the neural network functioning. Practical value. The model of the intelligent system management of the process control for determining the optimal route receptionfor different categories of trains was formed.In the operational mode it offers the possibility to the station duty officer or the traffic controller to determine the appropriate park (receiving, sending, transit one) and efficient reception way or handling one on condition of train safety control. The cardinal difference of this technology from the existing ones is the possibility to adapt the model to changing conditions. It means that in case of a situation that had not been encountered previously the model will calculate the most efficient way of train operation execution

    Local glucocorticoid therapy or low back pain

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    Low back pain (LBP) is common; 54 to 80% of the population experience LBP throughout their lives. The authors describe the effect of glucocorticoids (GC) in myofascial pain syndrome, spondyloarthrosis, and sacroiliac arthropathy. Epidural GC is noted to be indicated for persistent pain syndrome. It is concluded that medical blockades using Diprospan in dystrophic-destructive diseases of the lumbar spine are a potent means against one of the major components of manifestations of the disease - pain syndrome - and can achieve a marked therapeutic effect