13 research outputs found

    Isatuximab in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone in patients with high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma: Updated safety run-in results from the randomized phase 3 ithaca study

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    Background: Results from a randomized, Phase 3 study by the Spanish Myeloma Group (PETHEMA/GEM) previously showed that treatment with lenalidomide plus dexamethasone (Rd) may delay progression to active disease in patients (pts) with high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM), compared with observation. To further improve outcomes, addition of the anti-CD38 antibody isatuximab (Isa) to lenalidomide and dexamethasone (Isa-Rd) for the treatment of pts with high-risk SMM is being evaluated in the ongoing, randomized, multi-center, Phase 3 ITHACA study (NCT04270409). Initial findings from the safety run-in analysis of this trial have shown a manageable safety profile and encouraging, preliminary anti-myeloma activity. We now report updated safety and efficacy results from the safety run-in part of ITHACA at a median follow-up of 19.4 months. Methods: Pts were included in the study if they had been diagnosed within 5 years with SMM (per the International Myeloma Working Group [IMWG] criteria) and had high-risk SMM according to the Mayo '20-2-20' and/or updated PETHEMA model criteria. Pts who had received prior anti-myeloma treatment were not eligible. Enrolled pts received Isa 10 mg/kg IV on day (D) 1, 8, 15, and 22 in cycle (C) 1, D1 and D15 C2-12, D1 C13-36; plus R D1-21 (25 mg C1-9; 10 mg C10-24) and d weekly (40 mg, 20 mg for ≥75 yr-old pts C1-9; 20 mg C10-24). Cycle duration was 28 days. Safety evaluations included treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs)/serious AEs and laboratory parameters, graded by NCI-CTCAE v5.0. Response was determined by IMWG criteria (2016). Mandatory imaging by MRI and/or low-dose whole-body CT/PET-CT, and assessments of minimal residual disease (MRD, by next-generation sequencing in pts with very good partial response [VGPR] or better), were performed at protocol-defined time points. The primary study objective for the safety run-in was to confirm the recommended dose of Isa in combination with Rd. Overall response rate (ORR) and MRD negativity rate at 10-5 sensitivity were included as secondary endpoints.Sanof


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    The work covers the social-ecological medium of St. Petersburg. The aim is to develop the methodical principles and practical recommendations on the adaptation of the city environment state forecasting system relatively to new economic management conditions. The methods have been used as follows: economic-statistical and mathematical modelling methods, method of ballances. The methods consisting in the interconnected forecasting and planning of economic municipal complex development, control of its environment state and in financing of the nature-protection measures have been proposed. The ecological control mechanism of the municipal economic activity has been developed, and the municipal environment protection control structure has been proposed. The investigation results have been used at formation of the "Programme for social-economic development of St.-Petersburg up to 2000" and in the educational processAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    The development of tourism: the experience of Russia

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    Tourism - one of the promising sectors of the economy. In the world, the pace of development of tourism is outstripping. Tourism is the driver of economic growth. It acquires special significance in Russia, whose economy is actually in a state of stagnation. The authors analyze the peculiarities of tourism development in the Russian Federation taking into account the influence of external and internal factors. They assess the state of domestic and incoming tourism, as well as identify trends in the development of tourism in the country. Prospective directions of development of the tourism industry are considered. Of practical interest is the author's classification of factors that have a positive and negative impact on the development of tourism. The results of the research can be claimed in the management of tourism development not only at the national, but also at the regional and municipal levels

    The hospitality industry development factors (case of St. Petersburg)

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    The hospitality industry is the unity of all cooperating organizations, each of which performs certain functions aimed at meeting the needs of consumers. The purpose of the article is to review the hotel market of St. Petersburg in the pre-pandemic period. During the research, methods of system and economic analysis, statistical structural and dynamic analysis, correlation and regression analysis were used. To achieve this goal, the characteristics and lists of services of hotels of the main categories are structured. It analyses the key market indicators, such as occupancy and hotel room growth, the distribution of room stock by category, the ratio of tariffs for rooms in hotels of different categories, as well as tourist flow in the context of domestic and foreign citizens. The distribution of domestic and foreign tourists by districts of the city is considered, preferences are revealed. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in the main parameters of the market, including specific indicators, is carried out, demand and supply are compared. It is established that hotels in recent years have carried out activities to attract additional tourists. It is concluded that hotels of different categories did not have time to adapt to the increase in the number of tourists. The characteristics of the market that presumably influence the value of the Gross regional Product of the city are identified, and regression models are compiled. Assumptions are made about the trends in the development of the hotel market in St. Petersburg

    Research on the possibility of improving energy efficiency in the hospitality industry

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    In the structure of commercial real estate, hotel infrastructure facilities occupy a special position due to their dependence on related industries: tourism, both international and domestic, entertainment industry, event organization, business environment development, etc. Also, this industry is most affected by external factors: legal, political, economic, infrastructural, communication, cultural. Trends in the introduction of energy-efficient technologies in the processes of operation and maintenance of real estate objects of the hospitality industry allow to increase their competitiveness and increase the number of transactions. The leaders in the number of investment transactions in the hotel real estate segment for 2022 are traditionally Moscow and St. Petersburg, but the development of domestic tourism gives impetus to increased investment activity in other regions of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of the energy efficiency level on the competitiveness of hotel real estate. Research objectives: analysis of trends in the hotel real estate market, determination of indicators of competitiveness of hotel facilities depending on the type of accommodation, consumer requests and the level of energy efficiency, calculation of the integral indicator of competitiveness of hotel real estate. Research methods: comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, expert evaluation method. As a result of the study, the key factors of the competitiveness of hotel facilities are identified and the methodology for calculating the integral indicator of competitiveness is given

    Comparison of In Situ and Remote-Sensing Methods to Determine Turbidity and Concentration of Suspended Matter in the Estuary Zone of the Mzymta River, Black Sea

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    The paper presents the results of a comparison of water turbidity and suspended particulate matter concentration (SPM) obtained from quasi-synchronous in situ and satellite remote-sensing data. Field measurements from a small boat were performed in April and May 2019, in the northeastern part of the Black Sea, in the mouth area of the Mzymta River. The measuring instruments and methods included a turbidity sensor mounted on a CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth), probe, a portable turbidimeter, water sampling for further laboratory analysis and collecting meteorological information from boat and ground-based weather stations. Remote-sensing methods included turbidity and SPM estimation using the C2RCC (Case 2 Regional Coast Color) and Atmospheric correction for OLI ‘lite’ (ACOLITE) ACOLITE processors that were run on Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A/2B Multispectral Instrument (MSI) satellite data. The highest correlation between the satellite SPM and the water sampling SPM for the study area in conditions of spring flooding was achieved using C2RCC, but only for measurements undertaken almost synchronously with satellite imaging because of the high mobility of the Mzymta plume. Within the few hours when all the stations were completed, its boundary could shift considerably. The ACOLITE algorithms overestimated by 1.5 times the water sampling SPM in the low value range up to 15 g/m3. For SPM over 20–25 g/m3, a high correlation was observed both with the in situ measurements and the C2RCC results. It was demonstrated that quantitative turbidity and SPM values retrieved from Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2A/2B MSI data can adequately reflect the real situation even using standard retrieval algorithms, not regional ones, provided the best suited algorithm is selected for the study region


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    The possibility of electrosynthesis and control of the surface composition and morphology of the electrolytic cobalt coatings with refractory metals by varying the parameters of electrolysis has been proved. It was found that oxygen and carbon are included in the composition of the coatings as well as the main components, thus such systems can be considered as composite. The coatings deposited by pulsed current can be considered as composite materials the oxide phase for which is formed directly in the electrode process as an intermediate of incomplete reduction of tungstates and hydrolysis of zirconium (IV) salts. The topography of the films is distinguished by the presence of elliptical and spherical grains with crystallite sizes of 80 - 180 nm. On the surface of the coatings, there are hills (large grains) with a diameter of 1 - 3 μm. The fractal dimension of the surface is 2.77, which indicates the 3D mechanism of crystal growth during the formation of coatings. In terms of phase composition, composites are predominantly amorphous materials that contain nanocrystalline cobalt and the intermetallic compound Co3W and Zr3Co. The study of the morphology and topography of the composite coatings surface, as well as its quantitative and phase composition, indicates the possibility of photocatalytic activity of the Co-Mo-WOх, Co-Mo-ZrO2 and Co-W-ZrO2 coatings. Investigation of the photodegradation of the azo dye methyl orange found that the efficiency of MO removal from the solution was 24%, 18%, and 10% for 30 min of ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of Co-Mo-WOх, Co-Mo-ZrO2 and Co-W-ZrO2 on composite coatings, respectively. The higher photoactivity of Co-Mo-WOx composite coatings can be explained by the presence of non-stoichiometric molybdenum and tungsten oxides.Доказана возможность электросинтеза и управления составом и морфологией поверхности электролитических покрытий кобальта с тугоплавкими металлами при варьировании параметрами электролиза. Установлено, что наряду с основными компонентами в состав покрытий включаются кислород и углерод, и такие системы могут рассматриваться композиционные. Покрытия, осажденные с применением импульсного тока, можно считать композиционными материалами, оксидная фаза для которых образуется непосредственно в электродном процессе как интермедиат неполного восстановления вольфраматов и гидролиза солей циркония. Топография пленок отличается наличием зерен эллиптической и сферической формы с размерами кристаллитов 80 – 180 нм. На поверхности покрытий встречаются выступы (крупные зерна) диаметром 1 – 3 мкм. Фрактальная размерность поверхности составляет 2.77, что свидетельствует о 3D механизме роста кристаллов при формировании покрытий. По фазовому составу композиты являются преимущественно аморфными материалами, которые содержат нанокристаллический кобальт и интерметаллида Co3W и Zr3Co. Исследование морфологии и топографии поверхности композиционных покрытий, а также ее количественного и фазового состава свидетельствует о возможности фотокаталитической активности покрытий Co-Мо-WOх, Co-Mo-ZrO2 и Co-W-ZrO2. Исследование фотодеструкции азокрасителя метилового оранжевого (МО) установлено, что эффективность удаления МО из раствора составила 24 %, 18 % и 10 % за 30 мин облучения ультрафиолетом в присутствии на композиционных покрытиях Co-Мо-WOх, Co-Мо-ZrO2 и Co- W-ZrO2, соответственно. Более высокую фотоактивнисть композиционных покрытий Co-Мо-WOх можно объяснить наличием нестехиометрических оксидов молибдена и вольфрама.Доведено можливість електросинтезу і керування складом і морфологією поверхні електролітичних покриттів кобальту з тугоплавкими металами варіюванням параметрами електролізу. Встановлено, що поряд з основними компонентами до складу покриттів включаються Оксиген та Карбон, і такі системи можуть розглядатися як композиційні. Покриття, осаджені із застосуванням імпульсного струму, можна вважати композиційними матеріалами, оксидна фаза для яких утворюється безпосередньо в електродному процесі як інтермедіат неповного відновлення вольфраматів та гідролізу солей цирконію. Топографія плівок відрізняється наявністю зерен еліптичної і сферичної форми з розмірами кристалітів 80 – 180 нм. На основній поверхні зустрічаються виступи (крупні зерна) діаметром 1 – 3 мкм. Фрактальна розмірність поверхні становить 2.77, що свідчить про 3D механізм роста кристалів при формуванні покриття. За фазовим складом композити є переважно аморфними матеріалами, які містять нанокристалічний кобальт та інтерметаліди Co3W і Zr3Co. Дослідження морфології та топографії поверхні композиційних покриттів, а також її кількісного і фазового складу свідчить про можливість фотокаталітичної активності покриттів Co-Мо-WOх, Co-Mo-ZrO2 і Co-W-ZrO2. Дослідження фотодеструкції азобарвника метилового жовтогарячого (МО) встановлено, що ефективність видалення МО з розчину склала 24 %, 18 % і 10 % за 30 хв опромінення ультрафіолетом в присутності на композиційних покриттях Co-Мо-WOх, Co-Мо-ZrO2 і Co-W-ZrO2, відповідно. Вищу фотоактивність композиційних покриттів Co-Мо-WOх можна пояснити наявністю нестехіометричних оксидів Молібдену і Вольфраму

    Computed Tomography-Assisted Study of the Liquid Contrast Agent’s Spread in a Hydrogel Phantom of the Brain Tissue

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    Studying transport processes in the brain’s extracellular space is a complicated problem when considering the brain’s tissue. Tests of corresponding physical and mathematical problems, as well as the need for materials with cheap but realistic properties to allow for testing of drug delivery systems, lead to the development of artificial phantom media, one kind of which is explored in this work. We report results from quantifying the spread of a standard contrast agent used in clinical computed tomography, Iopromide, in samples of collagen-based hydrogels. Its pure variant as well as samples supplied with lipid and surfactant additives were explored. By comparing to solutions of the diffusion equation which reproduce these data, the respective diffusion coefficients were determined. It was shown that they are relevant to the range typical for living tissue, grow with elevation in the lipid content and diminish with growth in surfactant concentration

    A hydrogel-based phantom of the brain tissue aimed at modelling complex metabolic transport processes

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    Amongst the modern problems of brain physiology, special attention is drawn to the transport processes in the brain’s extracellular space, which are crucial for understanding metabolic exchange, waste clearance, etc. At the same time, the complexity of direct registration of such processes in vivo forms a demand for developing artificial phantoms with properties resembling the brain’s parenchyma as models suited for testing different physical approaches to describing the respective spread of substances. Here we describe a novel hydrogel material with composition and structure adjusted to this goal. The phantom comprises a collagen network with the addition of lipids and catches water content close to that of the brain. The results of electron microscopy and computer tomography studies as well as exploration of peculiarities of the fluorescent marker spread argue that this compound material is prospective for its use for mimicking the brain’s tissue