159 research outputs found

    Fermi-liquid and Fermi surface geometry effects in propagation of low frequency electromagnetic waves through thin metal films

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    In the present work we theoretically analyze the contribution from a transverse Fermi-liquid collective mode to the transmission of electromagnetic waves through a thin film of a clean metal in the presence of a strong external magnetic field. We show that at the appropriate Fermi surface geometry the transverse Fermi-liquid wave may appear in conduction electrons liquid at frequencies ω\omega significantly smaller than the cyclotron frequency of charge carriers Ω\Omega provided that the mean collision frequency τ1\tau^{-1} is smaller than ω.\omega. Also, we show that in realistic metals size oscillations in the transmission coefficient associated with the Firmi-liquid mode may be observable in experiments. Under certain conditions these oscillations may predominate over the remaining size effects in the transmission coefficient.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, text adde

    Character’s Inner Speech as Effective Way of Literary Discourse Organization (Novel “The Remains of the Day” by Kazuo Ishiguro)

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    The article examines the protagonist’s verbalized  inner  speech  in  the   literary   text of the novel “The Remains of the Day” as a way of literary discourse organization by English novelist Kazuo Ishiguro. The  relevance of the study is explained by the interest in   the analysis of the inner speech of characters in a literary text, which differs from the natural inner speech of an individual in the ways of  linguistic  expression,  the  specifics   in the structure of the narrative. It is shown that the study of the inner speech of a character   of literary discourse using such parameters of its measurement as structural-compositional, semantic-conceptual, communicative, allows us to identify the features of the functional role of this type of speech. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of how the character's inner speech (introspection), being a significant unit of composition, correlates with prospection and retrospection of the text, acting as the main form of narration. The article elicits four basic concepts that organize the content of the character's inner speech. The authors of the article offer a close analysis of the rheme-theme correlation of the title of the novel and the main text as the basis of the author’s literary discourse. Particular attention is paid to the modality of the character's inner speech from the point of view of the pragmatic orientation of this type of speech towards the addressee-reader and discourse markers that influence the process of discourse interpretation

    The difficalties of Intraoperative neuromonitoring in Neurooncology

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    Analyzed the data of intraoperative neuromonitoring in 141 patients with removal of tumors of the brain and spinal cord using stem acoustic evoked potentials, ECG, monitoring induced motor responses (89 patients with tumors of the cerebellopontine angle, 13 patients with extra-and intramedullary spinal tumors, 16 patients with tumors larger hemispheres of different localization, 10 patients with tumors of the sensorimotor area, 13 patients with pituitary adenomas). The review of the problems faced by a neurophysiologist at electrophysiological ensuring neurooncologic operations, shows the possible ways to solve these problems for specific types of monitoring.Проанализированы данные интраоперационного нейромониторинга у 141 пациента при удалении опухолей головного и спинного мозга с использованием акустических стволовых вызванных потенциалов, злектрокортикографии, мониторинга вызванных моторных ответов (89 пациентов с опухолями мостомозжечкового угла, 13 пациентов с зкстра- и интрамедуллярными спинальными опухолями, 16 пациентов с опухолями больших полушарий различной локализации, 10 пациентов с опухолями сенсомоторной зоны, 13 пациентов с аденомами гипофиза). Сделан обзор проблем, возникающих перед нейрофизиологом при злектрофизиологическом обеспечении нейроонкологических операций, показаны возможные пути решения этих проблем при конкретных видах мониторинга

    Developmental psychology: Parent responsiveness and its role in neurocognitive and socioemotional development of one-year-old preterm infants

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    Background. It has been demonstrated that preterm birth negatively affects the neurocognitive and socioemotional development of a child. It is therefore important to identify the factors that can decrease potential risks for atypical development in preterm infants. The social environment which surrounds a child is considered to be one such factor. We hypothesize that parent responsiveness positively influences the development of a preterm child. Objective. The purpose of this research is to reveal differences in the development of two one-year-old preterm children whose parents have exhibited opposite types of parent responsiveness. Design. Based on the analysis of video recordings of child-parent interactions, we identified two children whose parents registered opposite patterns of responsiveness. Parent responsiveness was measured based on Parent Responsiveness Markers Protocol methodology. The Bayley-III was used to assess the children's cognitive and socioemotional development. Results. We identified that the preterm child whose parent showed a high level of parental responsiveness had normative levels of neurocognitive development, socioemotional skills and adaptive behavior. The preterm child, whose parent showed a low level of parental responsiveness, scored lower on the Bayley-III. Conclusion. Preterm birth not only affects infant development, but also has a psychological impact on parents, evoking fear and anxiety for their child. This affects parental behavior and their responsiveness towards their child. This study showed that parent responsiveness has a positive effect on the neurocognitive and socioemotional development of a preterm child. Further research should focus on assessing the role of parent responsiveness in child development using a larger sample. © Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2019. Russian Psychological Society, 2019.19-513-92001\19The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation RFBR № 19-513-92001\19

    Via Hexagons to Squares in Ferrofluids: Experiments on Hysteretic Surface Transformations under Variation of the Normal Magnetic Field

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    We report on different surface patterns on magnetic liquids following the Rosensweig instability. We compare the bifurcation from the flat surface to a hexagonal array of spikes with the transition to squares at higher fields. From a radioscopic mapping of the surface topography we extract amplitudes and wavelengths. For the hexagon--square transition, which is complex because of coexisting domains, we tailor a set of order parameters like peak--to--peak distance, circularity, angular correlation function and pattern specific amplitudes from Fourier space. These measures enable us to quantify the smooth hysteretic transition. Voronoi diagrams indicate a pinning of the domains. Thus the smoothness of the transition is roughness on a small scale.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure


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    The object of the research is the functions, structure and elements of civil servants’ professional culture system. It is undergoing transformation, following the changes that public administration undergoes under the influence of a service/client-centric development trend that meets current societal transformations and the possibilities of the technological revolution. The goal of the study is to systematize the range of mechanisms for developing a modern professional culture of civil service, primarily from the standpoint of client-centricity. The objectives are to identify the clientcentered governance values, highlighting the main characteristics of the modern professional civil service culture, which can be treated as the fundamental basis for its development; analyze modern tools for the formation and development of key values of civil servants, including, first of all, the values of the client-centered state. The research method is the review of scientific and professional sources from the standpoint of their reflecting the conceptual and instrumental aspects of the formation of the professional civil service culture. As a result, numerous characteristics of the modern professional civil service culture are identified, which can be attributed to the fundamental basis for the development of a client-centered culture and are based on the generalization of foreign and Russian experience. An ecosystem approach to the formation and development of components of a client-centered professional civil service culture is proposed. The novelty of this research work is determined by the lack of Russian or foreign scientific studies of tools that would be directly focused on the development of a client-centered professional culture, as well as the technologies through which these tools are to be used. Theprospects are related to the relevance of the introduction of client-centricity in the Russian government agencies, in accordance with the testing of respective tools, which began in 2022. They are also related to the need to update the scientific agenda of the professional culture formation with the issue of the productivity of introducing the values of client-centricity into the activities of government authorities

    Study of pregnant women’s emotional state

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    The article discusses how the emotional state of pregnant women is influenced by their previous experience of pregnancy. The study relies on the following methods: ‘Test of Pregnant Woman’s Relations’ by I.V Dobryakova; ‘Self. Assessment of Emotional States’ by A. Wessman and D. Ricks; “Self. Estimate” by T. Dembo and S. Ya. Rubinshtein (modified by P. V. Yanshin); “Test of Meaningful Life Orientations” by D. Krambo and L. Makholikh (adapted by D. A. Leontyev). The study has shown that in the presence of complications and pathologies — in the form of a history of miscarriage — the emotional sphere of a woman will be characterized by emotional instability, increased anxiety and low self.esteem. Emotional instability is typical of pregnancy in general and it often is accompanied by dependence on others, distrustfulness, fatigue, vulnerability, impressionability combined with excitement, anxiety, and some fear.This study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant № 17‑36‑01100

    Virtual Reality and its Application in the Society of IT-Technology

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    A virtual reality environment currently has a huge potential for development. Its ability to move to other worlds, to feel, to discover new is an incredible opportunity to communicate and interact. The goal of virtual reality is to let you know that now you are in another place. This illusion is achieved as a result of deception of the brain, namely parts, which are responsible for the motions and the visual cortex. This revolution in information technology can be compared with the Internet or smartphone.Современный мир с каждым днем все больше и больше погружается в сферу IT-технологий. Одной из них является виртуальная реальность. Данная статья расскажет о том, что такое виртуальная реальность, в каких сферах жизни она применяется и есть ли у нее будущее