117 research outputs found

    Developmental psychology: Parent responsiveness and its role in neurocognitive and socioemotional development of one-year-old preterm infants

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    Background. It has been demonstrated that preterm birth negatively affects the neurocognitive and socioemotional development of a child. It is therefore important to identify the factors that can decrease potential risks for atypical development in preterm infants. The social environment which surrounds a child is considered to be one such factor. We hypothesize that parent responsiveness positively influences the development of a preterm child. Objective. The purpose of this research is to reveal differences in the development of two one-year-old preterm children whose parents have exhibited opposite types of parent responsiveness. Design. Based on the analysis of video recordings of child-parent interactions, we identified two children whose parents registered opposite patterns of responsiveness. Parent responsiveness was measured based on Parent Responsiveness Markers Protocol methodology. The Bayley-III was used to assess the children's cognitive and socioemotional development. Results. We identified that the preterm child whose parent showed a high level of parental responsiveness had normative levels of neurocognitive development, socioemotional skills and adaptive behavior. The preterm child, whose parent showed a low level of parental responsiveness, scored lower on the Bayley-III. Conclusion. Preterm birth not only affects infant development, but also has a psychological impact on parents, evoking fear and anxiety for their child. This affects parental behavior and their responsiveness towards their child. This study showed that parent responsiveness has a positive effect on the neurocognitive and socioemotional development of a preterm child. Further research should focus on assessing the role of parent responsiveness in child development using a larger sample. © Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2019. Russian Psychological Society, 2019.19-513-92001\19The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation RFBR № 19-513-92001\19

    Определение параметров переносимых капель электродного металла методом имитационного моделирования и визуализации

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    The nature of the molten electrode metal melting and transfer is the main process parameter of manual metal arc welding (MMA) with coated electrodes. It significantly affects the efficiency of the welding process. For this reason the relevant task is to identify the parameters of the transferred molten electrode metal drops and their further transfer into the weld pool with maximum accuracy. The aim of the given paper is to develop a method and visual representation of the form and the geometrics (volume, area, mass) of a molten electrode metal drop.We have developed the method of simulation modeling and visualization for molten electrode metal drops transfer and their parameters. It allows obtaining highly reliable input data to be used for developing and verification of mathematical models for the thermal fields distribution along the welded item surface. The algorithm is realized as the calculation programs for specifying the molten metal drop parameters and means of its geometrics and space form visualization.We used this method to specify a number of molten electrode metal drop parameters: volume, mass, center-of-gravity position, surface area.We have established that it is possible to conduct the measurements with maximumThe suggested method significantly decreases the labor intensity of experimental studies aimed at specifying the size of electrode metal drops in comparison to the standard methods. When we know the size of the drops under certain welding conditions we can control the drop transfer process, i. e. reduce the heat input into the welded item and produce weld joints with the tailored performance characteristics.Основным технологическим параметром процесса ручной дуговой сварки, покрытым электродами, существенно влияющим на эффективность его протекания, является характер плавления и переноса расплавленного электродного металла. Поэтому актуальным является вопрос максимально точного определения параметров переносимых капель расплавленного электродного металла и их последующего перехода в сварочную ванну. Целью данной работы являлась разработка методики и визуального представления формы и геометрических параметров (объём, площадь, масса) капли расплавленного электродного металла.Разработан метод имитационного моделирования и визуализации переноса капель расплавленного электродного металла и их параметров, что позволит получить входные данные с высокой степенью достоверности для разработки математических моделей распределения температурных полей по поверхности свариваемого изделия и её верификации. Алгоритм реализован в виде расчётных программ для определения параметров капли расплавленного металла и средств визуального представления её геометрии и пространственной формы. С помощью данного метода определён ряд параметров капель расплавленного электродного металла: объём, масса, положение центра масс, площадь поверхности.Установлено, что возможно с максимальной достоверностью производить измерения, увеличить число измеряемых параметров, а также наглядно представить происходящие процессы.Предложенный метод значительно упрощает трудоёмкость проведения экспериментальных исследований по определению размера капель электродного металла в сравнении со стандартными методами. Зная размер капель при определённых режимах сварки, можно управлять процессом каплепереноса, т. е. уменьшать тепловложение в свариваемое изделие и получать сварные соединения с заданными эксплуатационными свойствами

    Via Hexagons to Squares in Ferrofluids: Experiments on Hysteretic Surface Transformations under Variation of the Normal Magnetic Field

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    We report on different surface patterns on magnetic liquids following the Rosensweig instability. We compare the bifurcation from the flat surface to a hexagonal array of spikes with the transition to squares at higher fields. From a radioscopic mapping of the surface topography we extract amplitudes and wavelengths. For the hexagon--square transition, which is complex because of coexisting domains, we tailor a set of order parameters like peak--to--peak distance, circularity, angular correlation function and pattern specific amplitudes from Fourier space. These measures enable us to quantify the smooth hysteretic transition. Voronoi diagrams indicate a pinning of the domains. Thus the smoothness of the transition is roughness on a small scale.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Разработка конструкции исполнительного оборудования, реализующего процесс генерации капель микро- и нанодиапазона

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    Modeling of velocities and temperatures processes distribution in the plasma-forming channel determining the design features and optimal parameters of the plasma torch nozzle is one of promising directions in development of plasma technologies. The aim of this work was to simulate the processes of velocities and temperature distribution in the plasma-forming channel and to determine the design features and optimal geometric parameters of the plasmatron nozzle  which  ensures  the  formation  of  necessary  direction  of  plasma  flows for generation of surface waves on the surface of a liquid metal droplet under the influence of the investigated instabilities.One of the main tasks is to consider the process of plasma jet formation and the flow of electric arc plasma. For obtaining small-sized particles one of the main parameters is the plasma flow  velocity.  It  is necessary that the plasma outflow velocity be close to supersonic. An increase of  the  supersonic  speed  is possible due to design of the plasmatron nozzle especially the design feature and dimensions of the gas channel in which the plasma is formed. Also the modeling took into account dimensions of the plasma torch nozzle, i. e. the device should provide a supersonic plasma flow with the smallest possible geometric dimensions.As a result models of velocities and temperatures distribution in the plasma-forming channel at the minimum and maximum diameters of the channel were obtained. The design features and optimal geometric parameters of the plasmatron have been determined: the inlet diameter is 3 mm, the outlet diameter is 2 mm.The design of the executive equipment has been developed and designed which implements the investigated process of generating droplets of the micro- and nanoscale range. A plasmatron nozzle was manufactured which forms the necessary directions of plasma flows for the formation of surface waves on the metal droplet surface under the influence of instabilities. An algorithm has been developed for controlling of executive equipment that implements the process of generating drops of micro- and nanoscale range.Моделирование процессов распределения скоростей и температур в плазмообразующем канале, определение конструктивных особенностей и оптимальных параметров сопла плазмотрона является одним из перспективных направлений в развитии плазменных технологий. Целью данной работы являлось моделирование процессов распределения скоростей и температур в плазмообразующем канале и определение конструктивных особенностей и оптимальных геометрических параметров сопла плазмотрона, которое должно обеспечивать формирование необходимых направлений плазменных потоков для образования на поверхности капли жидкого металла поверхностных волн под действием исследуемых неустойчивостей.Одной из главных задач является рассмотрение процесса формирования плазменной струи и течения электродуговой плазмы. Для получения мелкоразмерных частиц одним из главных параметров является скорость течения плазмы. Необходимо, чтобы скорость истечения плазмы была близка к сверхзвуковой. Увеличение скорости до сверхзвуковой возможно добиться за счёт конструкции сопла плазмотрона, а именно конструктивной особенностью и размерами газового канала, в котором образуется плазма. Также при моделировании учитывались размеры сопла плазмотрона, т. е. устройство должно обеспечивать сверхзвуковое течение плазмы при возможно меньших геометрических размерах.В результате исследований получены модели процессов распределения скоростей и температур в плазмообразующем канале при минимальных и максимальных диаметрах канала. Определены конструктивные особенности и оптимальные геометрические параметры сопла плазмотрона: диаметр на входе 3 мм, диаметр выходной 2 мм.Разработана и спроектирована конструкция исполнительного оборудования, реализующая исследуемый процесс генерации капель микро- и наноразмерного диапазона. Изготовлено сопло плазмотрона, формирующее необходимые направления плазменных потоков для образования на поверхности капли жидкого металла поверхностных волн под действием исследуемых неустойчивостей. Разработан алгоритм управления исполнительным оборудованием, реализующем процесс генерации капель микро- и наноразмерного диапазона

    Апробация методики «Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development – Third Edition»

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    Introduction. There is currently no universal comprehensive measurement tool for the assessment of children development in the Russian Federation (RF). The Bayley-III scales developed by American researchers are widely used as such a tool. Numerous research groups recognize the need to modify the original scales before using them in a new linguistic and socio-cultural environment. Methods. The authors (a) translated the original Bayley-III manual into Russian, (b) tested the tool by assessing cognitive, language, and motor development of 163 Russian children aged 2–11 months, and (c) made an indirect comparison of the mean scale scores of neuropsychological development and those obtained from the original American sample of children using Student’s t-test. Results. The modified version of the Bayley-III manual has been successfully tested in the RF. The indices of language and motor development of the children examined in this study did not statistically differ from the original American data (10 points). Higher scores were obtained for the cognitive scale (10.7 versus 10; p = 0.003). However, this effect was not very pronounced (Cohen’s d = 0.25). Discussion. The indices of neuropsychological development of Russian children fully comply with the original Bayley-III norms, which opens up new possibilities for its use in the RF. Slightly higher scores of the cognitive scale among Russian children do not generally affect the compliance with the original tool, since the difference was not significant. The results of this study can be extrapo-lated to full-term Caucasian children aged 2–11 months, whose parents have at least secondary education and average level of earnings. The widespread use of Bayley-III requires its further adaptation in larger and more representative samples of children from different regions of the RF with the additional assessment of social-emotional development as well as adaptive behavior. © 2020, Russsian Psychological Society. All rights reserved

    An extensive-air-shower-like event registered with the TUS orbital detector

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    TUS (Tracking Ultraviolet Set-up) is the world's first orbital detector of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). It was launched into orbit on 28th April 2016 as a part of the scientific payload of the Lomonosov satellite. The main aim of the mission was to test the technique of measuring the ultraviolet fluorescence and Cherenkov radiation of extensive air showers generated by primary cosmic rays with energies above ~100 EeV in the Earth atmosphere from space. During its operation for 1.5 years, TUS registered almost 80,000 events with a few of them satisfying conditions anticipated for extensive air showers (EASs) initiated by UHECRs. Here we discuss an event registered on 3rd October 2016. The event was measured in perfect observation conditions as an ultraviolet track in the nocturnal atmosphere of the Earth, with the kinematics and the light curve similar to those expected from an EAS. A reconstruction of parameters of a primary particle gave the zenith angle around 44^\circ but an extreme energy not compatible with the cosmic ray energy spectrum obtained with ground-based experiments. We discuss in details all conditions of registering the event, explain the reconstruction procedure and its limitations and comment on possible sources of the signal, both of anthropogenic and astrophysical origin. We believe this detection represents a significant milestone in the space-based observation of UHECRs because it proves the capability of an orbital telescope to detect light signals with the apparent motion and light shape similar to what are expected from EASs. This is important for the on-going development of the future missions KLYPVE-EUSO and POEMMA, aimed for studying UHECRs from space.Comment: 24 pages; v2: important changes to address comments by the anonymous referee; main conclusions unchange