729 research outputs found

    Pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação em pinhão-manso para produção de biocombustíveis.

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    Características e potencial da cultura para o mercado de biodiesel; Lacunas de conhecimento e desafios para pesquisa; Situação atual e perspectivas de pesquisa; Banco de germoplasma (BAG-Jatropha) e caracterização de pinhão-manso; Descritores botânicos para pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.); Registro de cultivares e melhoramento de pinhão manso; Possibilidades de parceria, cooperação técnica e financeira; Apropriação de resultados.bitstream/item/17976/1/DOC01.pd

    Undetected patricide: Inaccuracy of cause of death determination without an autopsy

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    Patricide (killing the father) is uncommon form of homicide. Usually the assaults occur at home in the absence of witnesses and adult sons are frequently involved. Homicides in a domestic context usually do not tend to recurrence, because the motivation for the crime ends with the death of the parent. However, this is not what was observed in the present case study dealing with the death of a 70 years old white man originally misclassified as accident and discovered three years later only after an additional homicide in a family context of a 60 years old white lady. Multiple stab wounds to the neck and thorax were misinterpreted at the external male body examination as blunt trauma falling down stairs. No forensic autopsy was requested and no comparison of medical findings with the results from the death scene, such as a bloodstain analysis was performed by the police officers nor required by the judicial authority. This was quite surprising because an additional but preliminary post-mortem external examination performed by a general practitioner on the male body already raised the suspicion that the external lesions were stab wounds thus requiring a forensic autopsy. Only the exhumation of the elderly body, performed years later, confirmed the diagnostic hypothesis raised by the first physician. The present case is quite representative of a death investigation not run professionally and performed by individuals with no specific training where most of the medico-legal investigations (especially for traumatic and violent deaths) are restricted to an external body examination without subsequent autopsy. Although misinterpretation of external lesions is inevitable and significant discrepancies between external body examination and forensic autopsy are not rare, in the case of contradictory results of postmortem external examination or unclear/suspicious cause and manner of death, investigation should proceed necessarily with a forensic autopsy

    Commentary: Glucose control: Not just a bystander in GLP-1RA-mediated cardiovascular protection

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    Cardiovascular (CV) disease prevention in type 2 diabetes (T2D)demands multifactorial interventions including treatment of dyslipidemia, hypertension, hypercoagulability, and certainly hyperglycemia[1]. However, randomized controlled trials specifically addressing the impact of intensive glucose control (IGC) on CV outcomes yielded ambiguous results [2], while real-life evidence from a Swedish nationwide registry showed hyperglycemia as the strongest predictor of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke [3]. Although CV outcome trials (CVOT) with GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA) were designed to achieve glycemic equipoise, all showed a greater HbA1c reduction in the intervention arm [4–10], allowing to consider the potential effect of different degrees of glucose-lowering on their resul

    Genetic parameters and variability in physic nut accessions during early developmental stages.

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters and variability among accessions (half?sib families) of physic nut (Jatropha curcas) during the early stages of development. For this study, 110 accessions in the first year of development of the physic nut germplasm bank, maintained at Embrapa Cerrados, DF, Brazil, were evaluated in situ. The experiment was established in a randomized complete block design, with two replicates and five plants per plot arranged in rows at 4x2 m spacing. Grain yield, total number of branches per plant, plant height, stem diameter, canopy projection on the row, canopy projection between rows, canopy volume, number of days until first flowering and height of the first inflorescence were evaluated. Estimates of vegetative genetic parameters showed the existence of genetic variability in the physic nut germplasm bank. Physic nut accessions of the germplasm bank were grouped into five similarity groups based on character divergence. Although preliminary, the obtained results are promising for showing potential for Jatropha improvement with selective efficiency

    Montagens de circuitos elétricos em sala de aula: uma contribuição significativa no processo ensino-aprendizagem

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    Pesquisas apontam que o ensino experimental durante as aulas de física no ensino médio tem sido uma ferramenta muito útil para desenvolvimento conceitual dos fenômenos físicos. O entendimento dos fenômenos elétricos não é um assunto tão trivial e requer a superação das concepções alternativas dos alunos. Em virtude dessa realidade foi criado um estudo experimental, paralelo com as aulas teóricas, com 55 alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio de uma escola no município de Pinheiral - RJ. Com a proposta de verificar as concepções alternativas, foi elaborado um questionário inicial com perguntas abertas, de cunho qualitativo sobre alguns conceitos envolvendo corrente elétrica e circuitos elétricos. Os alunos tiveram aulas teóricas sobre os fenômenos com a proposta de tentar confrontar as suas concepções prévias sobre o assunto. Em seguida, ocorreu o primeiro contato com o circuito elétrico. Durante a aula experimental, a atividade proposta consistiu em dividir a turma em grupos. Foram desenhados esquemas envolvendo a associação de lâmpadas em série. Um grupo se apresentava para interpretar o desenho e montar o circuito na bancada enquanto que os demais, sentados em seus lugares, estavam encarregados de responder a um questionário (perguntas abertas de cunho quali-quantitativo). Durante o momento em que os grupos realizavam os cálculos, aqueles que estavam encarregados de montar o circuito na bancada com o mediador confrontavam alguns conceitos relacionados aos circuitos elétricos. Ao final dos cálculos os grupos conferiam os valores calculados com os encontrados nos aparelhos de medição e identificavam que a lâmpada com o maior brilho era a que apresentava a maior potência. O processo foi repetido de modo que todos os alunos participaram das duas etapas. Os resultados qualitativos foram comparados com um questionário prévio e apresentaram uma grande evolução no processo ensino-aprendizagem em função dos dados obtidos

    Efficacy and safety of GLP-1 receptor agonists as add-on to SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A meta-analysis

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    GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA) and SGLT2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) have been associated with improved glycemic control, body weight loss and favorable changes in cardiovascular risk factors and outcomes. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of the addition of GLP-1RA to SGLT2i in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and inadequate glycemic control. Six databases were searched until March 2019. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) with a follow-up of at least 24 weeks reporting on HbA1c, body weight, systolic blood pressure, lipids, achievement of HbA1c < 7%, requirement of rescue therapy due to hyperglycemia and hypoglycemic events were selected. Four RCTs were included. Compared to SGLT2i, the GLP-1RA/SGLT2i combination was associated with greater reduction in HbA1c (−0.74%), body weight (−1.61 kg), and systolic blood pressure (−3.32 mmHg). A higher number of patients achieved HbA1c < 7% (RR = 2.15), with a lower requirement of rescue therapy (RR = 0.37) and similar incidence of hypoglycemia. Reductions in total and LDL cholesterol were found. The present review supports treatment intensification with GLP-1RA in uncontrolled type 2 diabetes on SGLT2i. This drug regimen could provide improved HbA1c control, together with enhanced weight loss and blood pressure and lipids control

    Life cycle inventory of physic nut biodiesel: comparison between the manual and mechanized agricultural production systems practiced in Brazil.

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    The physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is an oleaginous species recently introduced into Brazil for energy purposes. The technological framework for the development of the physic nut biodiesel productive chain in Brazil is still being set up. Two production systems are in practice at the agricultural level, the small scale manual system and the medium scale mechanized system. The objective of the present research was to assess the environmental performance of these two production systems by elaborating life-cycle inventories (LCIs) using a cradle-to-gate approach. The main environmental aspects of these LCIs are the synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, land-use changes and its emissions and the occupation of the land. Making use of the residues from the agroindustrial physic nut chain and the use of biological pest control methods could improve the environmental performance of these systems

    Biometric analysis of seeds of genotypes of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.).

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    Procurou-se investigar aspectos da morfologia das sementes de diferentes genótipos de pinhão-manso, em razão da pouca literatura existente em relação aos aspectos biométrico das sementes desta espécie. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema simples, sendo 15 níveis de genótipos (Diamantina, Tominaga, Paraíso, Jales, CNPAE ? C2, CNPAE ? 171, G ? 2, AGE, 167, 200, 210, 315, 316, 1501 e 8001), com quatro repetições. As avaliações foram realizadas com parcelas de 100 sementes para cada repetição, mensurando as variáveis: medida de largura em mm (LAS), comprimento em mm (COS) e massa de 100 sementes e g (MCS), de sementes de pinhão-manso. No geral, para os 15 genótipos de pinhão-manso estudados houve a formação de 3 grupos de médias distintas em relação as variáveis biométricas, destacando-se os genótipos Paraiso e Jales e os acessos CNPAE ? C2 e AGE