33 research outputs found

    A study into the effects of gas flow inlet design of the Renishaw AM250 laser powder bed fusion machine using computational modelling

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    Previous work has highlighted the importance of the gas flow system in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) processes. Inhomogeneous gas flow experienced at the surface of the powder bed can cause variations in mechanical properties over a build platform, where insufficient removal of by-products which cause laser attenuation and redisposition of byproducts are believed to contribute to these variations. The current study analyses the gas flow experienced over a build platform in a Renishaw AM250 metal powder bed fusion machine via Hot Wire Anemometer (HWA) testing. Velocity profiles of the flow directly above the powder-bed and through the centre plane normal to the inlets have been categorized. These HWA results illustrate the inhomogeneity of the gas flow experienced over the build platform and from literature imply that there will be insufficient removal of by-products and hence variable build quality in specific areas of the build platform. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was created in ANSYS Fluent and validated against HWA results coupled with a Discrete Phase Model (DPM) representing the expulsion of spatter. Velocity contours of simulated against experimental are compared, where the results appear in good agreement. The multiphase CFD model was then used to explore the effects of changing inlet design parameters using a Design of Experiments (DOE) study based on an Optimal Space Filling (OSF) method. This was to understand the effect of design parameters on flow uniformity, local gas velocity over the processing area and spatter particulate accumulation within the build chamber. The initial design study found that flow uniformity could potentially be increased by 21.05% and spatter accumulation on the processing area could be reduced by 26.64%. In addition, this has given insight into important design considerations for future generation of L-PBF machines

    The development of a sub-atmospheric two-phase thermosyphon natural gas preheater using a lumped capacitance model and comparison with experimental results

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    The pre-heating of natural gas supplied to both domestic and industrial use is required to counteract the Joule–Thomson effect due to pressure reduction. Most existing pre-heaters are in the form of water bath heaters, where both the burner and exchanger are immersed in a closed water tank. These systems usually have a low efficiency, and as a result of thermal inertia have a long time lag to accommodate changes in Natural Gas (NG) mass flow rates. In this paper, the two-phase thermosyphon theory is implemented in a sub-atmospheric context to design and study a new preheating system in a transient fashion. This system is partially vacuumed (absolute pressure of 2 kPa) to lower the temperature operation range to reduce the required working fluid volume, hence reduce the required energy and improve the response time. The transient numerical model is based on a lumped capacitance method, and the full system is solved by using a fourth order Runge–Kutta method. The numerical model is validated through comparison with experimental results. Minimum efficiency of 68% has been achieved in some tests, whilst maximum efficiency of 80% in other tests. Simulations of the thermosyphon preheater system have been performed to analyse the effect of changing the working fluid volume and composition

    The three-prong method: a novel assessment of residual stress in laser powder bed fusion

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    Residual stress is a major problem for most metal-based laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) components. Residual stress can be reduced by appropriate build planning and post-process heat treatments; however, it is not always avoidable and can lead to build failures due to distortion and cracking. Accurate measurement of residual stress levels can be difficult due to high equipment set-up costs and long processing times. This paper introduces a simple but novel method of measuring residual stresses via a three-pronged cantilever component, the three-prong method (TPM). The method allows for a quick and easy characterisation of residual stress for a wide range of machine parameters, build strategies and materials. Many different cantilever designs have been used to indicate residual stress within additive manufacturing techniques. All of which share the same shortcoming that they indicate stress in one direction. If the principal component of stress is not aligned with the beam geometry, it will underestimate peak stress values. A novel three-prong design is proposed which covers two dimensions by utilising three adjoined cantilever beams, a configuration which echoes that of hole-drilling where three measurements are used to calculate the stress field around a drilled hole. Each arm of the component resembles a curved bridge-like structure; one end of each bridge is cut away from the base plate leaving the centre intact. Deformation of the beams is then measured using a co-ordinate measurement machine. Stress profiles are then estimated using finite element analysis by meshing the deflected structure and forcing it back to its original shape. In this paper, the new TPM is used to compare the residual stress levels of components built in Ti–6Al–4V with different hatch patterns, powers and exposure times

    Computational Methodology for Optimal Design of Additive Layer Manufactured Turbine Bracket

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    The design of critical components for aircrafts, cars or any other kind of machinery today is typically subject to two conflicting objectives, namely the maximisation of strength and the minimisation of weight. The conflicting nature of these two objectives makes it impossible to obtain a design that is optimal for both. The most common approach aiming for a single objective optimisation problem in aerospace is to maintain the weight minimisation as the objective, whilst setting strength requirements as constraints to be satisfied. However, manufacturing methods incorporate additional restrictions for an optimal design to be considered feasible, even when satisfying all constraints in the formulation of the optimisation problem. In this context, Additive Layer Manufacturing adds remarkably higher flexibility to the manufacturability of shape designs when compared with traditional processes. It is fair to note, however, that there are still some restrictions such as the infeasibility of building unsupported layers forming angles smaller than 45 degrees with respect to the underlying one. Nowadays, it is common practice to use a set of software tools to deal with these kinds of problems, namely Computer Aided Design (CAD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and optimisation packages. The adequate use of these tools results in an increase in efficiency and quality of the final product. In this paper, a case study was undertaken consisting of a turbine bracket from a General Electric challenge. A computational methodology is used, which consists of a topology optimisation considering an isotropic material at first instance, followed by the manual refinement of the resulting shape taking into account the manufacturability requirements. To this end, we used SolidWorks®2013 for the CAD, Ansys Workbench®14.0 for the FEA, and HyperWorks®11 for the topology optimisation. A future methodology will incorporate the automation of the shape optimisation stage, and perhaps the inclusion of the manufacturability restriction within the optimisation formulation

    A pragmatic continuum level model for the prediction of the onset of keyholing in laser powder bed fusion

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    Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is a complex process involving a range of multi-scale and multi-physical phenomena. There has been much research involved in creating numerical models of this process using both high and low fidelity modelling approaches where various approximations are made. Generally, to model single lines within the process to predict melt pool geometry and mode, high fidelity computationally intensive models are used which, for industrial purposes, may not be suitable. The model proposed in this work uses a pragmatic continuum level methodology with an ablation limiting approach at the mesoscale coupled with measured thermophysical properties. This model is compared with single line experiments over a range of input parameters using a modulated yttrium fibre laser with varying power and line speeds for a fixed powder layer thickness. A good trend is found between the predicted and measured width and depth of the tracks for 316L stainless steel where the transition into keyhole mode welds was predicted within 13% of experiments. The work presented highlights that pragmatic reduced physics-based modelling can accurately capture weld geometry which could be applied to more practical based uses in the L-PBF process

    Computational Methodology for Optimal Design of Additive Layer Manufactured Turbine Bracket

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    The design of critical components for aircrafts, cars or any other kind of machinery today is typically subject to two conflicting objectives, namely the maximisation of strength and the minimisation of weight. The conflicting nature of these two objectives makes it impossible to obtain a design that is optimal for both. The most common approach aiming for a single objective optimisation problem in aerospace is to maintain the weight minimisation as the objective, whilst setting strength requirements as constraints to be satisfied. However, manufacturing methods incorporate additional restrictions for an optimal design to be considered feasible, even when satisfying all constraints in the formulation of the optimisation problem. In this context, Additive Layer Manufacturing adds remarkably higher flexibility to the manufacturability of shape designs when compared with traditional processes. It is fair to note, however, that there are still some restrictions such as the infeasibility of building unsupported layers forming angles smaller than 45 degrees with respect to the underlying one. Nowadays, it is common practice to use a set of software tools to deal with these kinds of problems, namely Computer Aided Design (CAD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and optimisation packages. The adequate use of these tools results in an increase in efficiency and quality of the final product. In this paper, a case study was undertaken consisting of a turbine bracket from a General Electric challenge. A computational methodology is used, which consists of a topology optimisation considering an isotropic material at first instance, followed by the manual refinement of the resulting shape taking into account the manufacturability requirements. To this end, we used SolidWorks 2013 for the CAD, Ansys Workbench 14.0 for the FEA, and HyperWorks 11 for the topology optimisation. A future methodology will incorporate the automation of the shape optimisation stage, and perhaps the inclusion of the manufacturability restriction within the optimisation formulation