413 research outputs found

    Joint short- and long-baseline constraints on light sterile neutrinos

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    Recent studies provide evidence that long-baseline (LBL) experiments are sensitive to the extra CP phases involved with light sterile neutrinos, whose existence is suggested by several anomalous short-baseline (SBL) results. We show that, within the 3+1 scheme, the combination of the existing SBL data with the LBL results coming from the two currently running experiments, NO\u3bdA and T2K, enables us to simultaneously constrain two active-sterile mixing angles, \u3b814 and \u3b824, and two CP phases, \u3b413 61\u3b4 and \u3b414, although the information on the second CP phase is still weak. The two mixing angles are basically determined by the SBL data, while the two CP phases are constrained by the LBL experiments, once the information coming from the SBL setups is taken into account. We also assess the robustness or fragility of the estimates of the standard 3-flavor parameters in the more general 3+1 scheme. To this regard we find that (i) the indication of CP violation found in the 3-flavor analyses persists also in the 3+1 scheme, with \u3b413 61\u3b4 having still its best-fit value around 12\u3c0/2, (ii) the 3-flavor weak hint in favor of the normal hierarchy becomes even less significant when sterile neutrinos come into play, (iii) the weak indication of nonmaximal \u3b823 (driven by NO\u3bdA disappearance data) persists in the 3+1 scheme, where maximal mixing is disfavored at almost the 90% C.L. in both normal and inverted mass hierarchy, and (iv) the preference in favor of one of the two octants of \u3b823 found in the 3-flavor framework (higher octant for inverted mass hierarchy) is completely washed out in the 3+1 scheme

    Updated Global 3+1 Analysis of Short-BaseLine Neutrino Oscillations

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    We present the results of an updated fit of short-baseline neutrino oscillation data in the framework of 3+1 active-sterile neutrino mixing. We first consider νe\nu_e and νˉe\bar\nu_e disappearance in the light of the Gallium and reactor anomalies. We discuss the implications of the recent measurement of the reactor νˉe\bar\nu_e spectrum in the NEOS experiment, which shifts the allowed regions of the parameter space towards smaller values of ∣Ue4∣2|U_{e4}|^2. The beta-decay constraints allow us to limit the oscillation length between about 2 cm and 7 m at 3σ3\sigma for neutrinos with an energy of 1 MeV. We then consider the global fit of the data in the light of the LSND anomaly, taking into account the constraints from νe\nu_e and νμ\nu_\mu disappearance experiments, including the recent data of the MINOS and IceCube experiments. The combination of the NEOS constraints on ∣Ue4∣2|U_{e4}|^2 and the MINOS and IceCube constraints on ∣Uμ4∣2|U_{\mu4}|^2 lead to an unacceptable appearance-disappearance tension which becomes tolerable only in a pragmatic fit which neglects the MiniBooNE low-energy anomaly. The minimization of the global χ2\chi^2 in the space of the four mixing parameters Δm412\Delta{m}^2_{41}, ∣Ue4∣2|U_{e4}|^2, ∣Uμ4∣2|U_{\mu4}|^2, and ∣Uτ4∣2|U_{\tau4}|^2 leads to three allowed regions with narrow Δm412\Delta{m}^{2}_{41} widths at Δm412≈1.7 \Delta m^2_{41} \approx 1.7 (best-fit), 1.3 (at 2σ2\sigma), 2.4 (at 3σ3\sigma) eV2^2. The restrictions of the allowed regions of the mixing parameters with respect to our previous global fits are mainly due to the NEOS constraints. We present a comparison of the allowed regions of the mixing parameters with the sensitivities of ongoing experiments, which show that it is likely that these experiments will determine in a definitive way if the reactor, Gallium and LSND anomalies are due to active-sterile neutrino oscillations or not.Comment: 39 pages; improved treatment of the reactor flux uncertainties and other minor correction

    Short-Baseline Electron Neutrino Oscillation Length After Troitsk

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    We discuss the implications for short-baseline electron neutrino disappearance in the 3+1 mixing scheme of the recent Troitsk bounds on the mixing of a neutrino with mass between 2 and 100 eV. Considering the Troitsk data in combination with the results of short-baseline nu_e and antinu_e disappearance experiments, which include the reactor and Gallium anomalies, we derive a 2 sigma allowed range for the effective neutrino squared-mass difference between 0.85 and 43 eV^2. The upper bound implies that it is likely that oscillations in distance and/or energy can be observed in radioactive source experiments. It is also favorable for the ICARUS@CERN experiment, in which it is likely that oscillations are not washed-out in the near detector. We discuss also the implications for neutrinoless double-beta decay.Comment: 5 pages. Final version published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 01300

    Pragmatic View of Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations

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    We present the results of global analyses of short-baseline neutrino oscillation data in 3+1, 3+2 and 3+1+1 neutrino mixing schemes. We show that the data do not allow us to abandon the simplest 3+1 scheme in favor of the more complex 3+2 and 3+1+1 schemes. We present the allowed region in the 3+1 parameter space, which is located at Δm412\Delta{m}^2_{41} between 0.82 and 2.19 eV2\text{eV}^2 at 3σ3\sigma. The case of no oscillations is disfavored by about 6σ6\sigma, which decreases dramatically to about 2σ2\sigma if the LSND data are not considered. Hence, new high-precision experiments are needed to check the LSND signal.Comment: 6 pages. Final version published in Phys. Rev. D 88, 073008 (2013

    Light sterile neutrinos

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    The theory and phenomenology of light sterile neutrinos at the eV mass scale is reviewed. The reactor, Gallium and LSND anomalies are briefly described and interpreted as indications of the existence of short-baseline oscillations which require the existence of light sterile neutrinos. The global fits of short-baseline oscillation data in 3+1 and 3+2 schemes are discussed, together with the implications for beta-decay and neutrinoless double-beta decay. The cosmological effects of light sterile neutrinos are briefly reviewed and the implications of existing cosmological data are discussed. The review concludes with a summary of future perspectives.Comment: 41 pages; final version to be published as a Topical Review in Journal of Physics

    Reactor Fuel Fraction Information on the Antineutrino Anomaly

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    We analyzed the evolution data of the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment in terms of short-baseline active-sterile neutrino oscillations taking into account the theoretical uncertainties of the reactor antineutrino fluxes. We found that oscillations are disfavored at 2.6σ2.6\sigma with respect to a suppression of the 235U^{235}\text{U} reactor antineutrino flux and at 2.5σ2.5\sigma with respect to variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes. On the other hand, the analysis of the rates of the short-baseline reactor neutrino experiments favor active-sterile neutrino oscillations and disfavor the suppression of the 235U^{235}\text{U} flux at 3.1σ3.1\sigma and variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes at 2.8σ2.8\sigma. We also found that both the Daya Bay evolution data and the global rate data are well-fitted with composite hypotheses including variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} or 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes in addition to active-sterile neutrino oscillations. A combined analysis of the Daya Bay evolution data and the global rate data shows a slight preference for oscillations with respect to variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes. However, the best fits of the combined data are given by the composite models, with a preference for the model with an enhancement of the 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} flux and relatively large oscillations.Comment: 9 page

    Massive neutrinos, Lorentz invariance dominated standard model and the phenomenological approach to neutrino oscillations

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    For the electroweak interactions, the massive neutrino perturbative kinematical procedure is developed in the massive neutrino Fock space. This yields the dominant Lorentz invariant Standard Model mass-less flavor neutrino cross-sections as well as the neutrino oscillation cross-sections some of which are Lorentz invariance and flavor conservation violating. But all these oscillating cross-sections being proportional to the squares of neutrino masses are practically unobservable in the laboratory; however, they are consistent with the original Pontecorvo neutrino oscillating transition probability expression at short time (baseline), as presented by Dvornikov. Then, by mimicking the time dependence of the original Pontecorvo neutrino oscillating transition probability, one can formulate the dimensionless neutrino intensity-probability I, by phenomenological extrapolating the time t, or, equivalently the baseline distance L away from the collision point for the oscillating differential cross-section. For the incoming neutrino of 10MeV in energy and neutrino masses from Fritzsch analysis with the neutrino mixing matrix of Harrison, Perkins and Scott, the baseline distances at the first two maxima of the neutrino intensity are L=281km and L=9279km . The intensity I at the first maximum conserves the flavor, while at the second maximum; the intensities violate the flavor, respectively, in the final and initial state. At the end some details are given as to how these neutrino oscillations away from the collision point one should be able to verify experimentally.Comment: 20 preprint, 9 published, page
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