28 research outputs found


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    The addictions substance free is an umbrella definition comprises internet addiction, sexual addiction, gambling pathological, workholism, videogames and computer addiction. Actually, the technological addictions is frequent in young adolescents. The term Digital Natives indicates the children born in an information system of learning and communication different from that of the generations previous. This temporal range was strongly characterized by growing presence of technological communication toolsin daily life. The effects of hyper-exposition to technological tools tend to create a relational virtuality without a body is born,therefore, already within the family ties and during adolescence he moved to the digital socialization network. The technological object it interacts between the adolescent and the world of peers and adults, becoming the facilitator object that as the psychotropic substance, it conveys new modes of communicatio

    Behavioral aspects in children's brothers affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a permanent and complex disability arising within the first three years of life characterized by a socio-communicative disorder and by fixed interests and repetitive behaviors. The present pilot study aims to evaluate behavioral aspects in a small population of siblings of ASD children. Material and methods: Population: 5 school-aged children (2 males, 3 females) (mean age 9.235 ± 2.041) were enrolled, as siblings of ASD children, and for comparison, 12 healthy (7 males, 5 females) children (average age 9,528 ± 3,351). All subjects underwent evaluation of the behavioral with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scale. Results: The two groups were statistically comparable by age (p = 0.86) and gender distribution (p = 0.87). From the behavioral point of view evaluated with the CBCL scale, siblings of ASD have a higher degree of overall problem (Total problems) compared to control children (p=0.003), in addition they have significantly higher scores in the subscales of behavior examined (Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn, Somatic Complaints, Social, Thought, Attention, Delinquent, Aggressive) as well as a greater share of disturbances both internalizing (p=0.004) and externalizing (p = 0.007) (Table 1). Conclusions: The present preliminary data confirm the need for a global management of the entire family structure for the correct management of Autistic Disorders

    The main sequelae of preterm birth: Focus on neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Preterm birth is a traumatic event that interrupts the physiological processes that allow the development of the Nervous System and the body systems, resulting in a multi-organ dysfunction, of an entity in inverse proportion to the gestational age, which causes respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic, infectious endocrine problems. and neurological. In particular, at a neurological level, in the most serious cases, for macroscopic lesions of the Central Nervous System, there is the risk of incurring in evolutionary Disabilities (Infantile Cerebral Palsy etc.); but in the absence of severe damage, since the birth occurs at a critical moment of the cerebral development in which the cortex is being organized, it is possible to establish minor deficits, arising from alterations in neural connectivity

    A minireview about preterm birth and main specific neurodevelopmental disorders

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    The preterm birth interrupts the physiological processes that allow the development of the Nervous System and of the body apparatus. Preterm children present a multi-organ dysfunction inversely proportional to the gestational age, leading to respiratory, cardiovascular, haematological, metabolic, infectious, and neurological problems

    Executive functions rehabilitation proposal: A tailored intervention

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    Executive functions (EFs) are cognitive processes that allow the development of intentional behaviors e requiring the ability to formulate goals and objectives, capacity for initiative, to anticipate the consequences of actions, to organize behavior and monitor it and adapt it based on the context. Patients with EFs deficiencies exhibit specific disorders of planning, regulation and correction intentional conduct and cognitive activity, while they have no problem in the execution of usual action sequences

    Technology, educational challenges: Serious game and rehabilitation

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    During child neurodevelopment, parenting plays the key role for accompanying children trough the evolutionary path, taking into account the various risks and dangers that may occur. Actually, certain delays or developmental disturbances may be considered as the consequence of incorrect parenting behavior. In this perspective the use of electronic devices may be observed seriously

    The cerebral localization of executive functions

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    Executive Functions (EFs) are a complex neuropsychological tool that can lead all action of daily-life indipendently from age. The attempt to associate specific regions of the central nervous system (CNS) with specific sensory functions, motor and cognitive skills is one of the most recurring themes in the history of neuroscience. The concept of cerebral localization of mental activities started from the formulations of beginning phrenologists in Nineteenth century, passing through the holistic conceptions and antilocalization that marked some periods of the Twentieth century, until the beginning of the new millennium, characterized by the enormous popularity of the techniques of functional neuroimaging and the success of research programs aiming to create a real functional cartography of the human cerebral cortex

    The complex cognitive system of executive functioning: A conceptual review

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    Every day we are faced with a variety of situations that require the use of cognitive processes different, such as recognizing and memorizing stimuli, understanding and producing statements, solving problems. In recent decades, cognitive psychology and neuropsychology have made considerable advances in description of these processes and how they can be disrupted as a result of an injury to the nervous system central. However, it is clear that our adaptation to the environment is not limited to perceiving, reading, and speaking. A fundamental aspect of mental life is represented by the need to continuously modulate the use of these cognitive resources to contingent needs according to our goals and goals. It is this type of problem that refers to the expression executive functions (EFs). During developmental age Efs change consistently and since age of 8 years many Efs are similar to adults

    Digital natives: Lucky or jellied?

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    The technology now seems to have involved not only the world of adults, but also and especially that of children, becoming a form of communication and rapid interaction and widespread dissemination. Some parents start to worry about a possible technolog- ical dependency, given the hours spent by the youngest, called digital children, in front of computer, smartphones and tablets. A decade ago, the sociologist Mark Prensky spoke of digital natives, that is the first generation of children grew up with consoles, videogames and computers while today we are witnessing an evolution of this concept in the third generation of digital, appeared approximately with the arrival of iPad and tablet and is constantly evolving in a technology with wi-fi, app (programs designed for smartphones) and touchscreen


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    Children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), cerebral palsy or severe motor speech disorders may beneficiate of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems that may improve the developing language and the communication abilities. The term AAC tend to include each form of communication supplementing or replacing the natural speech production