143 research outputs found

    System measures response time of photomultiplier tubes

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    Calibration system enables precise determination of rise time of photosensitive detectors. To perform a calibration, the time-voltage curve of the excitation voltage for a light source is compared with the time-voltage curve of the voltage output from a photosensitive detector which is responding to the light

    Ion temperatures in HIP-1 and SUMMA from charge-exchange neutral optical emission spectra

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    Ion temperatures were obtained from observations of the H sub alpha, D sub alpha, and He 587.6 nm lines emitted from hydrogen, deuterium, and helium plasmas in the SUMMA and HIP-1 mirror devices at Lewis Research Center. Steady state discharges were formed by applying a radially inward dc electric field between cylindrical or annular anodes and hollow cathodes located at the peaks of the mirrors. The ion temperatures were found from the Doppler broadening of the charge-exchange components of spectral lines. A statistical method was developed for obtaining scaling relations of ion temperature as a function of current, voltage, and magnetic flux density. Derivations are given that take into account triangular monochromator slit functions, loss cones, and superimposed charge-exchange processes. In addition, the Doppler broadening was found to be sensitive to the influence of drift on charge-exchange cross section. The effects of finite ion-cyclotron radius, cascading, and delayed emission are reviewed

    Parametric dependence of ion temperature and relative density in the NASA Lewis SUMMA facility

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    Further hot-ion plasma experiments were conducted in the SUMMA superconducting magnetic mirror facility. A steady-state ExB plasma was formed by applying a strong radially inward dc electric field between cylindrical anodes and hollow cathodes located near the magnetic mirror maxima. Extending the use of water cooling to the hollow cathodes, in addition to the anodes, resulted in higher maximum power input to the plasma. Steady-state hydrogen plasmas with ion kinetic temperatures as high as 830 eV were produced. Functional relations were obtained empirically among the plasma current, voltage, magnetic flux density, ion temperature, and relative ion density. The functional relations were deduced by use of a multiple correlation analysis. Data were obtained for midplane magnetic fields from 0.5 to 3.37 tesla and input power up to 45 kW. Also, initial absolute electron density measurements are reported from a 90 deg Thomson scattering laser system

    SUMMA hot-ion plasma heating research at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    The SUMMA superconducting magnetic mirror facility and the associated hot-ion plasma research were described. SUMMA is characterized by intense magnetic fields and a large-diameter working bore (41 cm diameter) with room-temperature access. The goal of the plasma research program is to produce steady-state plasmas of fusion reactor densities and temperatures (but not confinement times). The program includes electrode development to produce a hot, dense, large-volume, steady-state plasma and diagnostics development to document the plasma properties. SUMMA and its hot-ion plasma are ideally suited to develop advanced plasma diagnostics methods. Two such methods whose requirements are well matched to SUMMA are: (1) heavy ion beam probing to measure plasma space potential; and (2) submillimeter wavelength laser Thomson scattering to measure local ion temperature

    Effect of anode-cathode geometry on performance of the HIP-1 hot ion plasma

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    Hot-ion hydrogen plasma experiments were conducted in the NASA Lewis HIP-1 magnetic mirror facility to determine how the ion temperature was influenced by the axial position of the cathode tips relative to the anodes. A steady-state EXB plasma was formed by applying a strong radially inward dc electric field near the throats of the magnetic mirrors. The dc electric field was created between hollow cathode rods inside hollow anode cylinders, both concentric with the magnetic axis. The highest ion temperatures, 900 eV, were attained when the tip of each cathode was in the same plane as the end of its anode. These temperatures were reached with 22 kV applied to the electrodes in a field of 1.1 tesla. Scaling relations were empirically determined for ion temperature and the product of ion density and neutral particle density as a function of cathode voltage, discharge current, and electrode positions. Plasma discharge current vs voltage (I-V) characteristics were determined

    Parametric study of ion heating in a burnout device (HIP-1)

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    Results of further studies on the Lewis Research Center hot-ion plasma source (HIP-1) are reported. Changes have been made in both the electrode geometry and materials to produce higher ion temperatures. Ion temperature increased significantly with increased vacuum pumping speed. The best ion temperatures achieved, so far, for H(+), D(+), and He(+) plasmas are estimated to be equal to, or greater than 0.6, equal to, or greater than 0.9, and equal to, greater than 2.0 keV, respectively. Electrode pairs produced high ion temperatures whether on the magnetic axis or off it by 5.5 cm. Multiple sources, one on-axis and one off-axis, were run simultaneously from a single power supply by using independent gas feed rates. A momentum analyzer has been added to the charge-exchange neutral particle analyzer to identify particles according to mass, as well as energy. Under any given plasma condition, the higher mass ions have higher average energies but not by as much as the ratio of their respective masses

    Guiding center model to interpret neutral particle analyzer results

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    The theoretical model is discussed, which accounts for drift and cyclotron components of ion motion in a partially ionized plasma. Density and velocity distributions are systematically precribed. The flux into the neutral particle analyzer (NPA) from this plasma is determined by summing over all charge exchange neutrals in phase space which are directed into apertures. Especially detailed data, obtained by sweeping the line of sight of the apertures across the plasma of the NASA Lewis HIP-1 burnout device, are presented. Selection of randomized cyclotron velocity distributions about mean azimuthal drift yield energy distributions which compared well with experiment. Use of data obtained with a bending magnet on the NPA showed that separation between energy distribution curves of various mass species correlate well with a drift divided by mean cyclotron energy parameter of the theory. Use of the guiding center model in conjunction with NPA scans across the plasma aid in estimates of ion density and E field variation with plasma radius

    Hot ion plasma production in HIP-1 using water-cooled hollow cathodes

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    A steady-state ExB plasma was formed by applying a strong radially inward dc electric field near the mirror throats. Most of the results were for hydrogen, but deuterium and helium plasmas were also studied. Three water-cooled hollow cathodes were operated in the hot-ion plasma mode with the following results: (1) thermally emitting cathodes were not required to achieve the hot-ion mode; (2) steady-state operation (several minutes) was attained; (3) input powers greater than 40 kW were achieved; (4) cathode outside diameters were increased from 1.2 cm (uncooled) to 4.4 cm (water-cooled); (5) steady-state hydrogen plasma with ion temperatures from 185 to 770 eV and electron temperatures from 5 to 21 eV were produced. Scaling relations were empirically obtained for discharge current, ion temperature, electron temperature, and relative ion density as a function of hydrogen gas feed rate, magnetic field, and cathode voltage. Neutrons were produced from deuterium plasma, but it was not established whether thay came from the plasma volume or from the electrode surfaces

    Hot ion plasma heating experiments in SUMMA

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    Initial results are presented for the hot-ion plasma heating experiments conducted in the new SUMMA (superconducting magnetic mirror apparatus) at NASA Lewis Research Center. A discharge is formed by applying a radially inward dc electric field between cylindrical anodes and hallow cathodes located at the peak of the mirrors. Data were obtained at midplane magnetic field strengths from 1.0 to 3.5 tesla. Charge-exchange neutral particle energy analyzer data were reduced to ion temperatures using a plasma model that included a Maxwellian energy distribution superimposed on an azimuthal drift, finite ion orbits, and radial variations in density and electric field. The best ion temperatures in a helium plasma were 5 keV and in hydrogen the H2(+) and H(+) ions were 1.2 keV and 1 keV respectively. Optical spectroscopy line broadening measurements yielded ion temperatures about 50 percent higher than the charge-exchange neutral particle analyzer results. Spectroscopically obtained electron temperature ranged from 3 to 30 eV. Ion temperature was found to scale roughly linearly with the ratio of power input-to-magnetic field strength, P/B

    Diffusion Limited Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) in Microgravity Environments

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    Tests designed to quantify the gravitational effects on thermal mixing and reactant injection in a Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) reactor have recently been performed in the Zero Gravity Facility (ZGF) at NASA s Glenn Research Center. An artificial waste stream, comprising aqueous mixtures of methanol, was pressurized to approximately 250 atm and then heated to 450 C. After uniform temperatures in the reactor were verified, a controlled injection of air was initiated through a specially designed injector to simulate diffusion limited reactions typical in most continuous flow reactors. Results from a thermal mapping of the reaction zone in both 1-g and 0-g environments are compared. Additionally, results of a numerical model of the test configuration are presented to illustrate first order effects on reactant mixing and thermal transport in the absence of gravity
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