22 research outputs found

    Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens

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    En 71-årig sund og rask herre med flere dages anamnese med mistanke om erysipelas, fik pludselig blåmarmoreret ve. ben og ikke palpapel puls i ve. ben. Han havde tidl. haft 2x AMI, og derfor var han i magnyl behandling. På baggrund af hans symptomer vurderede man at han havde Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens (PCD), hvilket formodentlig reddede hans ben. Casen illustrerer hvorfor PCD kan mistolkes ved første øjekast, og hvorfor det er vigtigt at kunne diagnosticere det hurtigt.   A 71 year old gentleman with no cronic illnesses, was suspected for having infektion in his leg. He suddenly got a blue leg and the pulse in a. dorsalis pedis was not possible to palpate. He have had 2 heartattacks earlier in his life and therefor he was on antithrombotic medicine. From the symptoms he was showing, they figured out fast it could be Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens (PCD), which very well could have saved his leg from amputation. This case shows that PCD can me mistreated as another disease at first, and why its so very important to know about it and be able to give the diagnose rapidly

    Vandrensning på Dambrug

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    Eighty Percent Survival of Resurfacing Implants in the Knee After 10 Years:A Nationwide Cohort Study on 379 Procedures from the Danish Knee Arthroplasty Registry

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    OBJECTIVE: Focal cartilage injuries are debilitating and difficult to treat. Biological cartilage repair procedures are used for patients younger than 40 years, and knee arthroplasties are generally reserved for patients older than 60 years. Resurfacing implants are well suited for patients in this treatment gap. The objective was to investigate the 10-year survival of resurfacing implants in the Danish Knee Arthroplasty Registry. DESIGN: In this retrospective cohort study, patients treated with resurfacing implants were followed longitudinally in the Danish Knee Arthroplasty Registry from 1997 to 2020. The primary endpoint was revision surgery. The survival of the resurfacing implants was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: A total of 379 resurfacing implant procedures were retrieved from the Danish Knee Arthroplasty Registry. The mean age and weight of patients were 50 years (SD = 11) and 84 kg (SD = 17), respectively. The indications for surgery were as follows: secondary osteoarthritis (42%), primary osteoarthritis (32%), and osteochondral lesions (20%). Within the follow-up period, 70 (19%) of the implants were revised to arthroplasties. The 1-, 5-, and 10-year revision-free survival estimation was 0.95 (95% CI 0.93-0.97), 0.84 (95% CI 0.80-0.88), and 0.80 (95% CI 0.75-0.84), respectively. The median time to revision was 2 years. CONCLUSION: The 10-year revision-free survival rate for resurfacing implants was 80%. Based on the revision rates, this treatment offers a viable alternative to biological cartilage repair methods in patients aged 40 to 60 years with focal cartilage pathology. Improved patient selection could further improve the implant survival rate. Further studies are needed to investigate this treatment method

    Matematik og naturfagene i Ny Nordisk Skole

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    Fredag d. 26. oktober havde MONA sin årlige konference, og dette år var temaet “Ny NordiskSkole – hvad er det i matematik og naturfagene?” Denne tekst er en opfølgning på konferencensammenskrevet af seks personer der deltog som referenter eller ordstyrere i de tre workshopper somafsluttede dagen. Formålet med teksten er at give inspiration til hvordan matematik og naturfagenekan indgå i arbejdet med Ny Nordisk Skole. Teksten diskuterer hvilken mening vi skal lægge i NNS,og afsluttes med at beskrive de indsatsområder som konferencen pegede på bør vælges i forhold tilmatematik og naturfagene