743 research outputs found

    Does degradation from selective logging and illegal activities differently impact forest resources? A case study in Ghana

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    Degradation, a reduction of the ecosystem’s capacity to supply goods and services, is widespread in tropical forests and mainly caused by human disturbance. To maintain the full range of forest ecosystem services and support the development of effective conservation policies, we must understand the overall impact of degradation on different forest resources. This research investigates the response to disturbance of forest structure using several indicators: soil carbon content, arboreal richness and biodiversity, functional composition (guild and wood density), and productivity. We drew upon large field and remote sensing datasets from different forest types in Ghana, characterized by varied protection status, to investigate impacts of selective logging, and of illegal land use and resources extraction, which are the main disturbance causes in West Africa. Results indicate that functional composition and the overall number of species are less affected by degradation, while forest structure, soil carbon content and species abundance are seriously impacted, with resources distribution reflecting the protection level of the areas. Remote sensing analysis showed an increase in productivity in the last three decades, with higher resiliency to change in drier forest types, and stronger productivity correlation with solar radiation in the short dry season. The study region is affected by growing anthropogenic pressure on natural resources and by an increased climate variability: possible interactions of disturbance with climate are also discussed, together with the urgency to reduce degradation in order to preserve the full range of ecosystem functions

    Determination of the Properties of Composite Materials Thanks to Digital Image Correlation Measurements

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    AbstractDesigning composite structures for civil aircrafts necessitates a better understanding of the damage and failure mechanisms occurring in these components through experimental test campaigns and associated numerical simulations. These experimental tests have been performed at Onera using different classical measurement techniques (LVDT sensor, strain gauges…) and digital image correlation (DIC). The additional information provided by DIC allows (i) to validate the boundary conditions of the tests, (ii) to cross-check the measurements with other techniques, (iii) to improve the understanding of the physical mechanisms and (iv) to validate the predictions of the finite element simulations

    COSMO-SkyMed potential to detect and monitor Mediterranean maquis fires and regrowth: a pilot study in Capo Figari, Sardinia, Italy

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    Mediterranean maquis is a complex and widespread ecosystem in the region, intrinsically prone to fire. Many species have developed specific adaptation traits to cope with fire, ensuring resistance and resilience. Due to the recent changes in socio-economy and land uses, fires are more and more frequent in the urban-rural fringe and in the coastlines, both now densely populated. The detection of fires and the monitoring of vegetation regrowth is thus of primary interest for local management and for understanding the ecosystem dynamics and processes, also in the light of the recurrent droughts induced by climate change. Among the main objectives of the COSMO-SkyMed radar constellation mission there is the monitoring of environmental hazards; the very high revisiting time of this mission is optimal for post-hazard response activities. However, very few studies exploited such data for fire and vegetation monitoring. In this research, Cosmo-SkyMed is used in a Mediterranean protected area covered by maquis to detect the burnt area extension and to conduct a mid-term assessment of vegetation regrowth. The positive results obtained in this research highlight the importance of the very high-resolution continuous acquisitions and the multi-polarization information provided by COSMO-SkyMed for monitoring fire impacts on vegetation

    Functional flexibility: The potential of morphing composites

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    From plants tracking the sun to the aerodynamics of bird wings, shape change is key to the performance of natural structures. After years of reliance on mechanical joints, human engineering now focuses on improving aerodynamic efficiency through smooth, full form changes in material geometry, achieved using technologies such as morphing composites. Promising improved power generation and efficiency in wind turbines and safer more sustainable aircraft and cars, these materials can achieve both large geometric changes with low energy requirements by cycling between several stable physical states and more gradual changes in geometry by exploiting coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch and structural anisotropy, shape memory polymers and 4D printing. The merits and limitations of these various shape change systems are the subject of extensive and ongoing academic research and both commercial and defence industry trials to improve the viability of these technologies for widespread adoption. Shape change capabilities are often associated with problems in material cost, mass, mechanical properties, manufacturability, and energy requirements. Nonetheless, the considerable and rapid advances in this technology, already resulting in successful trials in advanced civilian and military aircraft and high-performance cars, indicate that future research and development of this materials platform could revolutionise many of our most critical power generation, defence and transport systems
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