140 research outputs found

    Condition and the state of coral reef management in Lembeh Island waters of Bitung City

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    Lembeh Island is a small island part of the minicipality of Bitung, It is an area that supportincluding the category of small island, but it is an area that support community life in the mainland who mainly living as fishermen. Those fishermen generally made coral reef ecosystems as a location for  fishing. This research is aimed to provide information such as ecological conditions and states of coral reef, that  can be used appropriately in planning and decision making for the development of Lembeh Island waters, especially in the management of coral reef ecosystems. Intern of coral cover Lembeh island can be categorized in good condition and the state of coral reef management can be seen from the utilization activity that still good but tend to degrade over time. The implication, shows that the management and development of today tend to cause less sustainableto coral ecosystems. Keywords : Lembeh Island, coral reef, manajement, sustainability   A B S T R A K Pulau Lembeh merupakan pulau di Kota Bitung, termasuk kategori pulau kecil, tetapi merupakan kawasan yang menunjang kehidupan masyarakat di daratan utama, Masyarakat Pulau Lembeh yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan, umumnya menjadikan ekosistem terumbu karang sebagai lokasi penangkapan ikan karang. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi berupa kondisi ekologi serta status pengelolaan ekosistem terumbu karang, sehingga dapat digunakan secara tepat dalam proses perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan guna pengembangan perairan Pulau Lembeh, khususnya dalam pengelolaan ekosistem terumbu karang di masa mendatang. Kondisi terumbu karang Pulau Lembeh berdasarkan tutupan karang batu dapat dikategorikan baik, dan status pengelolaan terumbu karang dilihat dari kegiatan pemanfataan saat ini masih baik tapi cenderung menurunkan kualitas kawasan.  Implikasinya, memperlihatkan bahwa pengelolaan dan pembangunan saat ini cenderung ditata ke arah kurang berkelanjutan. ________________________________________________________________ Keywords : pulau lembeh, terumbu karang, pengelolaan, keberlanjutan _____________________ 1 Alumni Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan FPIK Unsrat 2Staf Pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi 3;Staf Pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulang

    Study on the Taxonomy of Genus Favia (Oken, 1815) at the Reef Flats of Kampung Ambong Village in Likupang Timur District, Minahasa Utara

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    Coral reefs in the world occupy around 250.000 km2 of coastal areas and provide habitats for approximately 25 % of marine species.  Reefs are usually reognise as marine rain forest (Knowlton et al., 2010 in Andi Haerul, 2014).  Indonesia has a high level of hard corals diversity, and, at least 80 genera consist of 74 % of 800 coral spesies of the world could be found here.Favia (Oken, 1815) is one genus of Faviidae.  Faviidae is one of the largest coral family, after Acroporidae.  Coral species of Faviidae live in a colony. Generally, the main characteristic of Favia has plocoid shape corallite. Data collection has been conducted on reef flats of Kampung ambong Village in Likupang Timur District of Minahasa Utara Regency. Visual survey method was done at 3 – 5 meters depths during high tide rising. This research was focused on genus Favia (Oken, 1815) of Faviidae family.Five species of hard corals of genus Favia were founded in this study,i.e Favia speciosa (Dana, 1846), Favia favus (Forskål, 1775), Favia truncatus (Veron, 2000), Favia pallida (Dana, 1846) dan Favia matthaii (Vaughan, 1918). These species have similar characteristics in some parts, i.e septum, corallite form and corralite diameter.Keywords: Taxonomy, Hard Coral, Favia (Oken, 1815) ABSTRAK      Terumbu karang di dunia memiliki luas sekitar 250.000 km2 dan merupakan tempat tinggal bagi 25% spesies laut sehingga terumbu karang disebut juga rain forest laut (Knowlton et al. 2010 dalam Andi Haerul, 2014). Indonesia memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman spesies karang yang tinggi yaitu kurang lebih 80 genera meliputi 74% dari 800 spesies yang ada di dunia.Karang Favia (Oken, 1815) merupakan salah satu genus dari famili karang Faviidae yang menjadi salah satu famili terbesar setelah Acroporidae. Spesies dari famili Faviidae hidup secara berkoloni. Ciri-ciri umum dari genus ini adalah bentuk koralit plocoid. Pengambilan data dilakukan di Desa Kampung Ambong Kecamatan Likupang Timur, Minahasa Utara. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei jelajah pada kedalaman 3-5 meter pada saat terjadi pasang naik. Karang yang diamati adalah famili Faviidae, genus Favia (Oken, 1815).Pada penelitian ini ditemukan lima spesies karang genus Favia, yaitu Favia speciosa (Dana, 1846), Favia favus (Forskål, 1775), Favia truncatus (Veron, 2000), Favia pallida (Dana, 1846) dan Favia matthaii (Vaughan, 1918). Spesies ini memiliki karakteristik yang hampir mirip pada beberapa bagian seperti septa, bentuk koralit, serta diameter koralit.Kata Kunci: Taksonomi, Karang Batu, Favia (Oken, 1815

    The Distribution of Genus Favia (Oken, 1815) at the Reef Flats of Likupang Kampung Ambong Village Minahasa Utara

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    Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan 6 spesies karang genus Favia, yaitu Favia pallida (Dana, 1846), Favia speciosa (Dana, 1846), Favia favus (Forskål, 1775), Favia truncatus (Veron, 2000), Favia rotundata (Veron and Pichon, 1977) dan Favia matthaii (Vaughan, 1918). Spesies dengan persentase tutupan karang tertinggi adalah Favia pallida (0,37 %). Nilai Indeks Dominasi menunjukkan tidak ada spesies karang genus Favia yang dominan pada rataan terumbu Kampung Ambong. Indeks keanekaragaman karang genus Favia menunjukkan nilai H\u27 = 1,47. Terdapat dua Pola distribusi yang diperoleh dari karang genus Favia di rataan terumbu Kampung Ambong, yaitu mengelompok dan seragam

    The Distribution of Favites Abdita Coral Reef (Ellis and Solander, 1786) in the Land of Coral Coast Village of Malalayang Dua, Malalayang Sub-district Manado

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    This study was conducted at Malalayang Dua waters (Sub-district Malalayang Dua, Manado City). The aim of study is: To know and to inform the coral of Favites abdita. The other aim was to describe the distribution of Favites abdita. This research also will contribute for the management effort of coral reef in Malalayang Dua area, and also as information and literature in doing research at the same place in the future. Data collection was done by using simple random method with 1x1 meter quadrant. Every coral found was wrote at data sheet. The pictures of those coral was taken by using underwater camera. The highest percentage cover of hard coral was found in station 3 (1.46%), while the lowest was wrote at station first (0.13%). The distributions patterns of hard coral were found in each stations are Clumped. There is no significant difference in number of colony, percentage cover and diameter for the three depths

    Distribution of Coral Reefs Stone at the Reef Flat of South Coast Putus-Putus Island East Ratatotok, Ratatotok District Southeast Minahasa Regency

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    This research was conducted at the reef flat of south Putus-Putus Island, East Ratatotok, Ratatotok district, Southeast Minahasa Regency. This research was done no data of coral distribution available in Putus-Putus Island. This research aimed to describe the distribution of corals in Putus-Putus Island. The benefit of the study was to provide information and contribution to coral reef management efforts in the region. Data was collected using transect-quadrat methodt. There were 3 sampling points determined, the inner reef flats, the middle reef flats, and the outer reef flat. Each depth was laid five 50 m–transects, and each transect had 10 1x1-quadrats. The distance between quadrats was 5 m. Any coral found in the quadrat was recorded on a data sheet and photographed using an underwater camera. The highest percent cover was recorded at the outer reef flat, 57.32%, followed by the middle reef flat, 39.08%, and the lowest was found in the inner reef flat, 11.38%. The most coral lifeform cover in Putus-Putus Island reef flat was Coral Massive, 42.98%. General condition of coral reefs was good at the outer reef flat, moderate at the middle reef flat, and poor at the inner reef flat, respectively. Hard coral diversity index (H\u27) value was 0.36 at the inner reef flat, 0.56 at the middle reef flat, and 0.51 at the outer reef flat. Eveness index was 0.52 at the inner reef flats, 0.59 at the middle reef flat and 0.60 at the outer reef flat, respectively. Dominance index was 0.61 at the inner reef flat, 0.43 at the middle reef flat, and 0.45 at the outer reef flat. The distribution pattern was clustered in all sampling points

    Community Structure of Seagrass Tasik Ria Waters, Sub-district of Tombariri, Minahasa District

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    Suatu penelitian mengenai lamun telah dilakukan di Perairan Tasik Ria, Kecamatan Tombariri, Kabupaten Minahasa. Penelitian ini mencakup Struktur Komunitas Lamun di lokasi penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1.Mengetahui kondisi fisik dan kimia perairan 2.Mengidentifikasi spesies lamun yang ada di Perairan Tasik Ria serta mempelajari struktur komunitas lamun.Pada lokasi penelitian ditemukan 4 spesies Lamun,yaitu Halophila ovalis( R. Brown) Hooker F, Enhalus acoroides (Linnaeus f.) Royle, 1839, Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Ascherson, dan Syringodium isoetifolium (Ascherson) Dandy. Jumlah tegakan speseis lamun di lokasi penelitian berkisar dari 316 hingga 662 individu, kepadatan spesies (84.27-176.53/m²), kepadatan relatif (16.05-33.62%), frekuensi kehadiran (0.1-0.41), frekuensi relatif (10-41.66%), dominasi (84.27-176.53), dominasi relatif (16.04-33.62%). indeks nilai penting lamun di Perairan Tasik Ria menunjukkan bahwa Thalassia hemprichii memiliki indeks nilai penting paling tinggi di antara ke 4 spesies lamun yakni 108.91%. Indeks dominasi (0.265), indeks keanekaragaman (1.354), pola distribusi (1.028)

    Distribution of Coral Reefs Stone at the Reef Flat of South Coast Putus-Putus Island East Ratatotok, Ratatotok District Southeast Minahasa Regency

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    This research was conducted at the reef flat of south Putus-Putus Island, East Ratatotok, Ratatotok district, Southeast Minahasa Regency. This research was done no data of coral distribution available in Putus-Putus Island. This research aimed to describe the distribution of corals in Putus-Putus Island. The benefit of the study was to provide information and contribution to coral reef management efforts in the region. Data was collected using transect-quadrat methodt. There were 3 sampling points determined, the inner reef flats, the middle reef flats, and the outer reef flat. Each depth was laid five 50 m–transects, and each transect had 10 1x1-quadrats. The distance between quadrats was 5 m. Any coral found in the quadrat was recorded on a data sheet and photographed using an underwater camera. The highest percent cover was recorded at the outer reef flat, 57.32%, followed by the middle reef flat, 39.08%, and the lowest was found in the inner reef flat, 11.38%. The most coral lifeform cover in Putus-Putus Island reef flat was Coral Massive, 42.98%. General condition of coral reefs was good at the outer reef flat, moderate at the middle reef flat, and poor at the inner reef flat, respectively. Hard coral diversity index (H’) value was 0.36 at the inner reef flat, 0.56 at the middle reef flat, and 0.51 at the outer reef flat. Eveness index was 0.52 at the inner reef flats, 0.59 at the middle reef flat and 0.60 at the outer reef flat, respectively. Dominance index was 0.61 at the inner reef flat, 0.43 at the middle reef flat, and 0.45 at the outer reef flat. The distribution pattern was clustered in all sampling points. Keyword : Distribution, Coral Abstrak Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di pantai selatan Pulau Putus-Putus Desa Ratatotok Timur Kecamatan Ratatotok Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada data distribusi karang batu di rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi karang batu di rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus. Manfaat penelitian yaitu dapat menjadi sumber informasi dan mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi upaya pengelolaan terumbu karang di wilayah Ratatotok di masa yang akan datang. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek kuadran. Pada lokasi penelitian, ditentukan tiga titik pengambilan data, yaitu kedalaman inner reef flat, middle reef flat dan outer reef flat. Pada setiap kedalaman diletakkan 5 transek ulangan, dengan panjang 50 meter, pada setiap transek diletakkan 10 buah kuadran berukuran 1x1 meter dengan jarak antar kuadran  adalah 5 meter. Setiap karang yang ditemukan dalam kuadran dicatat pada data sheet dan mengambil gambar dengancamera underwater. Persentase tutupan karang batu tertinggi diperoleh pada kedalaman outer reef flat yaitu sebesar 57,32 % diikuti dengan middle reef flat 39,08 % dan tutupan terendah pada kedalaman inner reef flat yaitu 11,38 %. Bentuk pertumbuhan karang batu yang paling banyak menutupi rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus adalah Coral massive sebesar 42,98%. Secara umum kondisi terumbu karang pada kedalaman outer reef flat dikategorikan baik, kedalaman middle reef flat dikategorikan cukup dan kedalaan inner reef flat dikategorikan rusak/buruk. Dari hasil analisis, nilai indeks keanekaragaman karang batu di tiap kedalaman sebagai berikut: kedalaman inner reef flat (H' = 0,36), kedalaman middle reef flat (H' = 0,56) dan kedalaman outer reef flat (0,51). Hasil indeks kesamarataan untuk tiap kedalaman adalah kedalaman inner reef flat (e = 0,52), kedalaman middle reef flat (e = 0,59) dan outer reef flat (e = 0,60). Nilai indeks dominasi pada kedalaman inner reef flat tergolong dalam kriteria dominasi sedang 0,61 dan kedalaman middle reef flat dan outer reef flat dominasi rendah 0,43 – 0,45. Pola distribusi karang batu pada ketiga kedalaman adalah mengelompok. 1Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulang
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