41 research outputs found

    Ice quivers with potential arising from once-punctured polygons and Cohen-Macaulay modules

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    Given a tagged triangulation of a once-punctured polygon PP^* with nn vertices, we associate an ice quiver with potential such that the frozen part of the associated frozen Jacobian algebra has the structure of a Gorenstein K[X]K[X]-order Λ\Lambda. Then we show that the stable category of the category of Cohen-Macaulay Λ\Lambda-modules is equivalent to the cluster category C\mathcal{C} of type DnD_n. It gives a natural interpretation of the usual indexation of cluster tilting objects of C\mathcal{C} by tagged triangulations of PP^*. Moreover, it extends naturally the triangulated categorification by C\mathcal{C} of the cluster algebra of type DnD_n to an exact categorification by adding coefficients corresponding to the sides of PP. Finally, we lift the previous equivalence of categories to an equivalence between the stable category of graded Cohen-Macaulay Λ\Lambda-modules and the bounded derived category of modules over a path algebra of type DnD_n.Comment: 50 pages. Several improvements after refereeing. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.067

    A survey on maximal green sequences

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    Maximal green sequences appear in the study of Fomin-Zelevinsky's cluster algebras. They are useful for computing refined Donaldson-Thomas invariants, constructing twist automorphisms and proving the existence of theta bases and generic bases. We survey recent progress on their existence and properties and give a representation-theoretic proof of Greg Muller's theorem stating that full subquivers inherit maximal green sequences. In the appendix, Laurent Demonet describes maximal chains of torsion classes in terms of bricks generalizing a theorem by Igusa.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to the proceedings of the ICRA 18, Prague, comments welcome; v2: misquotation in section 6 corrected; v3: minor changes, final version; v4: reference to Jiarui Fei's work added, post-final version; v4: formulation of Remark 4.3 corrected; v5: misquotation of Hermes-Igusa's 2019 paper corrected; v5: reference to Kim-Yamazaki's paper adde

    τ\tau-tilting finite algebras, bricks and gg-vectors

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    The class of support τ\tau-tilting modules was introduced to provide a completion of the class of tilting modules from the point of view of mutations. In this article we study τ\tau-tilting finite algebras, i.e. finite dimensional algebras AA with finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable τ\tau-rigid modules. We show that AA is τ\tau-tilting finite if and only if very torsion class in modA\mod A is functorially finite. We observe that cones generated by gg-vectors of indecomposable direct summands of each support τ\tau-tilting module form a simplicial complex Δ(A)\Delta(A). We show that if AA is τ\tau-tilting finite, then Δ(A)\Delta(A) is homeomorphic to an (n1)(n-1)-dimensional sphere, and moreover the partial order on support τ\tau-tilting modules can be recovered from the geometry of Δ(A)\Delta(A). Finally we give a bijection between indecomposable τ\tau-rigid AA-modules and bricks of AA satisfying a certain finiteness condition, which is automatic for τ\tau-tilting finite algebras.Comment: 29 pages. Changed title. Added Theorem 6.5 and Proposition 6.

    Lattice theory of torsion classes

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    The aim of this paper is to establish a lattice theoretical framework to study the partially ordered set torsA\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} A of torsion classes over a finite-dimensional algebra AA. We show that torsA\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} A is a complete lattice which enjoys very strong properties, as bialgebraicity and complete semidistributivity. Thus its Hasse quiver carries the important part of its structure, and we introduce the brick labelling of its Hasse quiver and use it to study lattice congruences of torsA\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} A. In particular, we give a representation-theoretical interpretation of the so-called forcing order, and we prove that torsA\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} A is completely congruence uniform. When II is a two-sided ideal of AA, tors(A/I)\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} (A/I) is a lattice quotient of torsA\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} A which is called an algebraic quotient, and the corresponding lattice congruence is called an algebraic congruence. The second part of this paper consists in studying algebraic congruences. We characterize the arrows of the Hasse quiver of torsA\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} A that are contracted by an algebraic congruence in terms of the brick labelling. In the third part, we study in detail the case of preprojective algebras Π\Pi, for which torsΠ\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} \Pi is the Weyl group endowed with the weak order. In particular, we give a new, more representation theoretical proof of the isomorphism between torskQ\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} k Q and the Cambrian lattice when QQ is a Dynkin quiver. We also prove that, in type AA, the algebraic quotients of torsΠ\operatorname{\mathsf{tors}} \Pi are exactly its Hasse-regular lattice quotients.Comment: 65 pages. Many improvements compared to the first version (in particular, more discussion about complete congruence uniform lattices

    Categorification of skew-symmetrizable cluster algebras

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    We propose a new framework for categorifying skew-symmetrizable cluster algebras. Starting from an exact stably 2-Calabi-Yau category C endowed with the action of a finite group G, we construct a G-equivariant mutation on the set of maximal rigid G-invariant objects of C. Using an appropriate cluster character, we can then attach to these data an explicit skew-symmetrizable cluster algebra. As an application we prove the linear independence of the cluster monomials in this setting. Finally, we illustrate our construction with examples associated with partial flag varieties and unipotent subgroups of Kac-Moody groups, generalizing to the non simply-laced case several results of Gei\ss-Leclerc-Schr\"oer.Comment: 64 page

    Cluster algebras and preprojective algebras : the non simply-laced case

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    We generalize to the non simply-laced case results of Gei\ss, Leclerc and Schr\"oer about the cluster structure of the coordinate ring of the maximal unipotent subgroups of simple Lie groups. In this way, cluster structures in the non simply-laced case can be seen as projections of cluster structures in the simply-laced case. This allows us to prove that cluster monomials are linearly independent in the non simply-laced case.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to "comptes-rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences", french version 4 pages and english abridged version 2 page

    Quotients of exact categories by cluster tilting subcategories as module categories

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    We prove that some subquotient categories of exact categories are abelian. This generalizes a result by Koenig-Zhu in the case of (algebraic) triangulated categories. As a particular case, if an exact category B with enough projectives and injectives has a cluster tilting subcategory M, then B/M is abelian. More precisely, it is equivalent to the category of finitely presented modules over the stable category of M.Comment: 21 pages. Slight modifications after referring. Accepted for publication in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr