131 research outputs found

    Biphotonic Microscopy for in vitro, in vivo tissue phenotyping and cell tracking

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    Biphotonic Microscopy for [i]in vitro[/i], [i]in vivo[/i] tissue phenotyping and cell tracking. Gen2bio201

    Fluorescence Bio-imaging practical courses: Immunohistochemistry : Principle

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    Immunohistochemistry- what’s good about it?•Uses antibodies to detect and visualize antigens in cells from tissue section•Antibodies bind to antigen in specific manner•Gives you a spatial location•Can be used to locate particular cells and proteins•Can be used to identify cellular events – e.g.apoptosis(...

    Pdx-1 or Pdx-1-VP16 protein transduction induces β-cell gene expression in liver-stem WB cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 (<it>Pdx-1</it>) or <it>Pdx-1-VP16 </it>gene transfer has been shown to induce <it>in vitro </it>rat liver-stem WB cell conversion into pancreatic endocrine precursor cells. High glucose conditions were necessary for further differentiation into functional insulin-producing cells. Pdx-1 has the ability to permeate different cell types due to an inherent protein transduction domain (PTD). In this study, we evaluated liver-to-pancreas conversion of WB cells following Pdx-1 or Pdx-1-VP16 protein transduction.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>WB cells were grown in high glucose medium containing Pdx-1 or Pdx-1-VP16 recombinant proteins for two weeks. β-like cell commitment was analysed by RT-PCR of pancreatic endocrine genes. We found that WB cells in high glucose culture spontaneously express pancreatic endocrine genes (<it>Pdx-1, Ngn3, Nkx2.2, Kir6.2</it>). Their further differentiation into β-like cells expressing genes related to endocrine pancreas development (<it>Ngn3, NeuroD, Pax4, Nkx2.2, Nkx6.1, Pdx-1</it>) and β-cell function (<it>Glut-2, Kir6.2, insulin</it>) was achieved only in the presence of Pdx-1(-VP16) protein.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate that Pdx-1(-VP16) protein transduction is instrumental for <it>in vitro </it>liver-to-pancreas conversion and is an alternative to gene therapy for β-cell engineering for diabetes cell therapy.</p

    FoxO3a overexpression prevents both glycogen overload and autophagic buildup in skeletal muscle of Pompe disease

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    FoxO3a overexpression prevents both glycogen overload and autophagic buildup in skeletal muscle of Pompe disease. 6eme congrès international de Myologi

    Bifeo3 Harmonic Nanoparticle (Bfo-Hnps) Use for the Stem Cell Tracking: Labeling Investigation by Non Linear Microscopy and X-Ray Fluorescence

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common form of degenerative muscle disease; currently, there is no effective treatment. In 2011, our group showed that an adult stem cell population (MuStem) isolated from healthy dog skeletal muscle induces long-term muscle repair and striking clinical efficacy after its systemic delivery in clinically relevant dystrophic dog. During last years, our group isolated the human counterparts (hMuStem) [1]. To achieve the full therapeutic potential of the hMuStem cells, their homing process, survival and engraftment post-transplantation must be clearly understood. BiFeO3 harmonic nanoparticles (BFO-HNPs) were used as probes for the hMuStem cell tracking [2]. We demonstrate the possibility of identifying <100 nm BFO-HNPs in depth of muscle tissue at more than 1 mm from the surface by multiphoton microscopy. Based on this successful assessment, we monitor over 14 days any modification on proliferation and morphology features of the hMuStem cells upon exposure to BFO-HNPs revealing their high biocompatibility. To complete these studies, the stability of BFO-HNPs was followed in the labeled hMuStem cells by investigation of Bi and Fe X-ray fluorescence mapping on both Nanoscopium (Soleil, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) and ID16B (ESRF, Grenoble, France) beamlines. In this work, correlation between non-linear microscopy and X-Ray fluorescence was done. Bi and Fe X-Ray fluorescence allowed us to localize with high resolution the BFO-HNPs in the labeled hMuStem cells and the variation of Bi/Fe ratio was analyzed to detect possible dissociation of the nanoparticles in the labeled cells

    Satellite cells fail to contribute to muscle repair but are functional in Pompe disease (glycogenosis type II)

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    Satellite cells fail to contribute to muscle repair but are functional in Pompe disease (glycogenosis type II). 6eme congrés international de Myologi

    Cell therapy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: preclinical trial in GRMD dogs

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a genetic progressive X-linked muscular dystrophy, is the most common genetic disease in humans. Cell therapy based on the use of somatic stem cells is a very promising approach. In a dog myopathy model, we isolated a muscle stem cell (MuStem) with the essential requirements for therapeutic use: high amplification capacity, ability to fuse with muscle fibers, renewal of the satellite cell population, dispersion in the whole body after vascular administration, persistence of long-term effect, and dramatic clinical improvement of treated animals. These preclinical results pave the way for a therapeutic trial in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une maladie génétique progressive du muscle liée au chromosome X. Elle est la maladie génétique la plus fréquente chez l'homme. La thérapie cellulaire basée sur l'utilisation de cellules souches somatiques est une voie thérapeutique riche d'intérêt. Nous avons isolé, chez un modèle de chien myopathe, une cellule souche musculaire (MuStem) qui présente les qualités indispensables à une utilisation thérapeutique: forte capacité d'amplification, capacité à fusionner avec les fibres musculaires, renouvellement du contingent de cellules satellites, dispersion dans l'organisme après administration vasculaire, persistance de l'effet à long terme, spectaculaire amélioration clinique des animaux traités. Ces résultats précliniques ouvrent la voie à un essai thérapeutique chez l'enfant atteint de dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne

    Cadeia produtiva do gengibre (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) no estado do Paraná : análise e recomendações para melhoria da qualidade

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    Orientador : Raquel R.B.NegrelleCo-orientadores: Luiz Doni Filho, Neusa G.A. RuckerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia - área de concentração Produção Vegetal, Departamento de Fitotecnia e FitossanitarismoInclui bibliografia e glossárioResumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo prospectivo da cadeia produtiva do Zingiber officinale Roscoe no Estado do Paraná, identificando os principais agentes envolvidos e paralelamente proceder análise dos pontos de estrangulamentos, especificamente no que concerne à qualidade microbiológica deste produto em todos os níveis, desde a produção até a fase final da comercialização, visando identificar causas e propor soluções no sentido da melhoria do sistema como um todo. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no período de 2000 a 2002 englobando pesquisa de campo, entrevistas abertas com representantes de estabelecimentos de comercialização, produtores e demais atores da cadeia produtiva, além de análises laboratoriais do produto "in natura" disponível no mercado consumidor da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - PR. Este documento está organizado em 9 capítulos, que apresentam vastas informações englobando aspectos botânicos, ecológicos, fisico-químicos e farmacológicos do gengibre, e que estão incluídas nos capítulos 1 e 2. O capítulo 3 apresenta características gerais da principal região produtora brasileira, Morretes - PR, englobando localização, aspectos sócio-econômicos, geológicos e geomorfológicos e caracterização climática. O capítulo 4 apresenta o estudo prospectivo da cadeia produtiva do gengibre no Estado do Paraná, que engloba panorama mundial, brasileiro e paranaense do volume de produção agrícola de gengibre. Inclui-se também caracterização da comunidade produtora agrícola do litoral paranaense, além da identificação e caracterização dos outros diferentes níveis da cadeia produtiva do gengibre e a detecção dos principais pontos de estrangulamento nos diferentes níveis desta cadeia produtiva. A caracterização do cultivo e beneficiamento do gengibre no litoral paranaense é apresentada no capítulo 5, evidenciando suas particularidades frente ao descrito na literatura especializada. No capítulo 6 avaliou-se as condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos produtores, do processo de beneficiamento pós-colheita (lavagem, limpeza, secagem e embalagem) e das condições de manipulação do gengibre "in natura" no litoral paranaense. De maneira geral, as condições de higiene e limpeza observadas foram consideradas precárias, determinando alta potencialidade de contaminação do gengibre com agentes que poderiam colocar em risco a saúde do consumidor. No capítulo 7 são apresentados os resultados dos estabelecimentos de comercialização da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - PR, no que tange à qualidade e adequação às normas vigentes. Dos aspectos observados, as condições dos vestuários e dos equipamentos de proteção individual (manipuladores) foram considerados precários, o que pode potencializar a contaminação do produto e colocar em risco a saúde do consumidor. O capítulo 8 teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil microbiológico do gengibre "in natura" comercializado na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - PR, tendo como base a Resolução - CNPPA n. 12 - Brasil, 1978 e a Resolução - RDC n. 12 - Brasil, 2001. Para tanto, foram realizadas a determinação do número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais, coliformes a 45° C/g e Escherichia coli, e a presença de Salmonella sp em 25 gramas. Sintetizando, um conjunto de propostas e recomendações aos agentes econômicos que atuam e processam a cadeia produtiva do gengibre no Estado do Paraná, em especial o município de Morretes - PR, é apresentado no capítulo 9Abstract: Prospective studies of the productive chain of the Zingiber officinale Roscoe on Parana State identifying the main agents envolved and parallel procedure analysis of the strangulation points, in order to microbiology qualify this product in whole levels from the production until commercialization last phase, aiming identify causes and propose solutions to the improvement of the system in general. This survey developed from 2000 to 2002 involved field research, interviews with representative of the commercialization establishments, producers and others actors of the productive chain, besides made in laboratories of the quality of crude product available to the consumer market in Curitiba. This paper is organized in nine chapters that present information involving botanical, ecological, physique-chemical and pharmacological aspects of ginger that are included in chapters 1 and 2. The chapter 3 presents the characteristics of the main brazilian productive area, embody localization, social and economic aspects, geologycal, geomorphologycal and climate characterization. The chapter 4 the study of the productive chain of this product in Parana State, which includes the paranaense, the brazilian and the worldwide panoramic view of the production volume and commercialization of the ginger; characterization of the agricultural community; identification and characterization of others different levels of the productive chain and also, the main strangulation points on these different levels of the productive chain. In the chapter 5 the agricultural process of the ginger benefit and cultivation in Morretes Town, Paraná, Brazil was caracterized. In the chapter 6 the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the producers establishments, postharvest benefit system and manipulation conditions of crude ginger in the paranaense coastland, Brazil were evaluated with an aim to subsidy the ofert of the best quality product to consumer market. In general, the cleaning and hygienic conditions were precarious, determining a high potential of ginger contamination with agents that can put in risk the consumers' health. The chapter 7 presents the results of the commercialization establishments in the metropolitan area of Curitiba considering adequation to the current norm. Of the observed items, the manipulation conditions was considered precarious due to the inadequate conditions that contributes to contamination, bringing about serious problems to consumers' health. The chapter 8 aimed the microbiological quality of the ginger market in the metropolitan area of Curitiba based on the Brazilian legislation. The microbiological analysis found total coliforms, 45° C/g coliforms, Escherichia coli most probable number (MPN) and Salmonella sp presence. Synthetizing, a group of considerations and recommendations to economic agents that actuate and carry on the productive chain of the ginger in the Parana State, specially in Morretes Town, is presented in the chapter

    Approches innovantes pour explorer le SNC chez des modèles murins atteints de maladie neurodégénérative

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    Approches innovantes pour explorer le SNC chez des modèles murins atteints de maladie neurodégénérative. Science datin

    Exploration du système nerveux central, en profondeur, à l’échelle cellulaire

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    Exploration du système nerveux central, en profondeur, à l’échelle cellulaire. Folle journée de l'imagerie nantais
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