5 research outputs found

    The aquatic rescue as labor occupation and the prevention of injuries in Colombia: review of literature

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    Introducci贸n: El salvamento acu谩tico en Colombia es una actividad de alto riesgo, debido a que la presencia de lesiones es muy com煤n en esta poblaci贸n, a pesar que existe literatura cient铆fica que hace referencia a las lesiones deportivas en lo salvavidas, esta se encuentra en su mayor铆a en salvavidas en playa, siendo muy limitada la informaci贸n referente al personal de salvamento en aguas confinadas, en Colombia no se encuentran registros de lesiones en salvavidas en general, siendo esta informaci贸n nula. Objetivos: Realizar una revisi贸n de la literatura sobre el salvamento acu谩tico y planes de prevenci贸n en la ocupaci贸n laboral en salvavidas, para entender el contexto colombiano. Metodolog铆a: Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda de literatura cient铆fica en bases de datos Ebsco Host, Scopus, Proquest, Pubmed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Sports Discus, Scielo, en idiomas ingl茅s, portugu茅s y espa帽ol, entre los a帽os 2000-2018, utilizando palabras claves: salvamento acu谩tico, lesiones deportivas y ocupaci贸n laboral. Informaci贸n que se sistematiz贸 en una matriz de datos en donde se relacionaron los art铆culos encontrados, de acuerdo a las categor铆as establecidas. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 47 referencias en total, las que fueron clasificadas y analizadas en cuatro categor铆as: Salvamento acu谩tico, Salvavidas, Ocupaci贸n laboral, Planes de prevenci贸n. Conclusiones: Se encuentra evidencia importante que responde a las cuatro categor铆as de la revisi贸n, sin embargo, se hace necesario, realizar investigaciones acordes al contexto colombiano, que incluyan necesariamente la poblaci贸n de salvavidas, adem谩s, crear planes de prevenci贸n de lesiones para los salvavidas, teniendo en cuenta.Introduction: The aquatic rescue in Colombia is a high risk activity, because the presence of injuries is very common in this population, although there is scientific literature that refers to sports injuries in the lifeguard, this is in its Most in lifeguards on the beach, with very limited information regarding rescue personnel in confined water, in Colombia there are no records of injuries in lifeguards in general, this information being null. Objectives: To carry out a review of the literature on aquatic rescue and prevention plans in labor occupation in lifeguards, to understand the Colombian context. Methodology: A search of scientific literature was performed in databases Ebsco Host, Scopus, Proquest, Pubmed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Sports Discus, Scielo, in English, Portuguese and Spanish, between the years 2000-2018, using words keys: aquatic rescue, sports injuries and occupation. Information that was systematized in a data matrix where the found articles were related, according to the established categories. Results: A total of 47 references were selected, which were classified and analyzed in four categories: Water rescue, Lifeguard, Occupation, Prevention plans. Conclusions: There is important evidence that responds to the four categories of the review, however, it is necessary to conduct research according to the Colombian context, which necessarily includes the population of lifeguards, in addition, create injury prevention plans for lifeguards, taking into account, their risk factors and occupation.Incluye referencias bibliogr谩fica

    Propioceptive training program and its importance in coordinating capacities in female football soccer

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    Introducci贸n. El crecimiento actual que ha tenido el f煤tbol femenino demanda una mayor perfecci贸n t茅cnica, por tanto, para tener un adecuado y pertinente desarrollo, uno de los componentes esenciales que se debe tener en cuenta en los programas de formaci贸n es la propiocepci贸n, esencial para la optimizaci贸n de las capacidades coordinativas, as铆 como, de las capacidades f铆sicas principales. Objetivo. Determinar las caracter铆sticas de un programa propioceptivo y su importancia sobre las capacidades coordinativas en los futbolistas. Materiales y m茅todos. Estudio de tipo descriptivo propositivo. 脡ste estudio fue realizado en tres fases: Revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica: realizando una b煤squeda de art铆culos cient铆ficos en las bases de datos PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE y Science Direct utilizando los t茅rminos MeSH y las ecuaciones de b煤squeda [Proprioception AND coordinating capabilities AND sports performance] y [Athletes and soccer], una segunda fase de clasificaci贸n de la informaci贸n, selecci贸n y el dise帽o de la propuesta de un programa de propiocepci贸n. Resultados. Se encontraron un total de 36 art铆culos funcionales, que se organizaron en relaci贸n a cada una de las categor铆as establecidas, dentro de las que se encuentran: fundamentos fisiol贸gicos de la propiocepci贸n, fundamentos del entrenamiento propioceptivo, caracter铆sticas de los programas de entrenamiento aplicados al f煤tbol. Conclusiones. El entrenamiento propioceptivo es importante y fundamental, debido a que genera incrementos en la capacidad para desarrollar acciones motrices simples y complejas, conllevando a un mejor desempe帽o en el rendimiento deportivo.Introduction. The current growth of women's football demands greater technical perfection, therefore, to have an adequate and relevant development, one of the essential components that must be taken into account in training programs is proprioception, essential for optimization. of the coordinative capacities, as well as, of the main physical capacities. Objective. Determine the characteristics of a proprioceptive program and its importance on the coordinative capacities of soccer players. Materials and methods. Descriptive descriptive type study. This study was carried out in three phases: Bibliographic review: conducting a search of scientific articles in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE and Science Direct using the terms MeSH and the search equations [Proprioception AND coordinating capabilities AND sports performance] and [Athletes and soccer], a second phase of classification of information, selection and design of the proposal for a proprioception program. Results A total of 36 functional articles were found, which were organized in relation to each one of the established categories, among which are: physiological foundations of proprioception, foundations of proprioceptive training, characteristics of the training programs applied to soccer. Conclusions Proprioceptive training is important and fundamental, because it generates increases in the ability to develop simple and complex motor actions, leading to a better performance in sports performance.Incluye referencias bibliogr谩fica

    Isoinertial technology for rehabilitation and prevention of muscle injuries of soccer players: literature review

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    Introduction:聽Soccer is the sport with the highest risk of muscle injury for players. Eccentric exercise is fundamental for reducing injury rates and isoinertial technology devices cause an increase in eccentric demands after a concentric contraction. Objective:聽To identify the use of isoinertial technology in the fields of physical activity and sports for rehabilitation and prevention of muscle injuries reported in scientific literature. Materials and methods:聽A search of scientific papers in PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE and Science Direct data base was performed by using the following MeSH medical terms and search equations: [isoinertial AND technology AND flywheels] and [free weight AND sport AND humans AND soccer]. Results:聽23 references, classified into three approaches, were selected: isoinertial technology for rehabilitation, fitness and injury prevention. The use of this technology is fundamental due to the increase of the eccentric demand in muscle groups. Conclusions:聽Isoinertial technology is a useful tool for treating and preventing injuries, as well as for the development of physical qualities. However, it is necessary to work on protocols that allow unifying its usage parameters so that it can be included in prevention programs

    Physical capacities in aquatic lifesavers in Bogot谩, D.C.

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    Introducci贸n: En salvamento acu谩tico las condiciones f铆sicas son poco evaluadas, a pesar de que existe literatura cient铆fica que hace referencia a dicha tem谩tica, esta se encuentra en su mayor铆a en salvavidas de playa siendo muy limitada la informaci贸n referente al personal de salvamento en aguas confinadas. Objetivos: Determinar las capacidades f铆sicas en personal de salvamento acu谩tico. Metodolog铆a: 17 salvavidas pertenecientes a las empresas Fundaci贸n: Deporteo y Campus Activo, se aplic贸 una bater铆a de evaluaci贸n conformada por once Test f铆sicos para medir la condici贸n f铆sica. La informaci贸n se sistematiz贸 en una base de datos en Excel, y se trataron los datos estad铆sticamente en el Software Rstudio.Resultados: Se realiz贸 una correlaci贸n de datos cuantitativos para determinar las capacidades f铆sicas en personal de salvamento acu谩tico, se encontr贸 que 53% obtuvo un resultado regular en Fuerza de Miembros Superiores, el 71% obtuvo un resultado malo para fuerza de la zona Abdominal y para Resistencia un 47% un resultado regular. Conclusiones: Existe un d茅ficit en el desarrollo de capacidades f铆sicas, capacidades fundamentales para la t茅cnica del salvamento, adem谩s de ser, un factor de riesgo intr铆nseco modificable para la presencia de lesiones. Al ser limitados los registros es importante seguir realizando estudios de este tipo.Introduction: In aquatic rescue the physical conditions are poorly evaluated, although there is scientific literature that refers to this subject, this is mostly in beach lifeguards, with very limited information regarding rescue personnel in confined waters. Objectives: To determine the physical capacities of water rescue personnel. Methodology: 17 lifeguards belonging to the Sport Foundation and Active Campus companies, an evaluation battery consisting of eleven physical tests to measure physical condition was applied. The information was systematized in a database in Excel, and the data were treated statistically in the Rstudio Software. Results: A correlation of quantitative data was made to determine the physical capacities in water rescue personnel, it was found that 53% obtained a regular result in Force of Superior Members, 71% obtained a bad result for strength of the Abdominal area and for Resistance 47% a regular result. Conclusions: There is a deficit in the development of physical abilities, fundamental skills for the rescue technique, as well as being an intrinsic risk factor modifiable for the presence of injuries. Since records are limited, it is important to continue conducting studies of this type

    Fitness for health assessment in unilateral lower limb amputation: The Evam1 battery

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    BACKGROUND: During the rehabilitation phase, physical exercise is a key element that requires an assessment of the best alternatives for application since the pre-prosthetic phase (PPF) for an accurate prescription. Therefore, the assessment of fitness for health (FFH) shall be included in the initial rehabilitation process. OBJECTIVE: To develop a FFH evaluation battery (Evam1) for pre-prosthetic unilateral lower-limb amputees (PPULLA). METHOD: A descriptive study of the theoretical construction and validation of a FFH evaluation battery based on a review of international literature for tests that measure amputee physical capability. RESULTS: During the scientific literature review, no batteries designed with this goal were found. We therefore designed a battery that was assembled of five tests for anthropometry, aerobic capacity, strength and flexibility. Combined leg and arm cycloergometrics, isokinetic dynamometry, and flexi test are the most reliable tests for the corresponding assessment of each component. CONCLUSIONS: PPF is of great importance, since the basic physical capabilities are altered due to long immobilization and hospitalization periods, inadequate postures, alteration of basic daily activities, and decrease in participation in sports, recreational, and work activities. This is a fundamental proposal, given that the procedures for FFH assessment of PPULLA have been rarely addressed, thus limiting the information on assessment methods, processes and/or tests established for these procedures