7 research outputs found

    Comparison of rSP03B-ELISA and rSP03B sero-strip with standard SGH-ELISA.

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    <p>Comparison of rSP03B-ELISA and rSP03B sero-strip with standard SGH-ELISA.</p

    Stepwise description of the rSP03B sero-strip principle.

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    <p>To start the test a buffer is deposited on the sample line (NC membrane) (1). Immediately after applying the buffer, the sample is spotted on the same position (2). Both the buffer and the sample will migrate to the upper part of the strip. The anti-rSP03B Abs present in the sample get captured by the rSP03B Ag coated on the test line (3). The strip is then immediately dipped into the migration buffer solution (4). After which the colloidal gold conjugate mixture gets hydrated and starts migrating upwards together with the moving liquid (5). The anti-dog IgG Ab-gold conjugate binds to the dog IgG Abs on the test line. The colloidal gold control conjugate is captured by the GAC Abs present at the control line (6). NC, Nitrocellulose; Abs, Antibodies; Ag, Antigen; GAC, Goat anti-chicken.</p

    Interpretation of the results.

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    <p>The test is only valid if the migration control line is present (A and B). A positive test result is observed when two lines (test and control) are visible on the NC membrane (A). The test is considered negative when only the control line is present (B). When the migration control line is not present, the test is considered invalid and should be redone (C and D). NC, Nitrocellulose.</p

    Intensity of test line relates to amount of target Ab deposited.

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    <p>Dilution series of four highly positive sera samples indicate that the intensity of the purple color at the test line decreases when a lower amount of target Ab is deposited on the strip. The sample appears negative when a dilution of 1/50 is used. A: undiluted sample; B: 1/10 sample dilution; C: 1/20 sample dilution; D: 1/30 sample dilution; E: 1/40 sample dilution; F: 1/50 sample dilution.</p

    Sensitivity and specificity of each serological method (SGH-ELISA, rSP03B-ELISA and the rSP03B sero-strip).

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    <p>Sensitivity and specificity of each serological method (SGH-ELISA, rSP03B-ELISA and the rSP03B sero-strip).</p

    Composition of the rSP03B sero-strip.

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    <p>The rSP03B sero-strip consists of a backing card to which a lower absorbent and an upper absorbent pad are attached. Both of these pads overlap an NC membrane located in the middle of the test. On the NC membrane 3 lines are coated: the sample line, a test line and a control line. The lower absorbent pad is impregnated with a colloidal gold-conjugate (conjugate pad), consisting of a mixture of the conjugates for the test and the control line. NC = nitrocellulose.</p

    MOESM7 of Serological markers to measure recent changes in malaria at population level in Cambodia

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    Additional file 7. Example of a Forest plot created to define the different levels of Clusters according to the PCR prevalence. To analyse Abs that pick up recent changes in malaria transmission, forest plots were created on the cluster prevalence data from survey 2 and 4 per Plasmodium species (mono infections). Each cluster was examined twice, once for survey 2 and once for survey 4. The dots represent the measured PCR prevalence (% proportion) for a certain village. The error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals. The villages are ordered from the village with the lowest to the village with the highest PCR % proportion. Different groups are automatically selected with a R-software [28] package. The group that showed a high overlap between two different levels of prevalence was removed for further analysis