2,708 research outputs found

    Social and spatial integration of the Guélizneighbourhood in the contemporary Marrakesh (Morocco)

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    International audienceNowadays, attention and interest in the development of ‘recent’ patrimonial spaces are rising. We are in a stage in which the statute of these assets is being reorganised, sometimes towards an awareness of the potential heritage value, sometimes not.In this article, we wish to take into consideration the complex regional approach to the spatialisation of the heritage, question which underlines the subjects of the appropriation of spaces by contemporary societies, the links between tourism and heritage, but also the interaction between spatial entities and collective imagination. We will try not to forget that, by its nature, the heritage we observe has direct links with urban policies – both those of heritage management and those of effective (sustainable) urban management – and the will of development. Beginning by picturing Marrakesh under its’ unconscious touristic light, we will progressively discover what the concept of historic urban landscape has given to enlarge the heritage panorama of that city. Using the example of the Guéliz neighbourhood, we aim to analyse the relationship and possible interactions between the specific spatiality of the so called ‘recent heritage’ and the one of the current city. The relationship, not yet fully assumed, between historicity and contemporaneity is the main topic of the existing quarters, which deal with the difference between the spatial order that produced them and the one they currently experience every day


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    International audienceLa ville de Port-Saïd, fondée en 1859, fait partie de la série de villes qui rythment le parcours du canal de Suez et son nom dérive de Saïd Pacha, khédive qui autorisât le percement du canal. Sur la rive asiatique du canal, de l'autre côté par rapport à Port-Saïd, le quartier de Port-Fouad fut fondé plus tard comme zone résidentielle des employés de la Compagnie de gestion du canal et de ses trafics. La "Compagnie universelle du canal maritime de Suez" est créée en 1855 et les travaux de creusement du canal connectant la mer Rouge à la Méditerranée commencent en 1859, sous la direction de Ferdinand de Lesseps

    Patrimonio culturale e Mediterraneo, verso una definizione?

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    National audienceParlando di patrimonio, di siti naturali e culturali da preservare, da salvaguardare, da proteggere, ci si trova spesso di fronte all'idea – senza dubbio preconcetta-dell'esistenza di un mitico ed immutabile " luogo tecnico neutro " che includerebbe l'eredità culturale globale. Questa visione, diffusa con la migliore delle intenzioni, si scontra con una realtà assai più complessa, realtà che ci mette di fronte ad un'evidenza: uno spazio tecnico assoluto, obiettivo, super partes, non esiste né nel governo delle Nazioni né in quello del patrimonio culturale. Si tratta di luoghi inscindibili dal loro riferimento politico. I processi di patrimonializzazione e i sistemi di protezione del patrimonio sono espressione di un corpus sociale (quello che attribuisce un valore culturale ad un oggetto materico, sufficiente ad ultrapassare il suo valore funzionale e renderlo dunque degno d'essere volontariamente conservato e tramandato) e del potere politico in carica nello stesso momento (che assicura la gestione dei beni). Le nozioni di patrimonio culturale e di salvaguardia dell'eredità – indipendenti tra loro ma estremamente interconnesse-prendono vita, nelle loro configurazioni moderne, nell'Europa del XIX secolo e sono impregnate di positivismo che si risente anche nei loro svilupp

    Il web, occasione di una nuova geo-grafia? Possibili interrelazioni tra virtuale e territoriale

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    International audienceIn questa sede ci permettiamo presentare una serie di brevi riflessioni che ci paiono collegate tra loro da una relazione imprescindibile e che si sviluppa, secondo modalità complesse ed a volte apparentemente difformi tra loro, intersecando lo spazio geografico reale - reale in quanto tangibile e materico - e quello dell'informazione legata ai sistemi informatici e quindi virtuale - spazio che comunque, essendo di fatto esistente anche se non tangibile e materico, è reale.Ci pare inoltre che quello che oggi viene propagandato, soprattutto da una stampa generica o semplicisticamente settoriale, come "rivoluzionario" spazio virtuale non sia altro che una mutazione, dovuta al supporto tecnologico, dello spazio comunicativo; mutazione in quello spazio ove si trovano e "viaggiano" - materialmente ma soprattutto immaterialmente - informazioni, sapere, competenze, visioni della realtà, riferimenti mitici, immaginario collettivo, credenze, fondamenta soggettive dei patti sociali. etc. - spazio che inoltre pare tenda a comporsi seguendo e riproponendo una struttura assai prossima a quella del sistema economico e geografico esistente e che quindi, pur introducendo delle assolute novità ed abbattendo i tempi ed i costi ci trasmissione dati, non appare come effettivamente rivoluzionario.Occorre qui segnalare immediatamente ai lettori che la nostra formulazione non deriva da lavori strutturati in corso bensì dal tentativo di mettere in relazione tra loro, e tra alcune delle nostre attività, delle sensazioni che frequentemente percepiamo e che, approfittando di questa occasione, cerchiamo di sistematizzare. Questo testo quindi propone delle letture che sono sostanzialmente delle aperture di interesse, degli spunti che desideriamo portare avanti, delle riflessioni che non sono ancora rigorosamente strutturate e quindi hanno delle basi un poco naif. Ci è sembrata opportuna questa sede - dove l'interazione diretta di tipo seminariale ci permette un'interscambio assai rapido ed un'eco immediata alle nostre ipotesi - per iniziare questo percorso di "lettura" integrata

    I siti patrimoniali. Un’emergenza per gli insediamenti umani

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    International audienceQuesto lavoro intende prendere coscienza e, contemporaneamente, dimostrare conoscenza dei problemi posti dagli insediamenti umani contemporanei e dalle loro prospettive.Questo nella convinzione che sia urgente visto il deterioramento delle condizioni generali di habitat.Tra i vari problemi di habitat questo lavoro intende riflettere specificamente sul problema di conservazione degli insediamenti umani contemporanei e futuri. Ogni insediamento futuro avrà infatti un insediamento precedente cui fare riferimento, spesso fisico, con cui avrà sempre un legame simbolico "affettivo".In questa riflessione si assume che la progettazione/pianificazione degli insediamenti umani abbia come ruolo fondamentale il prendersi in carico le variabili che devono soddisfare le necessità reali, accettando anche di allontanarsi dalle frequenti ed abitudinarie azioni progettuali di risposta che sino ad oggi sono state fornite.L'assunto base di questo lavoro è il seguente: l'insediamento umano come tale è anche luogo patrimoniale. Si esclude, volutamente, ogni lettura del centro storico dato che non si ritiene possibile ne' utile considerare la parte storica rappresentativa dell'intero fenomeno urbano contemporaneo.Gli insediamenti umani cui ci rivolgiamo principalmente, per interessi e competenze, sono siti significativamente abitati. Per significativamente abitati si intendono siti ove si compiono abitualmente attività umane di relazione, non strettamente connessi a residenza, attorno alle quali si svolge un'azione sociale

    Breast implant illness: a step forward in understanding this complex entity and the impact of social media

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    Introduction. The number of implant-related complaints is constantly rising, a phenomenon probably accentuated by the extensive use of social media by patients. Material and method. A group of signs and symptoms considered to be caused by mammary implants is known as “Breast Implant Illness”. This paper analyzes the increased number of posts by patients on social media in which they describe their symptoms, their disappointment with the decision of using breast implants, and the beneficial effects of explantation. The case of a patient with breast implants who visited our clinic is reported here. The patient complained of two palpable masses, located in the left axilla and in the superolateral quadrant of the left breast. The pathophysiological mechanism by which lymphadenopathy occurred after a long period of time remains uncertain. Discussion. A review of the literature was conducted to identify the underlying causes of implant-related complaints, allowing evaluation of the presence of local complications, cancer with large anaplastic cells, and autoimmune diseases. The possibility of a somatization effect has also been considered. Conclusions. Plastic surgeons must remain the best source of information, taking on the role of educating the patient in order to better understand this condition

    EUSDR between Political Approach and Economic Realities

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    The paper deals to the analysis of the new development related to EUSDR in the context of the new EU27 and the geo-political balance in Europe. The analysis covers representative economic indicators of the Danubian countries and specific indicators regarding the transport development’s trend on Danube. The comparative analysis is followed by regression and a cluster approach in order to obtain pertinent conclusions. The whole approach is based on the latest official statistical data, pertinent diagrams and tables. The main conclusion of the paper is that the disparities across EU27 are almost the same to those between Danubian countries and the future seems to be one of more confrontation than cooperation

    Emotional impact in β-thalassaemia major children following cognitive-behavioural family therapy and quality of life of caregiving mothers

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    Cognitive-Behavioural Family Therapy (CBFT) can be an effective psychological approach for children with beta-thalassaemia major, increasing compliance to treatment, lessening the emotional burden of disease, and improving the quality of life of caregivers

    3-d visualization and animation of architectonic elements for prehistoric megalithic temples of the island of Gozo: the temple of Ggantija

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    Laser scanning can now be defined without doubt as the newest frontier in the field of survey technique, and recent technological developments of instruments and processing software have encouraged the introduction of this technique in the world of applications connected to archaeological site and other related disciplines. The temple of Ggantija on the island of Gozo was considered to be representative of the entire series of temple complexes due to their particular architectural characteristics, their stage of evolution and form of deterioration, both material and structural. The survey was conducted by the use of the local geodetic network in the different phases: • Topographic survey • 3D laser scanner survey • Photographic Survey: both traditional and digital pictures will be taken in order to fully documentation internal and external surfaces of the site. The treatment and analysis of data collections was divided into the following sub-stages: elaboration and compensation of close polygonal, thickening polygonal and direct measurements; elaboration and compensation of altimetric network; linking of the above data with the existing Maltese national networks; elaboration of laser scanner positions and absolute orientations; elaboration of points coordinates for georeferencing and linking the point clouds coming from laser; final data verification end quality control; analysis of laser measured point clouds, for filtering and subsequent elaboration; scanning orientations and subdivision into “islands” (internal rooms and external sides); analysis of laser measured point clouds over the grid determined by the topographic survey.; modelling of the Archaeological site, elimination of noises and metric "pollution" by statistics and verification; accentuation and reduction of triangles on areas interested by complex geometries; triangles transformation into complex surfaces (mesh); model checking by topographic points; mapping of digital photocolors covering all the surfaces of the site. The digital model will be cut by vertical and horizontal section plans at heights requested by customer 2D graphic editing of the plans, sections and elevations. Finishing of vertical sections (sections and views) using the mapped model created by rendering calculated, generating contours lines from the 3D model; of a light model (low density model) of the laser scanner data using the filtering tools of the software package; of an virtual animation of the high density model; of a mapped VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) model for a web interactive and hypertestual navigation, using the low density model. This part of the study was aimed at defining the architectural characteristics and mode of construction of this monument

    Modelling EU agriculture’s regional disparities under the national accounting system’s approach. The impact of the new economic and environmental challenges

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    The performance farming is a new bet for the EU in the context of the present’s major climate and economic challenges. This paper aims at defining a model of agricultural competitiveness for the EU and its application for the evaluation of regional agricultural performance, in relation to the global competitiveness index, using the theory of catastrophes. The objectives of the analysis are: to evaluate the current growth theories in agriculture, to conceptualize a new model of agricultural performance improvement (RAP), to test the model and to obtain the relevant working tools after its application. The used methods are: the study of the general models of growth in agriculture; the dynamic analysis of the Eurostat data on agricultural performance and Member States’ data published in the National Accounts System; the conceptualization of the RAP (Regional Agricultural Performance) growth model; the statistical testing of the model, its connectivity with global competitiveness indexes and climate change; the hypotheses’ building in order to eliminate the climate transformations influences according to the catastrophe theorem’s results; and providing a viable and sustainable tool for the national strategy for agriculture’s forecasting changes to the Member States. The novelty element brought by the present proposed model is that of quantification in a broader and special way of the impact of environmental changes on the performing agricultural output in terms of National Accounting System