4 research outputs found

    Technical Design Report - TDR CYGNO-04/INITIUM

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    The aim of this Technical Design Report is to illustrate the technological choices foreseen to be implemented in the construction of the CYGNO-04 demonstrator, motivate them against the experiment physics goals of CYGNO-30 and demonstrate the financial sustainability of the project. CYGNO-04 represents PHASE 1 of the long term CYGNO roadmap, towards the development of large high precision tracking gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for directional Dark Matter searches and solar neutrino spectroscopy. The CYGNO project1 peculiarities reside in the optical readout of the light produced during the amplification of the primary ionization electrons in a stack of triple Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), thanks to the nice scintillation properties of the chosen He:CF4 gas mixture. To this aim, CYGNO is exploiting the fast progress in commercial scientific Active Pixel Sensors (APS) development for highly performing sCMOS cameras, whose high granularity and sensitivity allow to significantly boost tracking, improve particle identification and lower the energy threshold. The X-Y track project obtained from the reconstruction of the sCMOS images is combined with a PMT measurement to obtain a full 3D track reconstruction. In addition, several synergic R&Ds based on the CYGNO experimental approach are under development in the CYGNO collaboration (see Sec 2) to further enhance the light yield by means of electro luminescence after the amplification stage, to improve the tracking performances by exploiting negative ion drift operation within the INITIUM ERC Consolidator Grant, and to boost the sensitivity to O(GeV) Dark Matter masses by employing hydrogen rich target towards the development of PHASE 2 (see Sec. 1.2). While still under optimization and subject to possible significant improvements, the CYGNO experimental approach performances and capabilities demonstrated so far with prototypes allow to foresee the development of an O(30) m3 experiment by 2026 for a cost of O(10) MEUROs. A CYGNO-30 experiment would be able to give a significant contribution to the search and study of Dark Matter with masses below 10 GeV/c2 for both SI and SD coupling. In case of a Dark Matter observation claim by other experiments, the information provided by a directional detector such as CYGNO would be fundamental to positively confirm the galactic origin of the allegedly detected Dark Matter signal. CYGNO-30 could furthermore provide the first directional measurement of solar neutrinos from the pp chain, possibly extending to lower energies the Borexino measurement2. In order to reach this goal, the CYGNO project is proceeding through a staged approach. The PHASE 0 50 L detector (LIME, recently installed underground LNGS) will validate the full performances of the optical readout via APS commercial cameras and PMTs and the Montecarlo simulation of the expected backgrounds. The full CYGNO-04 demonstrator will be realized with all the technological and material choices foreseen for CYGNO-30, to demonstrate the scalability of the experimental approach and the potentialities of the large PHASE 2 detector to reach the expected physics goals. The first PHASE 1 design anticipated a 1 m3 active volume detector with two back-to-back TPCs with a central cathode and 500 mm drift length. Each 1 m2 readout area would have been composed by 9 + 9 readout modules having the LIME PHASE 0 dimensions and layout. Time (end of INITIUM project by March 2025) and current space availability at underground LNGS (only Hall F) forced the rescaling of the PHASE 1 active volume and design to a 0.4 m3, hence CYGNO-04. CYGNO-04 will keep the back-to-back double TPC layout with 500 mm drift length each, but with an 800 x 500 mm2 readout area covered by a 2 + 2 modules based on LIME design. The reduction of the detector volume has no impact on the technological objectives of PHASE 1, since the modular design with central cathode, detector materials and shieldings and auxiliary systems are independent of the total volume. The physics reach (which is a byproduct of PHASE 1 and NOT an explicit goal) will be only very partially reduced (less than a factor 2 overall) since a smaller detector volume implies also a reduced background from internal materials radioactivity. In addition, the cost reduction of CYGNO-04 of about 1⁄3 with respect to CYGNO-1 illustrated in the CDR effectively makes the overall project more financially sustainable (see CBS in the last section). In summary this document will explain: the physical motivation of the CYGNO project and the technical motivations of the downscale of the PHASE 1 to CYGNO-04, 400 liters of active volume, with respect to the demonstrator presented in the CDR; the results of R&D and the Montecarlo expectations for PHASE 0; the technical choices, procedures and the executive drawings of CYGNO-04 in the Hall F of the LNGS; safety evaluations and the interference/request to the LNGS services; Project management, WBS/WBC, WP, GANTT, ec

    Abitare gli anni Ottanta: consumi, pubblicitĂ , immaginari.

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    Il contributo analizza i cambiamenti socioculturali che caratterizzano gli anni Ottanta, con particolare riferimento agli stili di vita e ai consumi, agli immaginari, ai generi narrativi della televisione e alla pubblicità. Di seguito si riportano i paragrafi che strutturano il contributo. 1. Gli anni Ottanta come scenario, tra consumi e stili di vita 2. Gli anni Ottanta come immaginario, tra sogni e incubi 3. La casa e gli oggetti: una nuova espressività 4. L’abitare griffato e il ritorno al Mulino 5. L’abitare edonistico e il fenomeno Nove settimane e mezzo 6. La nostalgia, la regressione e la riedizione: natura, casa, famigli

    The “Toon gaze”. Representation of gender stereotypes in children’s animation tv series

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    In this paper we chose to focus on the analysis of gender representation in preschool cartoons available in Italy on the Netflix database. In the current hybrid media system (Chadwik 2013), media representations define an increasingly central field of study and research from the point of view of consumption (Cherney, Dempsey 2010). This becomes even more important when we turn to the analysis of the offer targeted at minors (Leaper at al. 2002; Coyne at al. 2014), which, in addition to an entertainment function, can fulfil an educational one (Forge, Phemister 1987) and could advance a mediated construction of reality (Gerding, Signorielli 2013; Hunting et al. 2018). Preschool animation series, proposing a reality that is often oversimplified because it is intended to be immediately accessible, often use cross-stereotyped representations (Walsh, Leaper 2020). What seems to be achieved would not simply be a more or less recurring frame, but a specific gaze, a toon gaze, explicitly referring to a type of male gaze (Mulvey 1975; Devereaux 1990; Mulvey 2005; Sassatelli 2011; Oliver 2017) under which representations are still processed, even in children’s products. Based on these considerations, the male gaze was considered as an interpretative category with the aim of understanding whether any recurrent modes of representation could be considered the result of a preserved male centrality and dominance (Bourdieu 1998). In this perspective, our contribution, an evolution of a preliminary investigation (Ciofalo, et al. 2021), examines the results of a quantitative-qualitative research based on the analysis of the characters of the first season of six animated series fully available on the Netflix Italy database: Pocoyo (2005 – present), PJ Masks (2018 – present), Octonauts (2010–2012), 44 Gatti (2018–2021), RoboCar Poli (2011 – present), Ricky Zoom (2019 – present). The chosen series are characterized by a form of choral protagonism and selected on the basis of both popularity and representation, focusing on humans, animals and machines. The characters and the narrative units underwent a content analysis as an inquiry through a survey. The analysis was conducted on 156 episodes in which the aesthetic and ethical-behavioral traits of the four main characters were analyzed for each individual episode. The data were analyzed by comparing the traditional characteristics of the stereotyped genres with those of the characters in the animated series, focusing the attention on those figures whose features might ease forms of identification and emulation by young viewers. The emerged data highlight three main trends: on the aesthetic level, stereotyped representations seem to persist resulting; on the ethical-behavioral level, female characters, especially protagonists and antagonists, frequently assume characteristics that may refer to those traditionally associated with masculinity, meanwhile male characters, especially protagonists and antagonists, rarely approach the categorical sphere of the feminine; lastly, a codified binarism in gender representation is still maintained, which leaves no gap for other forms of identity representation

    The walking corsi test (WalCT): A normative study of topographical working memory in a sample of 4-to 11-Year-Olds

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    We report normative data on topographical working memory collected through the Walking Corsi Test (WalCT; Piccardi et al., 2008 ) for developing a standard administration procedure to be used in clinical and educational practice. A total of 268 typically developing Italian children aged 4-11 years performed both WalCT and Corsi Block-Tapping Test (CBT; Corsi, 1972 ) a well-known visuo-spatial memory test. WalCT has already been validated in adults, demonstrating sensitivity in detecting topographical memory deficits even in individuals who have no other memory impairments. Our results showed that age, but not sex, affected performances. Both girls and boys had a larger span on the CBT than the WalCT. The youngest group did not differ in performing WalCT and CBT, but from 5.6 years of age children performed better on CBT than WalCT, suggesting that memory in reaching space develops before topographical memory. Only after 5 years of age do children learn to process specifically topographical stimuli, suggesting that this happens when their environmental knowledge becomes operational and they increase environmental independence. We also discuss the importance to introduce WalCT in the clinical assessment.We report normative data on topographical working memory collected through the Walking Corsi Test (WalCT; Piccardi et al., 2008 ) for developing a standard administration procedure to be used in clinical and educational practice. A total of 268 typically developing Italian children aged 4-11 years performed both WalCT and Corsi Block-Tapping Test (CBT; Corsi, 1972 ) a well-known visuo-spatial memory test. WalCT has already been validated in adults, demonstrating sensitivity in detecting topographical memory deficits even in individuals who have no other memory impairments. Our results showed that age, but not sex, affected performances. Both girls and boys had a larger span on the CBT than the WalCT. The youngest group did not differ in performing WalCT and CBT, but from 5.6 years of age children performed better on CBT than WalCT, suggesting that memory in reaching space develops before topographical memory. Only after 5 years of age do children learn to process specifically topograp