1,302 research outputs found

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    Herausforderung Alleinerziehend : eine qualitative textbasierte Inhaltsanalyse zu Bedürfnissen und Schwerpunktthemen von alleinerziehenden Elternteilen

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    Darstellung des Themas: Im deutschsprachigen Gebiet besteht ein mangelndes Unterstützungsangebot für alleinerziehende Eltern im ersten Jahr nach der Geburt ihres Kindes. Über die Bedürfnisse von Betroffenen wurden bisher keine Studien durchgeführt, weshalb es nicht möglich ist, konkrete Massnahmen oder Hilfestellungen abzuleiten. Ziel und Fragestellung: Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Bedürfnisse und Themenfelder alleinerziehender Eltern im ersten Jahr nach der Geburt des Neugeborenen zu erfassen und aufzuzeigen. Mit der Bedarfserhebung werden die Grundlagen für ein Mapping geschaffen, welches bestehende Versorgungsangebote abbilden soll, ebenso wie bestehende Versorgungslücken. Methode: Nach einer nicht erfolgreichen Suche in gesundheitsrelevanten Datenbanken wurde eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Forumsbeiträgen gemacht. Durch die Codierung der Beiträge konnten Kernthemen herausgearbeitet und festgehalten werden. Relevante Ergebnisse: Viele Betroffene sind nach einer Trennung überfordert mit organisatorischen und finanziellen Angelegenheiten. Sorgen bezüglich dem Kindeswohl im Umgang mit dem anderen Elternteil kommen dazu. Häufig ist keine Unterstützungsmöglichkeit durch Freunde oder Familie gegeben. Auch Überforderung und Erschöpfung werden häufig thematisiert. Schlussfolgerung: Fachpersonen, welche Alleinerziehende betreuen, sollten über Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung und deren Rechte und Pflichten informiert sein. Es ist wichtig, die gesamte Situation der betroffenen Person zu kennen und Ressourcen gezielt zu nutzen und zu fördern

    GOMX-4 - The Twin European Mission for IOD Purposes

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    The next generation of nanosatellites in GomSpace has been developed after the success of GOMX-3 in aircraft traffic monitoring and L-band communications. GOMX-4 is the demonstration mission of this new 6U platform including two satellites; GOMX-4A and GOMX-4B, which are mainly intended to test constellation capabilities for orbital control and inter-satellite communications together with additional innovative technologies. GOMX-4B is funded by ESA for In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) purposes demonstrating the 5 payloads on-board: the 6U propulsion module from NanoSpace; the innovative Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) from GomSpace; the Chimera board developed by ESA; the HyperScout Hyperspectral Camera from Cosine and the Star Tracker from ISIS. GOMX-4A is a satellite to monitor Greenland and the artic region by capturing ADS-B, AIS and images for the Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO). The numerous in-orbit experiments and various payloads included in the GOMX-4 mission show the high performance and flexibility of the GomSpace 6U platform, flying its advanced EPS and its AOCS for the first time. The two satellites were launched on the 2nd of February 2018 on a LM-2D. The in-orbit results presented here show the extensive capabilities of these innovative nanosatellites, and opens the path for scaling to larger platforms and advanced constellations with compact communication and optical payloads

    “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees”: Using a Data-Driven Review Process to Add New Resources With No Budget Increases

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    At Drake University’s Cowles Library, increasing budgetary pressures, combined with improvements in gathering and analyzing usage data, compelled the library in 2014 to reassess its collection development philosophy and approach. This new philosophy—that the value of a resource is directly related to its usage—necessitated a more systematic and analytical process. The library has developed an annual review process that uses data-driven decision making for canceling and acquiring electronic resource subscriptions. The steps in this process are as follows: • Reviewing cost-per-use data • Generating candidate deselection lists (“watchlists”) • Soliciting faculty feedback via a library liaison process • Communicating and marketing • Canceling low-use items • Identifying and acquiring new resources on a yearly cycle With a more deliberate process, the library was able to save $175,169 over a three-year period. Combined with reallocated book acquisition funds, these savings allowed for the coverage of inflationary costs and the acquisition of new electronic resources requested by faculty for unmet curricular needs. This process, including both the challenges and the timeline, will be covered in this paper

    A Greedy Algorithm for the Social Golfer and the Oberwolfach Problem

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    Inspired by the increasing popularity of Swiss-system tournaments in sports, we study the problem of predetermining the number of rounds that can be guaranteed in a Swiss-system tournament. Matches of these tournaments are usually determined in a myopic round-based way dependent on the results of previous rounds. Together with the hard constraint that no two players meet more than once during the tournament, at some point it might become infeasible to schedule a next round. For tournaments with nn players and match sizes of k2k\geq2 players, we prove that we can always guarantee nk(k1)\lfloor \frac{n}{k(k-1)} \rfloor rounds. We show that this bound is tight. This provides a simple polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm for the social golfer problem. We extend the results to the Oberwolfach problem. We show that a simple greedy approach guarantees at least n+46\lfloor \frac{n+4}{6} \rfloor rounds for the Oberwolfach problem. This yields a polynomial time 13+ϵ\frac{1}{3+\epsilon}-approximation algorithm for any fixed ϵ>0\epsilon>0 for the Oberwolfach problem. Assuming that El-Zahar's conjecture is true, we improve the bound on the number of rounds to be essentially tight.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Continuity, uniqueness and long-term behavior of Nash flows over time

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    We consider a dynamic model of traffic that has received a lot of attention in the past few years. Users control infinitesimal flow particles aiming to travel from a source to destination as quickly as possible. Flow patterns vary over time, and congestion effects are modeled via queues, which form whenever the inflow into a link exceeds its capacity. Despite lots of interest, some very basic questions remain open in this model. We resolve a number of them: • We show uniqueness of journey times in equilibria. • We show continuity of equilibria: small perturbations to the instance or to the traffic situation at some moment cannot lead to wildly different equilibrium evolutions. • We demonstrate that, assuming constant inflow into the network at the source, equilibria always settle down into a “steady state” in which the behavior extends forever in a linear fashion. One of our main conceptual contributions is to show that the answer to the first two questions, on uniqueness and continuity, are intimately connected to the third. Our result also shows very clearly that resolving uniqueness and continuity, despite initial appearances, cannot be resolved by analytic techniques, but are related to very combinatorial aspects of the model. To resolve the third question, we substantially extend the approach of [CCO21], who show a steady-state result in the regime where the input flow rate is smaller than the network capacity