3 research outputs found


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    Kearifan lokal terdiri dari berbagai macam tradisi dan budaya yang ada didalamnya. Lahirnya sebuah tradisi menjadi salah satu ciri khas yang di bentuk oleh masyarakat dalam suatu daerah. Tradisi juga dilahirkan sebagai wujud nilai lokal yang akan di turunkan secara turun temurun kepada generasi selanjutnya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi eksistensi tradisi berladang yang berbasis kearifan lokal, terutama pada tradisi pisau kuai dan ngirec padei di Desa Mancung, Bangka Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Small is Beautiful milik E.F. Schumacher yang menggagas bahwa masyarakat lokal bisa maju dengan memanfaatkan hal kecil salah satunya nilai lokal yang dimiliki oleh suatu masyarakat. Ada satu konsep besar dalam teori ini yaitu Ekosialisme, dimana dalam ekososialisme terdapat enam komponen diantaranya: ekololasisme/kelestarian, kesederhanaan, keuntungan, kerukunan, kebebasan, dan pertanggungjawaban. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang sumber data primernya dari wawancara tidak terstruktur dengan informan. Jumlah infoman dalam penelitian ini adalah 18 orang terdiri dari masyarakat yang masih melaksanakan tradisi pisau kuai dan ngirec padei, tokoh adat, kepala desa, tokoh agama, dan PPL di Kecamatan. Temuan utama penelitian ini yaitu menjelaskan mengenai sejarah munculnya tradisi pisau kuai dan ngirec padei, penggunaan tradisi pisau kuai dan ngirec padei. Selain itu juga ditemukan faktor yang mendorong masih bertahannya tradisi pisau kuai dan ngirec padei yaitu: sebagai motivasi masyarakat dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, masih tingginya kepercayaan masyarakat, pengetahuan masyarakat tentang tradisi, dan sebagai orientasi meningkatnya ekonomi masyarakat

    The Manifestation of Critical Education in Bangka Belitung Nature School, Pangkalpinang City

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    In industry 4.0, the education has been developing significantly. The current developing and mainstream education uses a standard-based national curriculum framework. However, nowadays it has established the new style of education as an alternative education in maintaining the balance with the existed mainstream education. Bangka Belitung Nature School is one of them which is located in Pangkalpinang City. The study aims to identify the educational learning systems in Bangka Belitung Nature School.Qualitative descriptive method was employed by analyzing the critical educational theory of Paulo Freire. The study found that the educational learning systems of Bangka Belitung Nature School were one of the alternative education which was different with the mainstream one.  The educational patterns of Bangka Belitung Nature School applied the posed-problem method whereby it used the student-centered learning. Thus, the pupils in the Bangka Belitung Nature School were expected to be creative, innovative and critical in facing the social phenomena. &nbsp

    Peran Modal Sosial Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Potensi Alam Sebagai Strategi Bertahan Hidup di Dusung Limang, Kecamatan Kelapa, Kabupaten Bangka Barat

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    This research focuses on one remote area or often referred to as hamlet. Limang Hamlet is one of the focuses of this research. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques using pusposive sampling. The results of the research found in the field Social capital has become an important role in people's lives, especially rural communities. Therefore the community of Limang hamlet built the structure of the community's economy through recording and managing natural potential as a survival strategy in Limang Hamlet, Kelapa District, West Bangka Regency. This condition is supported by utilizing existing social capital in the Limang Hamlet community aimed at improving economic conditions to become more prosperous. The use of social capital carried out by the community of Limang Hamlet is done by bonding, bridging and linking. Social capital which is the reference for analyzing this research uses the theory of Woolcock. These three types of social capital are applied by the people of Limang Hamlet in developing their economy. The expansion of networks both internally and externally has been carried out effectively. Movements made made the people of Limang Hamlet known in many circles. Of course, with the use of natural potential owned by the community, helping people become more developed and productive