1,462 research outputs found

    Cloud cover sensor

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    An apparatus is described which provides a numerical indication of the cloudiness at a particular time of a day. The apparatus includes a frame holding several light sensors such as photovoltaic cells, with a direct sensor mounted to directly face the Sun and indirect sensors mounted to face different portions of the sky not containing the Sun. A light shield shields the direct sensor from most of the sky except a small portion containing the Sun, and also shields each of the indirect sensors from direct sunlight. The relative values of the outputs from the direct and indirect sensors, enables the generation of a numerical indication of the degree of cloudiness at a particular time of day

    Water-absorbing capacitor system for measuring relative humidity

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    A method and apparatus using a known water-absorbent polymer as a capacitor which is operated at a dc voltage for measuring relative humidity is presented. When formed as a layer between porous electrically-conductive electrodes and operated in an RC oscillator circuit, the oscillator frequency varies inversely with the partial pressure of the moisture to be measured. In a preferred embodiment, the capacitor is formed from Nafion and is operated at a low dc voltage with a resistor as an RC circuit in an RC oscillator. At the low voltage, the leakage current is proper for oscillation over a satisfactory range. The frequency of oscillation varies in an essentially linear fashion with relative humidity which is represented by the moisture being absorbed into the Nafion. The oscillation frequency is detected by a frequency detector

    Passive intrusion detection system

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    An intrusion detection system is described in which crystal oscillators are used to provide a frequency which varies as a function of fluctuations of a particular environmental property of the atmosphere, e.g., humidity, in the protected volume. The system is based on the discovery that the frequency of an oscillator whose crystal is humidity sensitive, varies at a frequency or rate which is within a known frequency band, due to the entry of an intruder into the protected volume. The variable frequency is converted into a voltage which is then filtered by a filtering arrangement which permits only voltage variations at frequencies within the known frequency band to activate an alarm, while inhibiting the alarm activation when the voltage frequency is below or above the known frequency band

    Small digital recording head has parallel bit channels, minimizes cross talk

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    A small digital recording head consists of closely spaced parallel wires, imbedded in a ferrite block to concentrate the magnetic flux. Parallel-recorded information bits are converted into serial bits on moving magnetic tape and cross talk is suppressed

    Fresnel cup reflector directs maximum energy from light source

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    To minimize shielding and overheating, a composite Fresnel cup reflector design directs the maximum energy from a light source. It consists of a uniformly ellipsoidal end surface and an extension comprising a series of confocal ellipsoidal and concentric spherical surfaces

    Driving lamps by induction

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    An electrodeless lamp circuit with a coil surrounding a krypton lamp is driven by an RF input source. A coil surrounding a mercury lamp is tapped across the connection of the input central to the krypton-lamp coil. Each coil is connected in parallel with separate capacitors which form resonant circuits at the input frequency

    Wind sensor

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    An apparatus is described for sensing the temperature, velocity, and direction of the wind, including four temperature-dependent crystal oscillators spaced about an axis, a heater centered on the axis, and a screen through which the wind blows to pass over the crystals. In one method of operation, the frequency of the oscillators is taken when the heater is not energized, to obtain the temperature of the wind, and the frequencies of the oscillators are taken after the heater is energized to determine the direction and velocity of the wind. When the heater is energized, the wind causes the downwind crystals to achieve a higher temperature than the upwind crystals, and with the magnitude of the difference indicating the velocity of the wind

    Pyrheliometric comparisons at the JPL Table Mountain Facility

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    Calibration and comparative measurements of pyrheliometric instruments using natural sunligh

    Quartz crystal microbalance use in biological studies

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    Design, development, and applications of quartz crystal microbalance are discussed. Two types of crystals are used. One serves as reference and other senses changes in mass. Specific application to study of bacterial spores is described

    Spiral configuration of electrodes and dielectric material for sensing an environmental property

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    A reliable moisture-indicating capactive sensor is provided with wire electrodes at least one of which includes a coating of moisture-absorbing dielectric material by spirally twisting the wire electrodes about each other, thereby establishing a pair of electrodes in contact with opposite surfaces of a layer of dielectric material, and assuring consistent contact of each electrode with the dielectric material despite changes in environmental conditions
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