90 research outputs found

    A Conscious Event and Its Neural Correlate

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    A conscious event,as for instance a sensation,as for instance a twinge of pain,appears in sense perception as a burst of neural impulses and hence is precisely that which so appears. Fundamentally,it is merely one of the indefinitely many things of indefinitely many different types which appear. It differs in that it has a special epistemological status,on account of which it gives rise to the infamous problem of consciousness. When a conscious event occurs,it is not the case that two events,a very peculiar one,the conscious event,and an ordinary physical one,the burst of neural impulses,its neural correlate,occur. Rather,just one event occurs,a natural event which appears in sense perception as a burst of neural impulses. But this is the key to the solution of the problem of consciousness.philosophymetaphysicsconsciousnessmindbrai

    Strawson`s Argument against the Cartesian Thesis : An Interpretation

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    Locke on Personal Identity

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    Further Arguments against Incongruity Theory

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    Fragment sofa Dialog on Death

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    "Contrary to widespread belief, even if death is the end it entails no loss for the one who dies, and contrary to all-but-universal belief, though there is of course such a thing as point of view, there is no such thing as subjectivity. The objective picture of one's own death, or anyone else's, is the true picture. "philosophymetaphysicsmortalityconsciousnesssubjectivit

    A Noumenal Analysis of Consciousness

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    Preliminary Thoughts on the Problem of Mortality

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    "By ""the problem of mortality,"" I mean human concern about the fact of mortality: the fact that every human being dies within a limited time from birth. This concern generates a host of interesting philosophical questions, many of them very difficult. Below, I consider a few of these questions in a preliminary, unsystematic, and to a considerable extent speculative way. It is possible that contradictions lurk among my answers. If so, they represent a task for a later time-if there is one!"philosophymetaphysicsmortalitydeathsurviva

    Aristotle on the Principle of Contradiction : Book Gamma of the Metaphysics

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