1 research outputs found

    Soluci贸n TI para apoyar el aprendizaje matem谩tico a nivel preescolar de la escuela Kurt Moller Bocherens de Paso Rari

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    94 p.Es importante apoyar la educaci贸n de los ni帽os de zonas rurales con herramientas que permitan su formaci贸n asincr贸nica con el fin de reforzar sus conocimientos y apoyar a los padres en la ense帽anza dentro del hogar. Este es el caso del curso de prek铆nder/k铆nder de la Escuela Kurt Moller Bocherens de Paso Rari, para esto se propuso la implementaci贸n de una soluci贸n apoyada en las TI mediante el estudio de las necesidades y brechas existentes en los apoderados, ni帽os, docente. Se desarroll贸 un software a medida en base a contenidos vistos en los niveles de aprendizaje pertinentes que permitiera ser usado con y sin conexi贸n a internet, presentando ejercicios interactivos del estilo "listening", "drag and drop", "tiral铆neas", "selecci贸n m煤ltiple" y "writing". En el proyecto se encontr贸 una aceptaci贸n importante de la aplicaci贸n desarrollada, como tambi茅n una clara y com煤n problem谩tica en los apoderados, la falta de una conexi贸n estable a internet, dejando de lado cualquier otro tipo de brecha educativa o econ贸mica. Estos resultados implican la adaptaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n desarrollada para sistemas Android, ya que estos son los que cumplen con la funci贸n de suplir aquella falta de conexi贸n y conocimientos tecnol贸gicos, simplificando el uso de dispositivos, en lo que respecta a la aceptaci贸n tiene una gran importancia ya que afirma que la aplicaci贸n es estable como tambi茅n que cumple sus funcionalidades principales y secundarias. Se espera que este proyecto en un futuro pueda ser adaptado a m谩s de un nivel, como tambi茅n expandirse a otros centros educativos. Adem谩s de servir de inspiraci贸n para la creaci贸n de una herramienta m谩s completa para la educaci贸n rural a nivel pa铆s. // ABSTRACT: It is important to support the education of children in rural areas with tools that allow their asynchronous training in order to reinforce their knowledge and support parents in teaching at home. This is the case of the pre-kindergarten/kindergarten class of the Kurt Moller Bocherens School in Paso Rari, for which the implementation of an IT-supported solution was proposed through the study of the needs and existing gaps of parents, children and teachers. Tailor-made software was developed based on contents seen in the relevant learning levels that could be used with and without internet connection, presenting interactive exercises such as "listening", "drag and drop", "line drawing", "multiple choice" and "writing". The project found an important acceptance of the developed application, as well as a clear and common problem in the parents, the lack of a stable internet connection, leaving aside any other type of educational or economic gap. These results imply the adaptation of the application developed for Android systems, since these are the ones that fulfill the function of making up for that lack of connection and technological knowledge, simplifying the use of devices, with regard to the acceptance has a great importance since it states that the application is stable as well as that it fulfills its main and secondary functionalities. It is hoped that this project can be adapted to more than one level in the future, as well as expanded to other educational centers. In addition to serving as inspiration for the creation of a more complete tool for rural education at the national level