6 research outputs found

    Uticaj dugogodišnjeg izostavljanja hraniva na komponente prinosa i prinos ozime pšenice

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    In a long-term field experiment carried out at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad examined the effect of eight fertilization treatments with different quantities and ratios of N, P2O5 i K2O on the yield components and yield of winter wheat cultivar NS Ilina. Long-term omission of certain nutrients has significantly affected all yield components and grain yield. At all analyzed traits, the highest values were obtained at fertilizing with all three nutrients and at least on variants with single application of only phosphorus or potassium, as well as on a double variant without use of nitrogen. The largest influence on all analyzed traits had nitrogen fertilization.Na dugotrajnom poljskom ogledu izvedenom na Institutu za Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, ispitivan je efekat osam varijanti đubrenja različitim količinama i odnosima N, P2O5 i K2O na komponente prinosa i prinos ozime sorte pšenice NS Ilina. Dugogodišnje izostavljanje pojedinih hraniva pri đubrenju značajno se odrazilo na komponente prinosa i prinos zrna. Kod svih analiziranih svojstava najveće vrednosti dobijane su pri đubrenju sa sva tri hraniva, a najmanje na varijantama sa pojedinačnom primenom fosfora ili kalijuma (P100 i K100), kao i na dvojnoj varijanti bez primene azota (P100K100). Najveći uticaj na sve analizirane osobine imalo je đubrenje azotom

    Hemijski sastav zrna i slame pšenice gajene pri različitim količinama NPK hraniva

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    The high yield and quality of wheat, besides genetics, owes to the cultivation technology, and within it a significant place is occupied by fertilization. The aim of this paper was to determine the chemical composition of grains and straw of wheat grown in different amounts of NPK nutrients on a long-term field experiment. Six fertilization treatments were selected: (i) unfertilized control variant, (ii) N100P50K50, (iii) N100P100K50, (iv) N100P100K100, (v) N100P150K50, (vi) N100P150K150. Based on the obtained results, significant influence of individual varieties of fertilization was determined on the content of the studied macroelements (N, C, P, K, Ca and Mg) in grains and straw.Visok prinos i kvalitet pšenica, osim genetike, duguje i tehnologiji gajenja, a u okviru nje značajno mesto zauzima đubrenje. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi hemijski sastav zrna i slame pšenice gajene pri različitim količinama NPK hraniva na dugoročnom poljskom eksperimentu. Odabrano je šest tretmana đubrenja: (i) kontrola (neđubrena varijanta), (ii) N100P50K50, (iii) N100P100K50, (iv) N100P100K100, (v) N100P150K50, (vi) N100P150K150. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, utvrđen je različit uticaj pojedinih varijanti đubrenja na sadržaj ispitivanih makroelemenata (N, C, P, K, Ca, Mg) u zrnu i slami

    Sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativni kapacitet ekstrakata listova paradajza zaraženih plamenjačom

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    Late bligth is one of the main causes of the tomato yeild losses. In this paper, the biochemical response of tomato variety Plovdivski kasni in leaves infected with Phytopththora infestans was analyzed. It was found that there is a correlation between the degree of disease severity and the content of total polyphenols and flavonoids in the leaves. The different content of phenolic compounds also affected the antioxidant capacity of leaf extracts. By increasing the degree of infection, the content of the soluble polyphenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity of the leaves decreased.Plamenjača je jedan od glavnih uzroka smanjenja prinosa paradajza što može dovesti do velikih ekonomskih gubitaka. U ovom radu je ispitan biohemijski odgovor listova paradajza sorte ‘Plovdivski kasni’ na infekciju prouzrokovačem plamenjače Phytopththora infestans. Utvrđeno je da postoji korelacija između stepena zaraženosti biljke i sadržaja ukupnih polifenola i flavonoida u listovima. Različit sadržaj fenolnih jedinjenja je uticao i na antioksidativni kapacitet ekstrakata listova. Povećanjem stepena infekcije sadržaj rastvorljivih polifenolnih jedinjenja i antioksidativni kapacitet listova se smanjivao

    Dynamics of dry matter synthesis during corn development

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    Case Study upon Foliar Application of Biofertilizers Affecting Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activity in Soil and Yield Related Properties of Maize and Wheat Grains

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    This study evaluated the effects of the application of microbial inoculants (N-fixing Klebsiella planticola and Enterobacter spp.), two rates of composite mineral fertilizers, and their combination on microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dehydrogenase (DHA), and proteinase activity (PTA) in Lessivated Cambisol and yield-related properties of maize and wheat grains in a two-year trial. Unfertilized soil was used as a control variant. MBC was measured using the chloroform fumigation-extraction method, DHA was determined spectrophotometrically by measuring the intensity of the formed red-colored triphenyl formazan, while PTA was determined using a titration method by measuring the degree of gelatine decomposition. In grain samples, P was determined spectrophotometrically, K—by flame emission photometry, N—on an elemental carbon/nitrogen/sulfur (CNS) analyzer, and crude proteins—by calculation of N content. Measuring both crops’ yield was carried out at the end of the vegetation. The results indicated that mineral fertilizers are not, in general, negative for soil microbiota when used in the context of sustainable agriculture without monoculture. There is a significant increase in the values of soil MBC, DHA, and PTA in the variants with combined application of bacterial inoculants and lower rates of mineral fertilizers. The highest values of these parameters were determined in the period with a better distribution of precipitation during the vegetation period of the year. The mentioned combination also resulted in a higher grain yield of maize and wheat comparing to the application of lower rates of the NPK nutrients solely. The combined application of high rates of mineral fertilizers and bacterial inoculants resulted in significantly increased N, P, K, and protein content in the grains of crops, and the same applied to yield. Concluding, studied bacterial inoculants can be used to specify the replacement of nitrogen fertilizers, stimulating the microbial biomass and enzyme activity in the soil, helping to ensure that the supply of nutrients contributing to an optimized yield of crops is maintained

    Comprehensive meta-QTL analysis for dissecting the genetic architecture of stripe rust resistance in bread wheat

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    Abstract Background Yellow or stripe rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) is an important disease of wheat that threatens wheat production. Since developing resistant cultivars offers a viable solution for disease management, it is essential to understand the genetic basis of stripe rust resistance. In recent years, meta-QTL analysis of identified QTLs has gained popularity as a way to dissect the genetic architecture underpinning quantitative traits, including disease resistance. Results Systematic meta-QTL analysis involving 505 QTLs from 101 linkage-based interval mapping studies was conducted for stripe rust resistance in wheat. For this purpose, publicly available high-quality genetic maps were used to create a consensus linkage map involving 138,574 markers. This map was used to project the QTLs and conduct meta-QTL analysis. A total of 67 important meta-QTLs (MQTLs) were identified which were refined to 29 high-confidence MQTLs. The confidence interval (CI) of MQTLs ranged from 0 to 11.68 cM with a mean of 1.97 cM. The mean physical CI of MQTLs was 24.01 Mb, ranging from 0.0749 to 216.23 Mb per MQTL. As many as 44 MQTLs colocalized with marker–trait associations or SNP peaks associated with stripe rust resistance in wheat. Some MQTLs also included the following major genes- Yr5, Yr7, Yr16, Yr26, Yr30, Yr43, Yr44, Yr64, YrCH52, and YrH52. Candidate gene mining in high-confidence MQTLs identified 1,562 gene models. Examining these gene models for differential expressions yielded 123 differentially expressed genes, including the 59 most promising CGs. We also studied how these genes were expressed in wheat tissues at different phases of development. Conclusion The most promising MQTLs identified in this study may facilitate marker-assisted breeding for stripe rust resistance in wheat. Information on markers flanking the MQTLs can be utilized in genomic selection models to increase the prediction accuracy for stripe rust resistance. The candidate genes identified can also be utilized for enhancing the wheat resistance against stripe rust after in vivo confirmation/validation using one or more of the following methods: gene cloning, reverse genetic methods, and omics approaches